Indoor smoking/drug use continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos. While it hasn't gotten particularly strong today, the durations have had me putting on my respirator a number of times so I don't have to breath the pollution (I can't say how many times since I lost track, but it was easily over 5 times). It looks like the guy in E26 is at least starting to be considerate about the secondhand pollution by starting to take it outside, however it seems it might still be happening inside once in a while (I can tolerate the pollution to a point, but obviously not when I have to be using a respirator to be able to breath without issues). I think we're at a turning point at this point, perhaps this run will end soon & I might even be able to turn my gas back on before moving...
Currently we're going through probably 5 or more different Real Estate Agents to find a place so I can move out, however I don't think I can consider Charles as an actual REA that is helping us in finding a place since we haven't actually gotten anything from him yet... One problem with Charles is he'll state one thing, but follow-through is what drops his claims short & doesn't really lable him as dependable. He hasn't followed through on the replacement smoke-detector he said he was going to give us (when the last one we had kept going off on the secondhand smoke from E22 before it was ultimately thrown out) & he hasn't followed through on helping us find a place to move to. I could also get into his claim when we first purchased this unit that he would get indoor smoking stopped if it became a problem (which he has attempted, but unfortunately hasn't succeeded in yet), which was the only thing that kept us from backing out of the sale (even after a number of repairs had been made) when we found out these were not "true" condos (apparently my father was under the impressions that if it were a true condos, not a condo convert, we wouldn't have a problem with drifting cigarette smoke; of course now the problem isn't so much cigarette smoke as it is other forms of pollution such as e-cigs, hookah or spice).
Peak temp in my unit reached a low of 63° today due to having my gas shut off because of the pollution that comes through the vents. The situation does seem to be getting better, so perhaps I'll be able to turn it back on soon for the rest of Winter (or until I can move out).
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Irritated Eyes
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
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