E26 in Building E of the South 67 Condos has threatened a lawsuit against me (using the detail of mentioning his last name in my log regarding indoor pollution on this page, which should be hidden now) when he spoke to Charles after I made a complaint against him today about the drifting pollution (whatever it is) coming from his unit being particularly bad over the last few days. He gave some details to Charles about the "shock factor" I used which was rather gory pictures behind the documents detailing information regarding mortality rate caused by tobacco smoke, however he conveniently left out the detail about the actual document & just stated I was putting up extremely graphic pictures in the hallways. The fact of the matter was those pictures were behind the documents & only would have been seen by the person taking them down, so he just admitted that HE was the person taking them down.
Originally I requested for Charles to set up a meeting between E26, himself & me so we could discuss a possible resolution to this problem that would be at least somewhat acceptable between the two of us, but he felt that E26 would not agree to that. So seems the only option at this point is I need to stand down on fighting for my rights as a non-smoker & individual with severe respiratory issues (mainly caused by this problem) & let E26 continue doing what he's doing with no retaliation.
At this time I have made an agreement with Charles that I could clean up posts regarding this issue & stop putting things in the common areas in the building, but I will continue filing complaints against the pollution provided Charles holds up his part to step in on the problem; this discussion was recorded, so I can go back to it if needed. The review will stay, that's not going to be removed because it's still accurate & doesn't mention units/names of people currently living in the building. My profile banner will stay until either I move out or the situation has stopped for a week straight, which will also be my queue that I can turn my gas back on & start using my central air again (currently I'm dealing with 60° temps in my unit with only a space heater for heat; it's only going to get colder the further we get into winter). The posts regarding it will be set to private, but not entirely deleted; this will be so it will be easy to restore them if he does go through with the lawsuit (I have backups as well, so I can easily move them to my personal site if needed). The only thing visible to the public after that will be this final post, the review & my Facebook banner provided things are at least tolerable around here until I move out.
One thing E26 needs to realize, he won't get any money out of me in the case of a lawsuit, because currently I have no money to give him. I have been unemployed since April 16th, 2015 & have not had a lot of luck finding any new jobs; the jobs I did find was around the time I got hit with a cold, but the indoor pollution has not allowed me to get over the cold & has continued for 2 months already, so I can't apply for new jobs while I'm coughing my head off. If he does file the lawsuit, he's going to trigger something that is going to rock this community beyond anything he could have possibly imagined & it might be the material that the media needs to push proper protection for non-smokers in the senate.
This isn't over, I will find other means to deal with it, but for now I need to clean up what people in this building know about, stop putting things up in the common areas & lay low until I can finally move out of here. There will still be complaints being filed to Charles if the problem does not get resolved. I will still continue getting the police involved as needed on what can be verified & what happens right in front of my face (such as physical threats or assault attempts). And I will continue spreading the word of the situation to those outside of the building through word of mouth. If the situation is bad enough, I will also continue getting other organizations involved regarding the problem. For now however, what people know about in the building will disappear (with the exception of the few things previously mentioned).
Originally posted on Facebook 11/30/2015
A lot of people may believe I have stopped logging these problems because they currently can't see them on the South 67 Condos Facebook page, I am going to make this clear that is not the case. The previous logs before the lawsuit threat were not removed, they were only hidden. Furthermore additional logs continue to be made every single day that the problem continues. You might ask why would I continue making those logs if nobody could see them? Let's just say I expect I'm going to be using them again in the future; the only exception to that would be if the problem gets resolved before I'm able to move out of this hellhole (I still intend on moving regardless of whether the problem is resolved or not; I don't wish to continue living on a complex with a bunch of prejudice assholes, I'm just stuck in that situation until we find a place to move to...or until their pollution kills me). While the logs on Facebook currently are not visible, they have been made public elsewhere on the web. I have also re-publicized the 97 logs regarding Julie in E22 before she was evicted (previously hidden after she was evicted) in response to the legal threat from E26. Only my friends currently know where they are public on the web; for the rest of the scumbags in this building, they can go find them on their own.
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