
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 23, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  Currently the incense smell is coming from E26, which means probably a cover-up to whatever started the coughing fit I had several minutes ago in my home office (doesn't smell like incense in my unit, but it's not that strong yet, so it might take some times before it gets bad enough to be suffocating in my own unit).

The plus side is that it hasn't been too bad since I got back around 9:15 PM last night (still smells like e-cigarettes/hookah, however), however it does appear to be getting stronger now...  I did notice a rather large box in front of E26's door before I left for a few hours, so with any luck, he's attempting to clean up the air a bit before it transfers to other units (I ordered a more powerful air purifier myself to try & make the remaining of my existence here more tolerable, unfortunately it won't be here until after Christmas since it was backordered).

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ear
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  Well so much for hoping that idiot in E26 was going to even attempt to be considerate to the people around him for a change, whatever he's doing in there has reached the toxic level of pollution again.  It's like he's trying to get me to make the information I found online about him 2 days ago public.

UPDATE:  Started smelling cigarette smoke in my home office again at 1:30 AM; as expected, I started smelling incense coming from E26 again only 2 minutes afterwards.  At this point I think I'm going to push this a little further & make it a point that at this point I am sharing the information I found online about the guy in E26 to my Facebook friends.  If he knocks it off, I'll remove it.  If he continues to make the matter worse, I'll share it publicly.  If he decides to try & throw a lawsuit my way...well he might be getting rid of me, but not in the manner he'd be thinking & the lawsuit won't even get to the courts anyways; he's going to get one HELL of a reputation out of, the news WILL be covering the story & others in the building might feel the effects of what comes in response to the lawsuit.

UPDATE:  This is going to be the end of this problem here.  I no longer care if somebody tries to sue me in response to my actions, I am fully prepared to take my final action in response to any legal action (including an illegal foreclosure) that comes my way & I guarantee that nobody will be ready for the consequences of that final action; not the people living here, not the Building Management, not my parents & not the police & it will definitely be aired on the news when it's all said & done with.  I'm no longer allowing people to walk all over me & I'm prepared for any retaliation to my fight for clean air.  I am ready to end this & any legal action taken to stop my fight for clean air will put an end to my misery of the daily illness from the pollution coming from those living here; anything up until this point will be NOTHING compared to what will come after that for the people involved in pushing me beyond the breaking point to where I'm now comparing my mentality to that of an ISIS terrorist (perhaps 60% there; 0% being a calm, level-headed, rational-thinking person).  If it gets to that point & I take my final action against this gross injustice, the management will regret not getting this issue resolved when they had the chance & the weight of that final action finally hits everybody involved.

Originally posted on Facebook 12/12/2015

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