Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Hoarse Voice
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
- Vomiting
After the extremely toxic smell last night that I mentioned above, I had determined that the article previously mentioned is definitely going up in my next site update (I'm just not going to push a special update for it), with what I plan is going to happen afterwards (mentioned a couple days ago) if he tries to make a legal matter out of it that article won't disappear for over 2 years after what's going to happen in response to it, where it might be removed pretty quickly if he comes to an agreement with me about the pollution he is causing indoors; I'm only going to give him one chance on that however, he won't get another chance if he continues after it's taken down once. With the lull in the pollution, I was actually considering not putting it up if he could keep it from continuing; no big surprise that it was a brief reprieve from it & continued again at night seeing as he seems to be a night person. If the pollution has a long enough lull before that article gets published, I might not publish it at all. Remove the article from my own site would be the easy part, but potentially anything that gets posted on the web can bed cached by other services. Once cached, it actually takes a request from the owner of the site to get those caching results removed, however sites like Way Back Machine are not search engines & it may not be possible get those cached results removed from a site, so really the best method would be to make sure it doesn't get on the web at all & so far I haven't seen any indication that he wants to avoid that other than legal threats, which I'm not going to intimidated by any longer (I already have my mind set as to what's going to happen if a legal action is taken against me & this is publicity that nobody involved is going to want). So even if my site disappears in 2 years due to non-payment because I'm no longer around to keep it up, it will still probably be cached on sites like WayBackMachine.
As of this morning, I started moving the logs here on the South 67 Condos Facebook page to another site to clean up my wall so it’s not littered with daily posts of human filth that have no consideration for others around them. It may take a few days to complete before I start removing them from Facebook, but once it’s done all posts regarding this matter should be hidden to both the public & friends. I won’t fully remove them however since I want to make it easy to restore them should I run into problems on the site I’m moving those logs to. The problem is still being logged on the other two sites also, however those are not going to be easily found & likely won’t be crawled by search engines.
I've also been spreading the word about these condos through word of mouth; one of the cashiers at Smith's today I started noticing I was having "one of those days" when I was trying to go over a purchase I was making, I told it was more like "one of those years, 2 years actually". Went into details it wasn't anything at the store that was causing it, it's a matter of where I live. When I told here where I lived, apparently she already had some understanding of what I was saying because she mentioned somebody she knew that moved out of here 4 years ago. I had a hard time understanding what she was saying, but something about somebody getting killed with somebody driving too fast, but honestly I don't know how that's even possible with all the speed bumps everywhere & this seems to have the basis behind the move since it was stated to be a false accusation (obviously I wasn't there, so I can't really vouch for either side, but it was interesting information nonetheless). Pretty well every where I go, I spread the word about the problems I'm having here, so if it's not being spread online, it's still being spread verbally.
Sunday I’m holding a dinner (late Christmas party) for the few friends I have in the building that have actually made an effort to get to know me. Main part of the meal is going to salmon, but there should also be chips, baked potatoes, snacks & drinks (no alcohol); possibly a movie or game afterwards if they have time for it. My parents were also invited, but my father has since backed out since he got pissed off about the discussion I attempted to have with him yesterday (trying to get him to speak to the HOA about the problem, seeing as he's the owner of the unit & the HOA won't listen to me) after I got called back from the office of Orin Hatch in regards to the problems in this building & attempting to get the laws changed to make the Utah Clean Air Act applicable to condos (something Charles has stated he’s been trying to have his lawyers do for years); not sure if my mother is coming at this point as I expect she'll back out as well if my father isn't coming. I also invited Charles since he’s been the one ally I’ve had in fighting this problem (aside from some other unknowns in the building, one being one of the few friends I have in the building), even though there’s been a lot of tension between Charles & I and he wants me to go through his methods, I hesitantly gave him an invite tonight via text; he was out of town, so he declined, but did thank me for the invite.
Why would I bother to mention this on a log that is meant for problems that are happening in this building? The purpose is to point out that those who treat me well, I treat them well. I can be a decent guy provided I’m not being pushed around. If somebody crosses me & particularly if they keep doing it already knowing the result of what they’re doing, they’re making an enemy that they are going to regret making. Normally I give people the benefit of the doubt & consider them friendly until they cross me, a mistake I’ve made too many times with the last two tenants in E22 & was a mistake I wasn’t going to make again. I also decided I need to keep my distance from everybody else in the building who has not made friends with me yet, because I’ve seen on 3 different occasions people having a foul attitude towards me within a week of moving in & I expect vicious rumors to be the blame for that since one of the newest people living here started this when I was attempting to mind my own business & only deal with the problem online & through Charles. There are currently 4 different units in the building that have individuals on my shitlist because of their discrimination against me. I tend to do things nice for my friends around special occasions (holidays, birthdays, etc.), but people who keep pushing problems on me get cut off from that list & instead make an enemy that they’re going to regret making.
Temps in my unit reached a peak low of 63° F today due to not being able to use my heater via central air because of the pollution coming from other units. This is also the reason why my gas has been shut off since September of 2015, since I already knew I wouldn't be able to use my heater with that level of pollution coming through the vents when I used my central air. On a further note, I had to tell the people that were coming to the dinner on Sunday that they may want to bring a jacket with them just in case they end up getting cold because currently my gas is turned off & all I have currently for heat is a space heater I borrowed from my father 2 years ago when this problem started.

As of yesterday, I'm pretty well having to use my respirator almost all day because of the level of pollution that happens throughout the day. About the only break I get is when the guy in E26 is sleeping or away (at least this is what I assume, since it seems it happens pretty well all day & almost always coming from his least from this side of the building). For a couple days now, I haven't even bothered taking it off when I go to get my mail, so likely somebody will see me with it on & question what the hell is going on or has already seen it on me & already is scratching their heads in confusion. My lungs are bad enough now from several years of pollution that originates in other apartments/units in literally every apartment/condo I have lived in (the only times I didn't have to deal with it was when I was living with my parents), that the slightest hint of pollution set off severe coughing fits that can cause in additional to the coughing itself, splitting migraines, ringing ears, vomiting, seizures, passing out & so on. This is exactly why we're trying to find a small home (none multi-residential situation) to move to at this point, however the specifications that my father is insisting on could quite literally have me still living here for a few more years until I'm able to move out. I honestly don't think I'm going to survive that long and that definitely won't be the case if there's legal actions taken; a legal action taken will mean a lot of problems for anybody who has any ties to the building, including the people living there, the building management, the HOA & even my parents, since what will happen will definitely get aired on the news & might be the turning point for better protection for non-smokers, however it's going to come at the expense of human life (particularly mine).
Originally posted on Facebook 1/21/2016
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