
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 23, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos & as is nearly always the case, it's coming from E26 again.  Charles got back to me on the text I sent him about E26 doing this about midnight (approximately 2 hours after I sent it).  At this point it seems that Charles calling the asshole in E26 doesn't seem to do any good because the moron won't answer his calls, so looks like Charles & I are going to take a different approach to the matter.  I'll get some other organizations involved & get the word out on the toxicity problem in these condos on a number of sites, perhaps something "serious" will be done about the problem then.

I spoke to my father about the possible lawsuit against E26 when I move out to recover damages done to our unit from the pollution coming from that unit.  My father doesn't think there will be that many repairs needed & he apparently doesn't believe me that the problem is as bad as I have been trying to get him to believe, but there is the possibility that he'll see the actual extent of it after I move out, then he'll go after the owner of E26 for recovery of damages through the courts.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Asthma Attack
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
  • Vomiting
  • Wheezing
UPDATE:  Today I woke up about 1:15 PM from a phone call to some EXTREME pollution in my bedroom; I wasn't able to stop coughing until after 2 PM.  Today's level of pollution lead to an actual asthma attack, along with some of the more severe problems from the pollution that don't happen very often such as trouble breathing, wheezing & vomiting.  The inhaler unfortunately didn't help much & I nearly had the paramedics on the line (I still might by the end of the day & that's going to cut me out of a family holiday event if it lands me in the hospital).  I was also considering putting that information back up about the guy in E26 that keeps making him throw legal threats at me; was going to contact Charles about it & let Charles know I was going to put it back up if he couldn't get him to knock it off, no legal threat was going to make me take it down this time & to go ahead & sue me since I'm ready to take my final action in the matter.  However I couldn't verify it as coming from E26 when I went to check, so I can't put the blame on him unless I can.  In any case I think I'm going to be contacting Charles, let him know I had a severe asthma attack that nearly had the paramedics here.  Regardless of where that pollution started, it nearly put me in the hospital today; or worse yet, the morgue.

UPDATE:  Contacted Charles about the asthma attack, nearly calling the paramedics & almost getting hospitalized; as expected he took the consideration of making the personal information about the owner of E26 public again (which was an outcry for help in getting the problem resolved; even if it's not E26 that caused the severe asthma attack this time, I've literally wanted to beat his face in the last few days because of the constant pollution, but that's not something I would go through with unless he threw the first punch & I had to defend myself) as a threat against him again.  There's a reason why the slightest thing sets off Charles (South 67 Condos Building Manager), but that's information I'm not going to make public yet (I might given time if he keeps taking everything I say as a threat against him, especially if I take my final action in this problem).  Charles & I did eventually talk it out over texting, however it went a direction it really didn't need to go because it was meant to be preventative in the first place, not a threat as Charles took it.

As I've stated before, I have devices I have purchased specifically for self-defense & this is specifically because I don't trust most people in the building anymore based on what Charles has told me about their complaints about me.  I expect one day the "angry mob" living here is going to attempt to attack me & this is specifically why I have those means of self-defense.  I have no intentions in using them in an attack on others, but I will not hesitate in using them if somebody invades my unit or attempts to attack me.

UPDATE:  Indoor temps in my unit reached a peak low of 62° (see second comment below) due to being unable to use my heater via central air due to indoor pollution; this is also the reason why I've had my gas shut off since September, know that I wouldn't be able to use my central air (heater or cooler) without sucking that pollution into my unit from others that are causing the problem.  This run of pollution has been happening every day since 12/6/2015.

Originally posted on Facebook 1/14/2016

This is a copy of the text argument between me & Charles today after sending him the email about the severe asthma attack today. As for the email it's referring to, I won't be disclosing that for the time being seeing as it mentions the name of the owner of E26:

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