Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Seizures (minor)
- Sore Throat
Another thing to mention, I think the people in E26 & E28 probably saw the post I made about texting Charles about this problem a few days ago, which resulted in him contacting the Murray Police Chief to make sure the police were doing their job in responding to the complaint. The smell from those units have gone down quite a bit; it can still be detected at their doors on occasions, but at least it's rarely strong enough to continue being a problem in my unit. I say rarely because it does still happen, however I've had more of a problem with what was coming from E12 for the last few days, so for the most part I was ignoring what was coming from E26/E28 since what was coming from E12 was a bigger problem.
Another thing I might mention is that the mini-seizures I'm having in response to the heavy coughing on the pollution, I'm not entirely sure that's what they are... They might be mini-strokes for all I know, however I don't really know what a stroke feels like; all I knew was the felling was similar to the first mini-seizures I had which I'm certain was a seizure. Mild is perhaps more accurate than mini since it was the strongest one I had to date, but still mild enough (as far as I know from blacking out when it happened) that I don't really believe it was fully blown. This one was not caused by indoor pollution like all the rest of them while living here, it happened due to a sudden drop in Tegretol level when I stopped taking the pills to see if it was the cause of my Acid Reflux (it was, but I'm still having trouble convincing my mother of that). In any case, the reason for thinking it might be a stroke might be the condition that's causing it; heavy coughing is going to cause a spike in pressure in blood flow & also there's a lack of oxygen factor in that (which my mother has told me that people can pass out from coughing). It feels like tingling all over my body, extreme dizziness, loss of muscle movement, a severe pain in my head while feeling very heavy & hard to keep up & I near black out (might be blacking out for all I know, only seems like a spilt second to me, but I suppose it might be hard to gauge time while you're unconscious if it was a full blackout). I expect there's a higher probability of a stoke from coughing than their is from a seizures. And to make matters worse, I just had my 3rd one today; at least this one didn't hit me as hard as the last 2... >.<
UPDATE: And a 4th one at 9:27 AM, slightly stronger than the last one, but not as strong as the first 2 today. I really need to figure out what these are; I might end up having to go to the hospital on them. This forth one ended up lasting a while & I started getting blurry vision from it, probably took 2 or more minutes to finally end. If I can't stop coughing, I'm expecting to have more of them today & I might even end up in a coma...
UPDATE: Currently it looks like the pollution is coming from E22 rather than E12. Sounds like there's people working in there, so I'm not going to say much about what's coming from that unit, however I am going to have to do something in my unit to try & tolerate what's entering my unit...
UPDATE: Seems I may have spoken too soon on this, I started smelling the smell that normally comes from the end of the hallway (towards E26 & E28). I did smell the smell somewhat from E28, however I didn't think it was strong enough to be certain it was reaching my unit. I then started checking towards the front of the building; notice there was a similar smell coming from E22. So the smell that is currently affecting my unit might be coming from E22. However it appears that E12 may have also started up with the indoor drugs again, so it seems we have a multi-unit problem currently... I'm intending on calling Charles to ask what his lawyers said about that email I sent him regarding those with respiratory issues being classified as a protected class, might bring that up with him again.
UPDATE: Ended up having to go get groceries, so I didn't get a chance to get a hold of Charles to ask him about his discussion with his lawyers about the email I sent him last week; I'm going to hold off one more day on filing the housing discrimination complaint against the HOA to see if I can get a hold of him tomorrow when I'm not planning on going anywhere. Might see if I can get my case manager to come over tomorrow or Wednesday so I can prove to him the issue with that video I uploaded to YouTube recorded on Saturday & show him that it really is a problem (seems he doesn't really believe me on the issue either).
Right now I have my windows open trying to air out the pollution in my unit that's coming from other units; unfortunately it ended up hitting me in the face when I came back from getting groceries showing me it's a lot worse than you would think where you're constantly in it. Seeing as it's currently only 40° F out there, I'm pretty well taking the risk of freezing myself just to get some clean air (which is not a good thing when you have a cold, something I've been fighting for probably 6 weeks now since the inconsiderate assholes in this building aren't allowing me to get over it with their indoor smoking & drug use) & I don't have a proper heating system to heat my unit back up afterwards either, seeing as I still have my gas turned off (I'll have to use the space heater to heat each room back up individually afterwards).
Even with the windows opened, I can smell cigarette smoke in most of the rooms in my unit. I had to make sure it wasn't coming from outside; when I was certain it wasn't, I started trying to verify which unit it was coming from. Based on the cover-up smell coming from E26 (and E28, but it's stronger coming from E26), I expect the smoking is also being done in there (the cover-up smell is probably effecting E28 where it's originating in E26). Considering it's cigarette smoke, I don't think I'll be able to get Charles to call the cops on them (unless I consider the cover-up smell being drugs, which at this point I really don't think I can), but there are other ways to deal with this that have worked in the past (noise pollution in response to secondhand pollution, anyone)...
UPDATE: Decided to call Charles on his cell, looks like he's going to give E26 a call once he's able to retrieve their number. I'll give it a couple hours to see if it stops, but if it doesn't, I'm going to be filing that housing discrimination complaint under the Utah Fair Housing Act tonight since his lawyers are shooting down the method I proposed over the email a few days ago, then we'll see whether it can actually be done that way or not when he gets contacted by the various organizations I file the complaint through (if they choose to act on it).
UPDATE: Minor seizure #5 today ended up hitting me at about 9:13 PM, I think I'm done trying to track these... The last 3 were minor enough that it didn't really effect my ability to continue working on what I was doing, however the first 2 were enough I had to take a moment to try & recover from them. I'm only going to track the ones that actually are severe enough to temporarily stop me from what I'm doing (even if still mild) in further updates.
Originally posted on Facebook 11/16/2015
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