The article about the guy's inconsiderate attitude on how his indoor pollution effects others has been written; the next time the pollution gets particularly strong, I will be publishing it to various sites on the web. As for what's expected to come after that if it gets far enough to be published, see the final update on yesterday's log.
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Hoarse Voice
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Seizures (mild)
- Sore Throat
Also somebody got back to me from Senator Orin Hatch's office today, stated that they couldn't do anything from that office, but they did give me contacts for the state & city legislative committees. Next step (if I'm alive for that long) will be to contact those committees & see what can be done about the getting the Utah Clean Air Act to be applicable to condos, then to report the Murray Police for not doing their job on the drug abuse complaints.
UPDATE: I have contacted Mark A. Wheatley (District 35 Utah Senator), in a desperate plea to see what he could do to make the Utah Clean Air Act applicable towards condos. I have gone into detail on the indoor smoking & drug use (although at this point I think it's just drug use) drifting from other units, the fact that it's kept me ill nearly daily for over 2 years since moving here in August 2015, the fact that the HOA won't do anything about it & despite efforts from Charles to get the matter stopped, those individuals that are receiving those calls are ignoring them. The next step will be to contact a Murray City Legislator to make a complaint against the Murray Police for not doing their job; this was also something I mentioned in that email sent to Mark.
I spoke with my father about speaking at the HOA meetings on my behalf about the pollution, doesn't look like he wants to waste his time on it since he believes as long as there are smokers in the building, the HOA will never agree to it (and that's probably correct, which is why I've been attempting to go through other methods to force a resolution). Started discussing where we were going with the search to find a new place to move out, since it quite literally might be a few years until we find a new place with the specifications that my father is insisting on; I ended up ending the call when he started turning hostile over the phone... I sent him a text afterwards stating that I didn't think I was going to survive until we found a new place at the rate we're going, however he is still new to cell phones, so I don't know that he's going to be able to see the entire message (less than 160 characters, but still...).
I also sent an email to Charles, in an attempt to allow smokers to smoke on their porch/back yards, which hopefully will have them taking their drugs out there also. This may seem out of character for me being very anti-smoking up until now, but it is a push for the rights so of smokers (although I consider that term an oxymoron given there is no legal definition of "smoker's rights"), so what they are doing does no invade the rights of non-smokers (where there is a legal definition for this). I also made it a point to point out the research I've been doing regarding lawsuits against individuals & HOA boards for not enforcing a hospitable environment for those with respiratory issues (while they might not have gotten what they were seeking, they did get some kind of monetary recovery).
Let's look at the facts. If they are able to smoke outside while still on their property:
- This will prevent the secondhand pollution from going through the building (inside) where it can travel to other units, forcing people to have to leave their homes to get away from it.
- This will lower the amount of health issues people get from it & potentially fatalities as well.
- This will keep the pollution from being tracked down the common areas on their clothes when they come back in from doing it.
- If the drifting pollution is outside, it can be avoided by simply closing windows in the effected units, where there is nothing that can be done about it if it's already in those units.
Of course allowing smoking on porches & not inside, that's actually lowering their "rights" as they are now, but this would also prevent the majority of that pollution from going down the public hallways as well (with the exception of those in the front units since they don't have an outside portion to their property; E11, E12, E21 & E22).
The pollution appears to be picking up again, while I haven't verified it's source yet, I expect it's coming from E26 again. At the rate we're going, I expect that article is going to be published by the end of the week, if not the end of the day. I've already requested Charles to speak to him about this & Charles said he would call, but I expect E26 did not answer & Charles was forced to leave a message as he normally does. I would expect those messages don't even get listened to, but this is one he should have listened to, since it might have provided details as to what he's going to have to do to get it removed once it's up (I can't say for sure what Charles says in his messages to this guy, but I gave the details to Charles, I can only hope that he relayed the information to him, otherwise there's not going to be anything preventing the article from being posted since he's ignoring what he can do to stop it).
UPDATE: Ended up having to use my respirator again later in the day due to the pollution levels increasing to a rather toxic level. Eventually the hacking on the pollution took the energy right out of me, I was back in bed within 5-6 hours of waking up. When I got up to make a post to my wall about an obvious agitated call from my father about 10 PM, I noticed the pollution has subsided for the most part, but I don't really expect that is going to last.
UPDATE: While I can't say I'm surprised, after making an update saying I can't smell the pollution only makes it start up again; seems E26 seems to think not being able to smell the pollution is a free pass to start it up again. Well things are going to start changing here soon now that I know who I need to contact to get the laws changed (of course that's not going to be instantaneous, as much as I would like it to be) & every smoker in Utah can blame this moron for pushing people into fighting for better protection for non-smokers rights.
Originally posted on Facebook 1/20/2016
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