Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Bloody Nose
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Earaches
- Headaches
- Hoarse Voice
- Irritated Eyes
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Seizure (mild)
- Sore Throat
- Trouble Breathing
UPDATE: Pollution started to build again from E26 at about 2:20 AM. At this point it is strong enough to cause health problems, but still mild enough that I don’t think I need to contact Charles yet. I’ve put on my respirator in an attempt to tolerate it a little longer & see if it escalates to the point that I need to get him involved. Once that happens, I will be sending him a text; if it doesn’t stop at this point, it WILL definitely reach that point.
UPDATE: The smell of spice started getting pretty strong from E26 again at about 3:10 AM, ended up texting Charles. I don't know if Charles will be responding to this or not, but I have other ways to deal with this if he doesn't get back to me soon.
UPDATE: Indoor pollution started becoming a problem from E26 again at about 12:30 PM. Smelled like e-cigs/hookah in my home office, but more like spice at their front door (the spice smell might be incense cover-up for indoor smoking). Charles was texted regarding the problem. I put on my respirator seeing as it was needed at the level of pollution coming E26 until either Charles had a chance to contact them or until I got this update posted.
UPDATE: The pollution from E26 decreased for a while after Charles called them, but it became strong enough to be a problem again by about 1:15 PM. Charles was texted again before I got into the shower. I looked like retaliation due to increase after Charles texted me back & I expect he called them, however by the time I got out of the shower, I could not longer verify it as coming from their unit (I could still smell it in my home office however, so I turned my air purifier on, but I think I'm going to have to use the respirator again until I can verify the pollution & text Charles again).
UPDATE: The pollution increased 10-fold after the last update; I didn't even need to verify the source at this point, that level of pollution can only come from an adjacent unit, nobody is currently living in E22 & E14 is considerate to their neighbors. I texted Charles again. One thing I noticed however was that it looked like he was outside while I smelled the spice smell, so it might have been incense this time (or the spice being used as it was designed for, which was originally a synthetic form of incense), but considering he was outside & the smell was that strong, I'm more than certain it was retaliation to the last update. The smell isn't that bad unless it gets particularly strong, which unfortunately happens pretty often...
UPDATE: I’m going to attempt to ignore the smell for a while under the assumption that perhaps it is incense. Of course by ignore at the density it is, that means using the respirator so I can tolerate it. The main part of it is I’m going to avoid making additional logs for the remainder of the day & contacting Charles about it, see where it goes. If it gets extremely strong, it’s only going to make the matter worse later tonight. If it starts to subside over the day, then it may point out retaliation to the logs & calls from Charles. In any case, at the density of the smell coming into my unit, I might end up having to cancel my plans with my mother to go to a movie & just go to bed ill again (as I have done many times in the past).
UPDATE: Apparently my attempt to ignore the issue didn't last more than a few hours as I got hit in the face with a rather potent smell at 4:14 in my living room. Ended up texting Charles again.
UPDATE: This jerk apparently isn't going to get it regardless of how many time Building Management calls him, so let's take this another route. Since calls from Building Management isn't enough to deter the fucker from doing it, let's take the route of posting a link about people living in that unit. As before, he is in control of whether that link is there or not depending on whether they are causing pollution or not.
UPDATE: Looks like this stubborn asshole is sending me to bed ill again with his indoor pollution. I texted Charles one more time, letting him know that I've being forced to bed ill from the constant pollution today. We'll see if it's still happening when I wake up...
UPDATE: The pollution today pretty well happened for most of the day (which isn't surprising for a weekend, given it's always the worst on weekend, particularly Sundays). Outside of the times while I was sleeping, I can't really account for, but pretty well the entire time I was awake was constant pollution with varying levels of toxicity (wasn't always strong enough to cause health problems, but the duration easily made it problematic).
