Further problems appear to be an issue with building security:
- Somebody has been propping open the front door, so the security panel really does nothing while people are doing this. (see comment #1)
- Somebody has apparently thrown open the back door to the building so hard that they've broken off the door closer (I would expect E28 from what I've seen with them plowing through it). (see comment #2)
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
UPDATE: Cover-up/spice smell confirmed to be coming from E26, this comes after smelling cigarette smoke in my home office again. At this point it's not coming from E12, however I fully expect it's going to continue...very...soon...
UPDATE: Decided I needed to go to bed ill again due to a splitting migraine I'm getting from the pollution coming from other units. We'll see if I get a call from Charles today or not; provided he actually reads the email, he might have some "choice words" for me...
UPDATE: Charles did get back to me on the email, said he was going to look into the security issues I've stated before in this post. I also mentioned a few other things regarding the indoor smoking/drug use & the fact that I am still without a smoke detector because he hasn't dropped it off yet, his reply was that he's supposedly come by 3 times to drop it off & I haven't been answering the door. There is no truth to his reply (unless it was that one time I told him I had an appointment & he had to drop it off before a certain time), I've been assuming he hasn't dropped it off due to being too busy to make the trip; I haven't once heard him come to my door with the smoke detector in hand or rarely any other time he said he was coming by. There was another time when he was already here discussing E22 with Randy after Julie's eviction, told me he had the smoke detector in his car when I caught him in the hall & was going to come right back with it; I stayed awake the rest of the day waiting for him to come back with it. From what I've seen with Charles, he doesn't follow through with what he says he's going to do & this was just an excuse to cover up not coming by (whether he actually did come by or not to drop it off, that's up for debate; all I know is I was never aware he came by if he did). Seeing as contacting Charles seems to be a wasted effort on any form of contact after the eviction of Julie, I'm going to start contacting the HOA instead; of course the HOA has stated before that they only work with owner of units & I'm a renter (even if my father is the owner & I've been told by management I can attend the HOA meetings because of the close family relationship with my landlord, the HOA still likes to hold that technicality over my head), so I might have to start going through the BBB instead (this will take longer to get things done, but their will probably be a higher success rate if the complaints are coming from them).
Indoor drug use appears to still be happening in the building, even after sleeping for nearly 6 hours. I haven't attempted to verify who is causing it at this point, but I will when I get a chance & update this post with the culprits when I know who's doing it.
UPDATE: I was discussing the indoor smoking/drug problem with the postal worker when he was in the foyer dropping off the mail, that I'm currently not able to use central air (resorting to a space heater during the winter) because of the pollution & I'm attempting to find a place to move to because of the health hazard it causes, I think E12 may have heard that discussion since it subsided for a short time after that discussion. Of course it started back up again strong as ever within a short time, so even if they are aware of the logging at this point, it still hasn't stopped them from doing it. Of course I haven't verified that it's actually coming from that unit yet, but I would expect it might have been since there was a brief break in it when I got back in my unit. Update on who the culprit is pending until I've actually verified it...
UPDATE: Their has been an increase in pollution, not only in the drugs coming to my unit from other units, but also cigarette smoke. The result is that I'm getting hit with a pretty severe dizzy spell, which I could clearly make out while I was attempting to verify the source of the pollution, where I was weaving side to side down the public hallways as I walked the length of them. A few units had a small hint of the smell (including E12), but a smell hint could mean it's getting transferred from other units... I still think E12 is the culprit given there was a small break shortly after I was discussing the issue with the postal worker, however a small hint of the smell isn't enough to make an actual assessment of them being responsible for the smell...
UPDATE: I attempted to contact the HOA about the drug problem in Building E, I got a response from somebody who stated they were not on the board anymore, but they suggested I should go to the HOA meeting tonight. I will do that since trying to through Charles isn't yielding any results.
UPDATE: I attempted to go to the HOA meeting tonight, they stated that I was allowed to sit in on the meeting, but I was not allowed to speak without a letter from my landlord (father) on the matter giving me permission to do so. Well I can't get that letter this month because my parents are currently in Vegas, so I'll have to wait until the meeting next month when I have that letter in hand.
