
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 24, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues again today in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  So far it seems the majority of the pollution (expected drug use) is coming from E22, but I don't know that anybody is living there yet, so I have to expect it's getting suck through the vents from another unit via central air (something I've been attempting to keep shut off for probably close to a year & a half already because of that reason).  Either that or perhaps the window is open in there & that pollution is coming through the window from somebody doing it outside.  In any case a sale of that unit fell through once already because of the smell in there when the people came to look at it, so it's not going to be sold any time soon while the person causing the problem keeps doing it.  This is aside from the health problems they're causing everybody else on this side of the building (especially those with respiratory issues, like myself; although in my case the respiratory issues were more caused by indoor pollution over a period of perhaps 12 years in every shared-residential building I lived in & these problems are probably permanent now).  This run of the pollution problem has been running every day since 12/6/2015, the majority of it coming from E26, so I expect that's where it's coming from today, also.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ear
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  Indoor pollution has been going pretty well all night & all day.  With the smell as strong as it is in the public hallway, which would be the other side of the wall of E26’s dining area, I think it goes without saying where it’s coming from.  I’ve been considering texting Charles to tell the bastard to knock it off, but I think rather than doing that, I’ll let it continue & use my respirator to deal with it until my company gets here, then I’ll be able to get written statements of that pollution to give Charles (wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done this).  3 of those people live here & one works here (if he shows; he was invited, but I didn’t really get an answer whether he was coming or not when I invited him), so they could technically tell Charles themselves about what they smelled in my unit.

UPDATE:  I ended up having to text Charles regardless about that asshole's drug use...  I chose not to for all night & today thinking I could get some witnesses as to how bad it was that I could take their statements to Charles on it, but realized that they probably wouldn't smell it anyways with cooking 2 different kinds of fish for my guests.  It still might be possible in my home office if I close the door, however I needed to get a hold of building management because if I didn't, I probably would have been too ill to even host the dinner (probably already am, but I'm going to attempt it now that I've gotten in contact with Building Management about it).  I'll definately be pointing out to my guests that I nearly canceled it because of his pollution & making sure they know who is at fault, but I'm pretty sure at least 2 of them already know about it (one I've mentioned it to them before & the other is on my Facebook friends list, where I was originally doing the logging of these problems).

UPDATE:  Ended up having to turn on the central air fan to blow out some smoke from the fish I was cooking for the meal, I thought it was very possible that my guest might be able to smell that pollution since it would literally be getting sucked into my unit while it was running.  They didn't say anything about it, but it was a topic we discussed for a while since it's probably the main reason why I'm trying to move now (although even if this problem was resolved, I would still need to move due to the hostility from others in the building).  I did as I said, I pointed out who was currently at fault, however one of them was very quiet throughout the meal (almost seemed like she didn't want to be there).  This meal was almost canceled due to the illness that lead up until I texted Building Management to call E26 to get him to knock it off.

3 people came to the late Christmas party I've been trying to hold for a month, all people who live in the building; salmon, parmesan encrusted tilapia, chips, drinks, donuts & after dinner mints (this is just what was eaten, other things were offered), plus one couple brought cookies they had cooked & my other neighbor brought sparkling cider.  I think I overwhelmed them with so much food; everybody left full, in fact I have a lot of leftovers.  The main dish was the salmon, which everybody had some; one decided to try the tilapia.  Some fun discussions & laughs, although no time playing games like last year (I guess that's not surprising given the time of day).  This is the kind of thing that people who are friendly to me can be involved in, however those who choose to simply believe rumors & make assumptions without getting to know somebody...

UPDATE:  My unit reached a peak low of 64° F today due to being unable to use my heater via central air because of the pollution from other units.  This is also why I have had my gas shut off since September of 2015, knowing that I wouldn't be able to use my cooler while the indoor pollution continued to be a problem.  Nobody complained about the cold while there were hear during the dinner, however that might just be because it heated up significantly from cooking two types of fish at the same time.

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