Peak low temp in my unit today reached 64° F due to being unable to use my heater via central air because of the pollution. This is also the reason why I have had my gas shut off since September of 2015 because I knew I wouldn't be able to use the central while this every day pollution problem persisted (as was the case in the Summer, which ended up hitting me with severe heat stroke on a number of occasions). This run of the pollution problem has bee happening every day since 12/6/2015.

UPDATE: The smell of spice started getting pretty strong from E26 again at about 3:10 AM, ended up texting Charles. I don't know if Charles will be responding to this or not, but I have other ways to deal with this if he doesn't get back to me soon.
UPDATE: Indoor pollution started becoming a problem from E26 again at about 12:30 PM. Smelled like e-cigs/hookah in my home office, but more like spice at their front door (the spice smell might be incense cover-up for indoor smoking). Charles was texted regarding the problem. I put on my respirator seeing as it was needed at the level of pollution coming E26 until either Charles had a chance to contact them or until I got this update posted.
UPDATE: The pollution from E26 decreased for a while after Charles called them, but it became strong enough to be a problem again by about 1:15 PM. Charles was texted again before I got into the shower. I looked like retaliation due to increase after Charles texted me back & I expect he called them, however by the time I got out of the shower, I could not longer verify it as coming from their unit (I could still smell it in my home office however, so I turned my air purifier on, but I think I'm going to have to use the respirator again until I can verify the pollution & text Charles again).
UPDATE: The pollution increased 10-fold after the last update; I didn't even need to verify the source at this point, that level of pollution can only come from an adjacent unit, nobody is currently living in E22 & E14 is considerate to their neighbors. I texted Charles again. One thing I noticed however was that it looked like he was outside while I smelled the spice smell, so it might have been incense this time (or the spice being used as it was designed for, which was originally a synthetic form of incense), but considering he was outside & the smell was that strong, I'm more than certain it was retaliation to the last update. The smell isn't that bad unless it gets particularly strong, which unfortunately happens pretty often...
UPDATE: I’m going to attempt to ignore the smell for a while under the assumption that perhaps it is incense. Of course by ignore at the density it is, that means using the respirator so I can tolerate it. The main part of it is I’m going to avoid making additional logs for the remainder of the day & contacting Charles about it, see where it goes. If it gets extremely strong, it’s only going to make the matter worse later tonight. If it starts to subside over the day, then it may point out retaliation to the logs & calls from Charles. In any case, at the density of the smell coming into my unit, I might end up having to cancel my plans with my mother to go to a movie & just go to bed ill again (as I have done many times in the past).
UPDATE: Apparently my attempt to ignore the issue didn't last more than a few hours as I got hit in the face with a rather potent smell at 4:14 in my living room. Ended up texting Charles again.
UPDATE: This jerk apparently isn't going to get it regardless of how many time Building Management calls him, so let's take this another route. Since calls from Building Management isn't enough to deter the fucker from doing it, let's take the route of posting a link about people living in that unit. As before, he is in control of whether that link is there or not depending on whether they are causing pollution or not.
UPDATE: Looks like this stubborn asshole is sending me to bed ill again with his indoor pollution. I texted Charles one more time, letting him know that I've being forced to bed ill from the constant pollution today. We'll see if it's still happening when I wake up...
UPDATE: The pollution today pretty well happened for most of the day (which isn't surprising for a weekend, given it's always the worst on weekend, particularly Sundays). Outside of the times while I was sleeping, I can't really account for, but pretty well the entire time I was awake was constant pollution with varying levels of toxicity (wasn't always strong enough to cause health problems, but the duration easily made it problematic).
Peak low temp in my unit today reached 64° F due to being unable to use my heater via central air because of the pollution. This is also the reason why I have had my gas shut off since September of 2015 because I knew I wouldn't be able to use the central while this every day pollution problem persisted (as was the case in the Summer, which ended up hitting me with severe heat stroke on a number of occasions). This run of the pollution problem has bee happening every day since 12/6/2015.
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