I decided to walk out, but before I did, I stated I would go through the BBB. That didn't sit well with Charles & he actually chased me outside, stopped me from leaving & gave me an earful in front of other people who live on the property (not just Building E, but other buildings). One thing he stated was he got the smokers evicted, however the problem here is Julie & her company was not the only people to be doing it.
He also went on about the smoke detector he stated he was going to drop off, I had to get him to specify what he was doing when he got to my door because I never heard him at the door. He specified he knocked on the door, I stated that I never heard him & he should have used the doorbell (a wireless one I installed so I could hear somebody at the door from my bedroom); he stated he tried the doorbell also, but only after I pointed out that one was there. I don't think he's actually been attempting to drop it off, but he's saying he's going to drop it off tomorrow; we'll see if he even follows through with it...
There were other matters in that rant, however the one thing that really got on my nerves was that he verbally displayed mental discrimination against me in the statement "You are mental, you need help". I let him finish his rant, then I told him that he just discriminated against my disabilities, quoting the statement he just said to me. He reacted to that stating that he was bipolar (which I can kind of see since he can be friendly one minute, then ranting in your face the next; this might also explain why he's quick to imply that there's always some form of hostility in my emails), so I assume he was trying to say that he wouldn't do it, but his statement was clear enough (I only wish I had my camera running so I could have gotten what he said recorded, I should have turned it on on my walk over to the clubhouse). Even if he has disabilities himself, that gives him no right to discriminate against others disabilities, even more so if he has his own disabilities. I may not be able to do much about the discrimination of others living here other than complain about it (which isn't going to do much good when Charles has this kind of attitude), but he had no right to be doing it to a person living on a property he's managing. I really don't think I'm going to let this slide, housing discrimination is illegal & I intend on reporting it; I need to locate the site that has to do with housing discrimination in the state of Utah to report it...
UPDATE: Charles called me about one & a half hours after I was turned away from the HOA meeting, apologized for his rant & an additional apology for the 2 specific points above that were considered as discrimination. He also asked me to keep something he stated in that rant private, so I had to retract that information from the update above, which I was only willing to do since he offered an apology on his own behalf.
By this time however, I had already spoken to two people about the discrimination; my case manager & my father/landlord. My case manager knows the sensitive information that I retracted from the update above because that was one detail that had a link to the discrimination; I can't remember if I said anything to my father about that detail...I don't think I did.
What is odd about the timing of the call from Charles is I got it directly after I posted the comment on my review on the condos, so I expect he's already aware of what's being posted on Facebook (he should've known about it regardless because I've attempted to bring it to his attention numerous times, however he never really seems to have any interest in what was being said; the only person that acknowledge the posts was his assistant Daniel) & probably is even following it (or the one person who has a Like on the FB page for the condos is a part of the HOA board or was at the meeting & they let him know when the post was made about it after getting a notification on it, which means the HOA is already aware of the logging). If he knew I was going to report the discrimination, which was clearly stated in that comment on the review, he would have made it a point to call me ASAP to try & deter me from doing so.
Well the Facebook logging was one thing I was intending on brining up in the meeting (I expect there was probably people there complaining about it anyways), so it's probably something I won't need to bring up in the meeting next month (when I have the permission slip from my landlord/father to allow me to speak at them). If Charles does show up tomorrow, I'll tell him to go look at the storage room before he leaves, which will be another issue down. The only thing that is going to remain after that will be the drug use, which along with the smoking & discrimination is the reason for the Facebook logging in the first place since more than 2 years down the line, it's still a problem as well as the health problems that come with it.
UPDATE: Indoor cigarette smoke has started again about 9:40 PM, likely just getting back from the HOA meeting to make complaints about me... There is a rather strong cover-up smell coming from E11, however I don't expect that their pollution would be hitting my unit from across the hall, travel from downstairs to upstairs & 3 units down the hallway, so I have to expect it's coming from either E16 or E18 (a smell could be smelled from both, however I couldn't determine which was stronger; E16 is rarely ever in the list of culprits, so it's more than likely E18).
Originally posted on Facebook 11/10/2015

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