Indoor smoking/drug use continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos. I've been dealing with the same spice/incense smell from E26 for several hours, only decided to make a log on it after I started getting an excess of health problems from it. Before I finished writing this log, I started smelling cigarette smoke again.
I also sent an email to Charles about where this situation is headed & that I'm about ready to end this situation through any means necessary since I don't really care to deal with this problem anymore, which I don't think Charles is going to respond well to, but in reality I probably won't get a response at all.
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
- Trouble Breathing
UPDATE: The photo indicates the temp in my unit at about 8 AM this morning due to not being able to use my heater (central air) because of the indoor pollution coming from other units (which is why my gas is turned off knowing that I wouldn't be able to use it).
UPDATE: The spice/incense smell from E26 has gotten particularly bad, which is not surprising since the pollution has always been the worst on Sundays. Chest pains, trouble breathing & nausea has increased 10-fold.
UPDATE: Just got a call from Charles with a rather heated discussion regarding what I'm posting online. He had a lot of comments to say that could easily be considered a rant; I recorded the conversation in case it's needed in the future, but consider he disclosed some private information with me (wouldn't be the first time), I'm not going to share that voice log online (that might change if I end up taking the extreme in finishing this matter myself).
Another lawsuit threat from E26 in response to the information about him that I was posting online. That information has been hidden from the public for the time being, but it won't stay that way if any legal action is taken against my fight for clean air in this building. Charles also wants me to clean up the logging on the South 67 Condos Facebook page, but if that happens, I'll be moving the logs elsewhere on the internet; even if removed from the South 67 Condos Facebook page, they will be moved & continued elsewhere on the internet. I don't intend on stopping the logging, however moving them elsewhere just to get these bastards off of my back might be an option. The review will NOT be removed as well as my Facebook banner will NOT be removed.
I requested Charles to speak to E26 to see if he could get that indoor pollution to at least be toned down a bit. It happens literally every day, as you can see from the logs on the South 67 Condos Facebook page. I'm not going to attempt to talk to somebody who obviously doesn't care that it effects the people around them this much to go to this length to get it stopped & would rather continue or even make the matter worse in response to those actions.
I still stand by what I say, any legal action taken against me or my father will result in my ending the matter in my own way where I no longer have to deal with it; however the effects of that action will effect the rest of the people in the building afterwards, if not immediately when I go through with it. The method I originally intended on using would have only effected me in that action, however I have since chosen a different method that is likely to effect other people in the building in the same way it will effect me (if it travels from my unit to others, an ironic twist given this is where the problem started). Charles knows what I intend on doing, he just doesn't have the details of how I'm going to do it; he tried to talk me out of it tonight, but my mind is set if any legal action is taken against me or my father before I'm able to move out, it will happen & those left behind in this building including the management will have to deal with the aftereffects.
UPDATE: Smelling indoor cigarettes again; I'm pretty certain it's coming from E26, but a big part of Charles' argument is that he claims trying to verify the problem for an accurate complaint (smelling doors) is a problem, so he'll just need to deal with inaccurate complaints if he has a problem with the step that is needed to verify where it's coming from.
Originally posted on Facebook 12/13/2015
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