I stopped doing rough estimates of how long the accumulated indoor pollution was happening for "payback" noise pollution yesterday because even while the "payback" was happening, E26 continues to poor on the pollution through the vents. Now when there's pollution between 9 PM & 9 PM, it will being going the entire day (if I'm awake) starting at 10 AM until 9 PM. Until E26 realizes that my actions are in response to his actions, there isn't going to be any peace around here & we're going to continue having this constant conflict where Charles is being contacted about the problem nearly daily (not that it does a lot of good other than those complaints being documented & being held against his record living here, seeing as he doesn't answer calls from Charles when he attempts to get him to knock it off) until I'm finally able to move out of this hellhole or it kills me (which is something I've discussed with my parents before if it does kill me; I requested my mother to have an autopsy done on my body after my death & to file murder charges against those responsible if it's found that the pollution was the cause of my death).
I'm having to use my respirator pretty regularly now; considering not taking it off when I go out to get my mail anymore, I'll just walk out there with it on & let people make rumors about it like nearly everybody in the building already does (this is why most people in the building have some kind of beef against me in one way or another, because of rumors being spread & nearly everybody treating me like a demon within a week of moving in; at least Charles keeps suggesting that everybody is building is filing complaints about me, however I do have a few friends in the building, so I don't know how far I believe what he's saying about it, especially when he never follows through on what he says he's going to do...calling this moron in E26 nearly every time I text him is one of those exceptions). Of course I'll explain the situation to people who have not shown hostility/discrimination against me or I know are friends when they see it on me in the hallway, but the people I know who have me on their shitlist (and vice versa if you consider I have no intentions in treating people well that treat me like shit), I'll probably just tell them to fuck off, walk past them without saying anything or give them the finger & keep walking.
One thing I'm going to point out with the people here, I don't trust hardly any of them anymore because of how they have acted towards me... I felt I needed to get something to defend myself in case somebody attempted to break into my unit for whatever reason (destruction of property or physical harm to myself are two things that are constantly on my mind). Around Thanksgiving, I was looking into getting a handgun for home defense, but ultimately it was decided that I wouldn't be able to get one with my mental history. My mother suggested a stungun; while my father wasn't exactly on board with this suggestion (something I didn't know about until I had already ordered it), I got one around Christmas just in case it was needed. There have been other cases in the past where it might have come in handy, like when I got held hostage in my own unit shortly after moving in & when Julie's boyfriend (Lloyd Wesley Ririe) actually attempted to break into my unit (I think the only thing that stopped him was he could hear me calling the police on the other side of the door). The stungun is meant only for home invasion self-defense & likely won't ever leave my unit, however I have taken it out a few times to show it to my parents since my mother was considering getting one herself & wanted to know more details about it (beside what I already told her while I was researching them, before it was ordered). The fact that I feel I need any form of device or self-defense mechanism living here should give an idea of the hostility from the residents living here & why people will NOT want to be moving here if they want to avoid that kind of stress & harassment being a resident here. In the time I have lived here, I've had a metal softball bat, mace/pepper spray (dried up unfortunately, got two from my mother & both were bad), security cameras & now a stungun all for the purpose of home/self-defense.
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Hoarse Voice
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
Right now I'm trying to find some organizations I can report the problem to that will hopefully label these condos as a health hazard & force the management into doing something about it. I've also been searching for sites that allow reviews on condos that I can add to the other two reviews I already have up on these condos, but so far the only site I've found had a broken plugin for that feature. Another thing I've been searching for are positive reviews on the condos, so I can contact those sites & tell them to update them if I see information that is inaccurate (such as being environmentally safe or a unbiased community. There are a number of other organizations I intend on contacting also, but right now I'm targeting public image of the condos.
I've pretty well had to use my respirator for most of the day today; obviously can't leave it all day since I can't eat, drink, take a shower, sleep or so on in it, but for the most part it's been on all day...
UPDATE: Indoor temps in my unit reached a peak low of 61° F today (see first comment below) due to being unable to use my cooler via central air because of the secondhand pollution coming from E26; this is also the reason why I've had my gas shut off since September 2015 because I knew I wouldn't be able to use the heater with this moron causing this daily problem. This run of secondhand pollution has been happening every day since 12/6/2015; the run of logs on the South 67 Condos Facebook will indicate just how long a run of pollution has been happening daily since they would be hidden if we could get even 24 hours of no pollution (something E26 either seems incapable of doing or just doesn't give a shit either way).

Originally posted on Facebook 1/13/2016
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