Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Irritated Eyes
- Nausea
- Migraines
- Ringing Ear
- Seizures (mild)
- Sore Throat
UPDATE: As expected, pollution just got worse from E26 after the last update. Ended up texting Charles again, letting him know the pollution from E26 only got worse.
UPDATE: Apparently going to be a long night of pollution from the moron in E26, time to start keeping track of approximately how long it's happening for noise pollution payback tomorrow. We have an hour & a half already, let's see how much longer he wants to add to that.

UPDATE: That bastard in E26 is really going all out tonight. Decided to send another text to Charles, although he likely won't see it until morning. I already have 3.5 hours of noise pollution payback accumulated for tomorrow just between 11:45 PM & 3:15 AM; I can keep it going all day tomorrow if needed & every day after that if the accumulation of secondhand pollution from E26 never gets the time to decrease back down to zero.
UPDATE: That bastard in E26 really stunk up my unit last night, probably 6 or 7 hours straight of secondhand pollution. I texted Charles once more, told him what my intentions were if he couldn't get him to knock it off; that would be if he doesn't knock it off until I'm able to move out, I'm going to attempt to talk my father into going after him for the cost of cleanup of the residue from that secondhand pollution from this unit when I move out. Obviously we can't put a price on that until we know how bad it is, however I do know that replacing the carpets & sanding down & repainting the walls would be included in that; my father would know what needs to be done beyond that since he's managed rentals before & has had issues with drug users as tenants before, so he's had to clean up after a lot of them after doing extensive damage to the rentals & has had to go after them to get back the money spent on repairing those damages. My father has already had to go after renters for causing damages to his rental house in the past, he might already be intending on doing this if I point out to him who was the cause of it (and I've already told him who it the main cause of it at this point is).
UPDATE: E26 is at it again with the e-cig/hookah smell again; smelled it in the public hallways for a while, but only confirmed it at 8:50 PM. Texted Charles again, asked him if he bothered to discuss the possible lawsuit against E26 for damages to our unit when I move out if he doesn't knock it off. I also mentioned to Charles that I was considering leaving a note on E26's door of a possible lawsuit against him if he doesn't knock it off, so hopefully Charles will get through to him, but that's going to be hard to do if the bastard never answers his calls & ignores the messages Charles is leaving on his voicemail.
E26 got 5 hours of noise pollution today in response to the accumulated secondhand pollution last night; he's going to get another repeat tomorrow if he keeps it up. I'm going to start doing rough time tracking of the pollution starting at 9 PM for noise pollution payback tomorrow.
UPDATE: Already got 30 minutes of accumulated "payback" tomorrow. I texted Charles letting him know I finished a "Notice of Intent" that I intend on taping to his front door if Charles can't get through to this moron to get him to knock it off. I'm half expecting Charles to call me & chew me out of it; with any luck, he'll call the asshole in E26 again & try to get it through his thick skull he might have to pay for the repairs to this unit if he doesn't knock it off. In this notice it states that he will likely be getting sued for approximately 60% of the cost of repairs on the unit before it can be sold. I also mentioned that we may include the price of products that were purchased to help deal with the secondhand pollution coming form his unit, such scented candles, air fresheners, air sanitizer, air purifiers, respirators & filters for the air purifiers & respirator. I also mentioned we might be seeking punitive damages on top of it & he was advised to take it outside until I was able to move to avoid the potential lawsuit against him.
The guy in E26 is by far one of the most stubborn people I've seen in the building in regards to the indoor pollution, only Julie & her bastard boyfriend have rivaled his attitude towards it, so I really don't think he's going to stop & we're going to need to seek legal recovery on the damages caused on this unit so it can be repaired before being resold. I'll be discussing this with my father tomorrow, not that I expect he's going to want to hear it, but he needs to consider whether he wants to have a chance of getting those damages added back to his pocketbook or whether he wants to eat the cost of supplies to repair that damage & avoid taking legal action against this human filth that has no consideration for others. Despite what my father has said to me about legal actions never coming out in your favor, he contradicts what he tells me with the fact that he has gone after renters for compensation of damages to his properties, so I expect he might go through with it when he sees the level of damage after I move out.
