
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 23, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos, looks like the worst of it is currently coming from E26 (possibly spice or might just be a cover-up for indoor smoking; I'm smelling cigarette smoke also, so the latter is possible).  I have other things to take care of at the moment, but will probably be sending Charles a text when I get done with it.

At this point I'm looking to move out; this has been the case for several months, but yesterday I was finally able to speak to my father (and landlord) about it.  The discussion originally started out as a request for the permissions slip to be able to speak at the HOA meetings after they refused me that right without one on Nov. 10th, 2015; originally my parents had told me that I should attend these meetings seeing as I was the one that lived here, however my father had a concern about the permission slip idea thinking that anything I might do while under his authorization to speak at them could reflect badly on his business because he believes it would classify me as a partner (in all honesty, he's probably right to assume I would say something in the meetings that would be frowned on due to calls he has received from Charles in the past & I have no tolerance for this problem anymore, which is why it was ultimately decided we need to find another place to live; whether the permission slip would classify me as a "partner" or just allow me to speak at the meetings as a tenant is something I told him he needs to ask Charles because I'm not really sure).

I discussed the offer Charles made me before about selling us a place without charging a commission (an offer I expect was made to try & please the people that keep complaining about my being here, not that I really care what they think since their judgments on me are based on false assumptions, twisted information & vicious rumors), I stated that I wouldn't be the one purchasing a place to move to, that would have to be done through my father; at that point it became a matter of getting my father to call Charles & I had to find the time to discuss that with him (since my mother apparently never gave him that information when I spoke to her about it probably over a month ago).  He called Charles today after I spoke to him about it & at this point it seems we are just waiting for Charles to get back to him to give him a list of properties.  What my father is asking for is really going to limit possibilities, so I don't know that Charles will have anything that we are looking for...

My father also told me to get back on the Section 8 (low income) housing list if I wasn't still on it; I'll probably be going down to the SLC Housing Authority in the next couple days to do that.  Of course if I were waiting for that to go through before I moved, I probably wouldn't be moving for over 7 years & would probably be dead from the indoor pollution before my name came up, so I'm going to hope my father can find a place that I can move to under his ownership, then we'll worry about the Section 8 later.

I'm going to be clear on one thing here, I am NOT moving because of what people think of me in the building, nor do the complaints against me play a factor in that decision either.  I am moving because of the inconsiderate people living here that are not concerned with how their indoor smoking & drug use effects those around them (and Charles is already aware of this, so this will probably be taken into account against those responsible after I move).  The discrimination I have received from people in the building also plays a part (particularly from the husband in E23 & the father in E28, who started this within a week of moving in; I would expect due to the rumors being spread around & their inability to find out if there was any truth to those rumors before making a judgment call).  I am moving because of how people have chosen to discriminate against me based on many forms of false information & the health hazard they have allowed this building to become.

For the few friends I did have in the building, the few that actually did attempt to get to know me before things started spiraling out of control, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to at least have some meaningful relationships in the building & giving me hope that this witch-hunt was not as widespread as Charles lead me to believe; it was perhaps the only thing that kept me from actually going insane (one of many prejudice remarks directed at those with mental disabilities used in complaints against me when people said they wanted me out) & causing a disturbance that probably would have drove everybody off from the building.  For now I am going to keep those names to myself, but I'll give formal statements to those individuals the day I leave.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ear
  • Sore Throat
  • Vomiting
UPDATE:  And now (about 1:57 AM) I'm smelling the smell of drugs again, which I expect is coming from E12, but that hasn't actually be verified yet.  An update will be posted later if the smell is verified to be coming from there.

UPDATE:  The smell of drugs confirmed to be coming from E22, however considering nobody is currently living there, that means that the smell is actually coming from E12 & effecting E22 as well as my unit (and possibly others).  I've already sent an email to Charles about the drugs in E12 & indoor smoking in E26 (both tonight & yesterday during the day), so he'll have it documented that it's still happening.

Originally posted on Facebook 11/19/2015

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