
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 23, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues again today in building E of the South 67 Condos.  Looks like only shortly after midnight, started getting the e-cig/hookah smell from E26 & I would expect that's because I was trying to ignore the problem the entire day yesterday, up until 11 PM when I decided I needed to do something about it.  I ended up texting Charles 3 times about this pollution tonight; while the e-cig/hookah smell is less toxic than cigarettes, spice or other drugs, it can still get pretty sickening because it happens for longer durations.  Charles said he was going to be contacting him to see if he could get him to knock it off, but he's the stubborn fool who likes to ignore calls from building management because he don't want to hear anything against what he's doing, so it might be a while until Charles can get him to knock it off.  One thing I made sure to mention to Charles in these texts was that I'm going to attempt to stop the gas company from turning my gas back on, because I already made plans to have it turned back on due to the low pollution levels yesterday, but now I don't think I want it back on since I'll be paying for a utility I'm not using if that asshole next door can't pull his head out of his ass & start being considerate with where his secondhand pollution goes from his filthy habits.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ear
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  Contacted Charles once again seeing as it looks like he's retaliating to these posts (I know the guy is following them; his actions border on stalking, however I guess I'm partially to blame for that for pointing out the logging I was doing on here).  That makes 4 texts sent to Charles in about 20 minutes on this one run alone & expect he isn't answering Charles' calls either.  With any luck, maybe Charles can get the police out here to take care of it...

UPDATE:  I was originally intending on going to bed before I decided I needed to get some pollution logs up, but now it's no longer a matter of just going to bed, it's a matter of going to bed ill from the pollution.  Hopefully Charles can get that matter resolved; I know having the paramedics called out here is one of the last things he wants to happen since those things tend to get tracked & we have either them or the police getting called out here quite a often.

UPDATE:  Ended up texting Charles twice around 9:50 PM.  There has been increasing pollution from E26 since about 3 PM (give or take an hour).  The smell is literally so strong in the public hallways that it makes you choke on it & that's likely coming through their front door.  When I mentioned the smell in the public hallways, Charles said he was going to call the police to take care of it under the assumption that it's spice.  I agreed that was a good idea since the smell would be hard to miss if the police knew what they were smelling (unfortunately the police  doesn't seem they do much about those who abuse it as a drug; it was originally created as a form of incense, however drug abusers found they could get a marijuana-like high by inhaling it directly & you have to have a special drug test to have what is classified as "synthetic marijuana" detected since it doesn't show up in normal drug tests), however it's unlikely the police will even show unless Charles goes through the Murray Chief of Police (which luckily he has a direct number to, specifically since the Murray Police appears to not like doing their job & it takes going through the Chief to get anything done).

As I was writing this update, I had to put on my respirator so I could get some clean air; it wasn't as bad in my unit, but it's literarily fills your lungs with the junk in the public hallways.  Normally I would post updates directly after writing them, however in cases where I need to have the police catching somebody in the act, I hold off on posting them so they can be caught before posting it (posting it maybe an hour later if they don't show or the pollution starts to subside, the latter being highly unlikely on the Sundays).

UPDATE:  Smell started subsiding somewhat in the public hallways, however it's getting stronger in my unit.  I texted Charles again, gave him an update on the situation & that the police once again didn't show...  Suggested he speak to the Murray Chief of Police about Murray officers not doing their job again (seeing as Charles has a direct number to the CoF specifically for this reason according to him).  I suggested Charles at least call E26, let him know that he's been calling the police on the problem; it might get E26's attention (although I expect he already knows given I know he's following these posts), of course that depends whether he even listens to the messages or just deletes them as soon as he gets them.

UPDATE:  E-cig/hookah smell is getting pretty strong again.  There's nothing illegal about that (if it's what we're assuming the smell to be), so can't really get the police involved when this is what I'm smelling, however I can send another text to Charles if I need to.

UPDATE:  Unfortunately the pollution isn't subsiding, so I decided to send Charles one more text, then I went to bed ill from the pollution (so what's new).  I need to consider taking some legal steps against this bastard, get something on the table that's going to get his attention, but going through a lawyer in my case isn't going to be an option due to lack of funds...  Calls from Building Management just get ignored, the fucker just retaliates to anything I do, something needs to be done that going to put him in his place & I think the only thing that's going to get his attention is if he gets contacted by an officer or a legal authority.  I think it's time I start contacting some of the organizations outside of the condos & legal system, see who I can bring into this issue that might have a resolution to the problem.

Originally posted on Facebook 1/3/2016

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