Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Irritated Eyes
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
- Trouble Breathing
UPDATE: Once again, the pollution in E26 only escalated again. I've already posted 3 new articles to my review on the condos today & I intend on continuing to do it as long as the pollution is strong enough to put the toxicity level into an area where it's going to cause health problems. Until that bastard gets it through his head that these articles that are getting posted are only going to add more fuel against him, that fire is going to continue burning & growing bigger until somebody decides to use that information against him. Going to hope Charles calls him soon, otherwise I might have to start taking matter into my own hands again.
UPDATE: I've texted Charles a number of times today (3 so far), in the last one I told him he should call the police if that moron isn't going to answer his calls. We've attempted this a number of times already, however it seems the Murray police is lazy & would rather not do their job (at least this is what Charles implies & I have to agree with it from a personal perspective, however I'm going to admit that's putting it lightly). Supposedly Charles has a contact for the Murray Chief of Police, but I don't know how effective it's been since I haven't seen the police out here for months (at least not on this issue) & that fucker in E26 has been doing it every day since 11/6/2015.
At this point I've had to put my respirator back on since it seems this human filth isn't giving a shit what anybody says. If I were to put that information back up about him stating his name & address, I bet it would get his attention, but then he'd be pissing & moaning about a lawsuit again. At this point I'm not concerned whether he sues me or not, I won't bow down to his idiocy, nor will I take the relayed threat from Charles either. I will keep it up even after he files the papers, seeing as I won't be living anymore when I get notice that the lawsuit has been filed. He's then going to regret his actions since not only with that information be public, but additional information will be public in the form of putting the blame on him for causing loss of life in response to his actions. This will very likely be getting on the news as well, especially with the method I intend on using if it goes that far.
UPDATE: I ended up getting forced to bed ill again at about 9:40 AM from the pollution coming from E26, stayed in bed from that illness clear until about 4:50 PM, so most of my day has been wasted because of that fucker! I'm done messing with this situation, I am going to write that article about his inconsiderate nature with his indoor pollution & if it gets this bad again, I'm going to publish it regardless of his threats of a lawsuit. Once it is published, I will write another article in preparation for the lawsuit putting the blame on him for pushing a person with mental disabilities to suicide (which would be accurate; I've been considering this for probably over a year now to get out of this daily health hazard situation since I really can't see any other alternative to get out than being homeless & I'd rather be dead than homeless) & spreading it around the web before that happens (the story was written for news stations a few months ago, it just hasn't been sent yet, so I'll only have to make minor changes before I send it to them).
I've been using my life as a bargaining chip for a while now, feeling my life has no value when I've been debilitated by this daily pollution for over 2 years while living at the South 67 Condos. I am fully prepared to do this & use it to my advantage even after it's been done. People might call me crazy at this point, they would probably be right considering I've been pushed this far. I attempted to be friendly with everybody in the beginning, but when you are pushed so far & under constant stress (and illness in this case), it's easy to lose ones rational thinking. I am ready to leave this world & death may be the escape I need to get away from the daily sickness caused by every day indoor pollution. After it's all said & done with, if I have any choice in the matter, my spirit will stay around & haunt these condos since I will have unfinished business even after death & I will make the lives of those causing the indoor pollution a living hell until this building is finally free of those pollutants & non-smokers can finally breath easy. After this hits the news, I expect the HOA may decide they need to do something about it, so I might not have to haunt the building for as long as I might think I'll need to, but they haven't done anything about it up until now, so we'll just see what happens...if I have any choice in moving on after it's all said & done with.
Originally posted on Facebook 1/19/2016
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