
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 21, 2016


Indoor pollution (cigarette smoke & drugs) continue in Building E of the South 67 Condos, so it appears Charles has not sent out that notice yet.  Even if it gets sent out, it's no guarantee that it's going to stop it, but it shows that there was at least an attempt to get something done about it.  It's still 75° when I closed the windows in my unit the morning, so it's going to be another HOT day filled with health problems from indoor pollution & heat stroke (there will be a photo of the temps being added to this post later on).

I sent Charles an email last night stating that I would provide Randy with some air sanitizer if he would use it in E22 & not smoke in there himself (considering he's been known to do this in his own unit also).  I don't expect I'm going to get a response from Charles on that email seeing as it seems that most of my emails just get ignored (if her were reading them, he wouldn't have been asking me what spice was since I've mentioned this a number of times in other emails I've sent him).  My best bet would be to follow-up with a call as well to make sure at least somebody is taking note of it rather than it being flat out ignored...  It might seem odd that I would be willing to "help" Randy out at all after he harassed me over the phone a few months ago, although I'm not doing this to help him, but it might just help him sell that unit (keep reading).  Spraying air sanitizer in that unit I think would make a big difference in what's going through the vents & hallways since it would clean a lot of that out of the air, but it's not going to completely get rid of it considering probably everything in that unit is likely saturated in smoke & drugs from the time that Julie lived there; this would be a plus not only for the people that are living here, but also for Randy since I don't think he's going to sell that unit with it smelling like that.

Health problems from indoor smoking/drug use today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Runny Nose
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  Spoke to Charles about using the air sanitizer in E22 this morning, he thought it was a good idea & said he was going to call Randy "right now".  Of course I haven't heard from him for a while, so either Randy didn't answer Charles' call, Randy didn't agree to it or this was a "shove-off" tactics used by Charles.  Charles did make it sound like he thought it was a good idea however, even thanked me for offering it, but it's only going to go as far as people are willing to allow it to go...

I decided to spray air sanitizer in all rooms in my unit; it helped for a little while, but unfortunately I started smelling the pollution again around a half-hour later.  This gives an idea of just how bad the pollution is around here; going to cross my fingers that Charles gets that notice out & it actually has some effect on the problem...

UPDATE:  Got back from helping my mother move some furniture, getting my groceries & going out to eat (my mother took me out for buffet at Godfather's Pizza as payment for helping her with moving the furniture, luckily that furniture wasn't all that heavy for me & was completed pretty quickly), decided to try turning the cooler back on when I noticed it was already 78° in my unit (I took a photo of this, however it won't be uploaded until later since I want to see if the peak gets over that before I add it to this post).  I immediately started smelling the pollution coming through the vents again, however the intensity of the heat was more severe than the intensity of the pollution at this point; I decided to try & tolerate the pollution to get my indoor temps out of the heat stroke range, an attempt I know I'm going to regret later on...

Charles still hasn't gotten back to me on the suggestion of using air sanitizer in E22 yet (not even a call from him on my caller ID), I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't even attempted to contact Randy on it yet.  Personally I think this would be smart for Randy to accept it considering it would make the unit smell a whole later better & increase his chances of selling it; whether the lack of communication is on his side or Charles' side is information I currently don't have...

I also told my mother while I was out with her that I was coughing so hard that I was getting small seizures out of it, she said that it was possible to cough until you passed out.  I'd be lying saying I didn't know that already because it's happened to me before, however I didn't know it was common for it to happen & figured I was just one of those weird ones with extreme sensitivity to it.  I'm not going to say my sensitivity to the pollution isn't on the extreme level, but I'm a little relieved to find out that my passing out from the pollution isn't as unusual as I originally thought it to be (although that doesn't really make the situation any better)...

UPDATE:  Ended up turning the cooler back off within about 20 minutes of turning it back on, all I accomplished as a 2° temp drop in my unit with a penalty of a whole lot more pollution in my unit & the illnesses that come with it...  Charles better get that notice out by the end of the week, otherwise I might try contacting Fox 13 on the issue again...

UPDATE:  Decided it was time to go to bed ill again, although I literally got no sleep last night (due to the extreme heat & non-stop hacking on the pollution), so perhaps this would also be considered as my going to "sleep", if not for the fact that it's the illness from the pollution forcing me to go to bed rather than the any actual tiredness.  Since I've been awake around 21 hours straight already, I don't expect the heat is going to keep me awake, however the coughing could definitely keep me awake if I can't at least cover up the pollution enough to be able to stop coughing on it (via air purifier & scented candles).  The candles however pose a fire hazard, especially when I'm leaving them burning while I'm sleeping & the fact that Charles still hasn't dropped of the smoke detector he said he was going to drop off two months ago doesn't help; it will likely go unnoticed if a fire does break out until smoke detectors start going off in other units...


Originally posted to Facebook 10/1/2015

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