Indoor smoking/drug use continues to be a problem today in Building E of the South 67 Condos; looks like today we start with the drifting drug odors coming from in E26. I'll attempt to get Charles' attention later today (provided he don't have the rest of the week off because of Thanksgiving), but for now I intend to get some sleep since I just finished my washing & have been awake for probably 17 hours straight already.
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Hoarse Voice
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
UPDATE: Decided to take the "noise pollution in response to secondhand pollution" route again tonight since Charles didn't say anything about contacting the police on E26 when he texted back. I don't know that it's really made that big of a change, but it subsided off & on, but never really stopped. I'm shutting it off for now, but I'll turn it back on if it gets particularly bad again.
UPDATE: Indoor drug use started picking up again about 5:32 PM, however at this point I haven't verified where it's coming from yet; possibly E12, however I think I was smelling food from that door, not drugs. Once the source is verified, an update will be posted on it & likely an increase in volume in response to it.
UPDATE: It's getting to the point that I think I'm about to go back to bed ill again... The plus side today is that for most of the day we did get a bit of a break, however it was no surprise it didn't last for a full 24 hours (maybe 12, but I was asleep for part of that time, so I can't be certain). At this point no drugs have been verified to be coming from E12, however there is still the possibility since I think the smell of food coming from the front door was probably masking it (it wasn't coming from E26 last time I checked). I expect I won't be getting more than a few hours of sleep in (if I even get to sleep), so there will likely be another update tonight before this log ends for they day.
UPDATE: Started smelling cigarettes about 8 PM when I got up, I expect it's coming from E26 giving there is a light cover-up smell coming through their front door (couldn't detect anything coming from the front doors of other usual culprits either). It's not 9 yet, so I might start with the noise pollution again to get their attention.
UPDATE: Given this is the 3rd time I've had to put that note back up again today, I decided to start spreading it around. It's also been put up on one of the other exits as well. One thing I noticed was that the upstairs, rear entrance was propped open, which means the father in E28 is causing us a security issue since it let's people completely bypass the security panel on the front door. I'm going to be speaking with Charles about this; I don't appreciate this guy causing security issues in the building...
UPDATE: I think trying to inform Charles of these problems via text is turning into a pointless effort... He does respond to the texts, but all he says is "ok" & I'm beginning to think he has that an auto-response when sent from my phone number. I'm probably going to have to start going through other organizations to get his attention, because whether it's sent via call, email or text doesn't seem to be making much of a difference.
UPDATE: Started smelling the cigarette smoke again in my home office about 9:10 PM; given the amount of cover-up smelling coming from the front door of E26, I certain that's where it's coming from (that's where it normally comes from anyways & they've been caught in the act before also). Due to the time, I don't think I'm going to want to use the "noise pollution" to fight the secondhand pollution, but I can probably find another way to deal with it. For now I'm just going to log the issue & attempt to deal with the smell using my air purifier & scented candles, however given the indoor smoking/drug problem has been a problem today (all coming from E26), I won't be using my headphones & the use of the air purifier is going to cause in increase in volume regardless considering I need to be able to hear what I'm doing over it. I'll start searching on the web again to find somebody to get involved in this situation & hopefully get some results.
UPDATE: Those bastards in E26 are really pushing the indoor pollution problem to the limit tonight; I probably should have called the paramedics on my chest pains an hour ago. Why haven't I? Let's just say I see death as a way out of this & if it kills me off, then it's a problem I won't have to deal with anymore... I'll be sure to have a talk with Chares about this on Monday; in the mean time, all hell is going to break loose this weekend.

Originally posted on Facebook 11/27/2015
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