I've decided I need to start updating those notes I'm putting up in the foyer to make a bigger impact; that means updating the numeric value of public log online as of what day the last log was posted. I've also including some information that I am keeping Building Management updated on the problem & actions will be taken as needed by Building Management to try & get the problem resolved (this includes calling the police if drugs are suspected or calling them if they are smoking cigarettes inside).
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Hoarse Voice
- Nausea
- Sore Throat
UPDATE: Looks like the guys in E12 got back home around 4 PM & immediately started causing the indoor drug problem again. I never got a response from Charles when I texted him about the cigarette smoke coming from that unit earlier, but I have other ways to deal with it. I took down the note about Facebook logging earlier (with newly added details about Building Management being kept up to date on the situation & what might happen if they continue doing it such as calling the police or getting a call from Charles) & have cranked up the volume on my TV again to battle secondhand pollution with "noise pollution". I might send another text to Charles, however I don't expect I'll get a response before I head out to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner (just going to hope the secondhand pollution don't make me so ill I end up having to miss it again).
UPDATE: Contacted Charles again, this time on the drug use (also mentioning there was about a 6 hour break from it while they were gone). He responded this time, but didn't say anything about calling the police (he might, he might not; most of the time drugs are mentioned, he calls the police, even if they don't show up). I'll be gone for a few hours sometime after 5, so I won't know if the police come or not, but at least I'll be getting away from it for a while (provided it doesn't make me so ill I can't even go).
UPDATE: The smell of drugs did stop for a while, but became noticeable again around 10:20 PM; one again verified to be coming from E12. Charles is already aware that they've been at it at various times during the day, but I don't think he attempted to get the police involved today & that's probably understandable being a family holiday. Tomorrow he might decide to do something about it; for now I'll just keep logging the issue until it stops.
Originally posted on Facebook 11/26/2015
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