UPDATE: Pollution is only building from E26, as well as the accumulated time of noise pollution payback he's going to get tomorrow & it doesn't look like Charles is going to be responding to the 4 different texts I have sent him tonight either. I'll discuss this with my father tomorrow, see what he says about possibly taking this asshole in E26 to court for damages to our unit after I move out. If he agrees to it, I'll put the Notice of Intent on his door, unless my father tells me he intends on hitting him with a Cease & Desist order (something I'm going to suggest, with possibly legal recovery of damages in a court if he doesn't knock it off). The last point I just mentioned has been added to the Notice of Intent I finished writing. While this isn't set in stone yet, this is a copy of that notice that may end up getting taped to his front door if Charles can't get it through his thick skull that he's turning a blind eye to something he's probably going to get sued over:
UPDATE: Pollution just continues to escalate, so at this point I've had to start using my respirator again. I started opening my blinds when I was using this so people could see when I was using it & question why I would even need to use it in a "living" environment. Chares doesn't like it when I put things in the window regarding this pollution (or anything else really, decorations for holidays seem to be okay), but he can't really argue with just having my blinds open if people are calling him curious as to why I would be wearing a respirator in the first place. In any case this causes a commotion & brings up questions that is going to start turning some gears & hopefully start seeing some results, in most cases it gets back to the person causing the problem & they decide it isn't worth it (however I can't say I expect that to happen with the resident in E26).
Before I was able to post this update, Charles got back to me on the texts & stated he was going to contact E26 tomorrow; won't be tonight since he has some personal business that is going to prevent him from doing it (I won't go into the details on that), so I told Charles I would try to hold off on doing anything with that Notice of Intent until he could attempt to contact him & discuss the lawsuit that may be headed his way if he continues causing the problem. I asked Charles if he would let me know once he had a chance to discuss that with E26, he stated that he's going to attempt to contact him tomorrow. I still intend on tracking the drifting pollution for noise pollution "payback" tomorrow however & I still intend on speaking to my father about his opinion on a lawsuit for damages to the unit or even a Cease & Desist order to see if we can get it stopped through that.
Also before I was able to post this update, looks like the pollution has subsided to nearly nothing at this point (somewhere between 10:15 & 10:30 PM). Not sure what happened there to cut the sickening smell off since I know Charles won't be calling him until tomorrow, although I would guess something I posted on here since I know he follows what I post on my wall. I can probably check my access logs on my personal site & see if anybody has looked at the rough draft of the Notice of Intent, since it might be he noticed the edit that doing it outside on his balcony patio would be preferable to doing it inside (personally I don't care too much if they do it here, as long as they're not taking it back inside with them as the woman I noticed in that unit doing around Thanksgiving 2 years ago; worst thing that can happen if it's being done on the patio & the sliding glass door is closed so it's not going back inside is I have to close my windows if they're open to stop that pollution from coming in them). Currently we're at 1 hour of noise pollution "payback" tomorrow; we'll see if the pollution continues to not effect my unit until morning so that value doesn't increase for longer disturbances tomorrow.
UPDATE: Pollution started picking up again at 11 PM (or at least that's when I started noticing it again) so "payback" will be longer than an hour tomorrow it seems... Well Charles will be calling E26 tomorrow about the lawsuit headed his way if he don't knock it off (not that I expect he'll be able to get a hold of him) & I'll be speaking with my father about it, as well as a possible Cease & Desist order to see if it gets his attention. The only way I think Charles is going get this moron to start listening to him is if he sends him a written notice (possibly with a fine); unless he can talk the HOA into making this an official problem that needs to be resolved, we have to keep going through unofficial methods to get it resolved, unless my father & I decide to take the bastard to court & a lighter pocketbook makes him decide he needs to reconsider what right he has to make others ill on a daily basis.
UPDATE: Indoor temps reached a peak low of 63° (see first comment below) due to being unable to use my heater via central air due to the pollution from E26 that literally gets sucked through the vents when I have it running from his unit; this is also why I currently have the gas shut off & after tonight, I don't think I'll be able to EVER turn it back least not until he gets hit with a lawsuit or at least a Cease & Desist order which might be enough to get it through his mind he needs to knock it off (although in his case, I think he's too stubborn for even a Cease & Desist order to make him flinch). Back to the temps, I quite honestly think the temp would have gotten lower if not for the fact that I forgot to unplug the space heater when I woke up & having it run clear until evening.

Originally posted on Facebook 1/11/2016
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