Indoor smoking/drug use continues again today in Building E of the South 67 Condos. Looks like E26 being stubborn again; although it hasn't gotten too strong yet, it's been enough to cause some health problems already.
Picture of indoor temp due to being unable to use central air for heating will be added at the end of the day when I have the peak low for the day.
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Irritated Eyes
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Seizure (minor)
- Sore Throat
UPDATE: The pollution expected to be coming from E12 has apparently been happening all day today since it started around 5:30 AM, so timeframe logging of the pollution could get close to 18 hours today (nearly triple what it was yesterday) if it doesn't stop at all (we're already over 12 hours for today, about 10 just in this timeframe). One thing I haven't done yet is thrown up my Facebook notification about timeframe logging on detected pollution in this period of time yet; it might be worth attempting, but I really don't think E12 is following posts on this issue as closely as others in the building are.
I really think that E26 has some sort of site checker hitting my Facebook profile to give him instant notifications when something changes on it, he wouldn't have known about the posted information about his mugshot otherwise since it never made it to the South 67 Condos page (something I attempted to point out to Charles yesterday, although I doubt he read the email). This behavior can be classified as stalking, which in the conflict between me & E26, was started on his side, then followed up on my side when I started looking up information on him; however neither one of us has the right to file charges for it since I instigated the stalking on his part by making it public I was doing the logging & he can't claim stalking either since he started it by following my Facebook wall so closely. However if he attempts to go through with a lawsuit, it is something I intend on bringing up, however I won't be leaving out details like he has been doing in his complaints to Charles. This is one difference between me & the others in the building; I tell the whole truth regardless of what I'm telling Charles will get me in trouble or not, the people complaining about my actions only disclose information about what I'm doing, but not what they're doing.
UPDATE: Charles was contacted about this problem at 4:31 PM, but it appears this hasn't gotten anywhere yet. One thing Charles stated yesterday when I had to complain about the pollution coming from E26 was that they weren't answering the phone (he left 2 messages he said), so likely they're taking the same route that Julie did when she already knew what the call was going to be about (indoor smoking, which she got caught red handed on when Charles came over to take care of the matter himself). It may be a different smell & likely a different unit, but this looks to be another repeat of yesterday with taking forever to get resolved because people are avoiding his calls...
UPDATE: Looks like the smell was actually coming from E26 this time, which I found out after it seems something got to him & he finally went outside with it; figured this out after I heard him close his front door & walk past my unit, where it started subsiding afterwards. While it hasn't completely stopped, it's at least been toned down a bit... I let Charles know at the time it started to subside (but not entirely stopped), I had 14 hours & 17 minutes logged of pollution today (over double of yesterday at 6 hours & 14 minutes) & that time just keeps going up since it hasn't entirely stopped yet. I told Charles I would let him know if it started escalating again.
One thing I did notice after it started subsiding was that it appears he's doing the incense in his bathroom now, since I could smell the smell of incense in my bathroom strong enough to determine that it's probably being done in there if it's not effecting my entire unit. Well that's fine, that's preferable to having it effect the entire unit & actually helpful if you consider what smells you usually "get" in the bathroom (I won't go into too much detail on that).
I don't actually believe it's incense I'm smelling, since when he WAS going outside to do whatever he was doing, he wouldn't smell when he walked past my unit (unless he was going out the back door), but reeked of it when he came back in. The conclusion of this is it's a waste to use incense outside, so it's likely spice. I told Charles yesterday that he should consider calling the police when it's "assumed" to be incense & explained to him the same thing I just stated here. He agreed pretty quickly to that, but I had to tell him "not now" because the pollution had subsided to a tolerable level, but I would let him know when it's was bad enough that he should be giving them a call (don't want the police coming when it's not happening & consider it a false report; of course he has to go through the Murray Chief of Police to even get them out here on drug abuse complaints anyways since the police usually won't respond to them).
Before I could finish this update, it seem the "incense" is effecting other areas of my unit beyond the bathroom at this point. As long as it stays within a tolerable range, I won't say anything to Charles about it (I will continue logging it via timeframe logging, however), but at the rate it's increasing, I don't think it's going to stay tolerable for long. Going to hope that if it increases to what I call a "toxic level", that it happens before Charles goes to bed so I can get him to call the police on E26 & hopefully put some fear into that fucker to get him to knock it off (although he might take a card from Julie's deck & just not answer the door as she & her boyfriend never did when the police came).
UPDATE: I contacted Charles again at 6:18 PM to let him know he should expect a call a little later when the spice has gotten strong enough to consider he's going to continue doing it when the police are called, let Charles know he was back to the spice again. I'll wait until the toxicity is bad enough that I know he won't be stopping, then hopefully the police being called will put an end to this problem.
UPDATE: The photo indicates the temp in my unit at 5:59 AM, 6° lower than it should be because I'm trying to avoid sucking the pollution from E26 to my unit, which is also why I had my gas shut off since I knew I wouldn't be able to use it & didn't want to continue playing for utility I wasn't using.
Originally posted on Facebook 12/18/2015
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