I contacted Questar today & canceled the call to have my gas turned back on, seeing as after Sunday it was obvious there wasn't going to be any hope in it stopping...or at least lessoned to a point that it was tolerable. I'll wait until I have a week of no pollution before I attempt to have it turned back on again.
I also decided that having only one log visible isn't enough to give the people responsible for the indoor pollution a good enough reminder that they're causing problems & Charles is going to keep getting notified about the problem every time it gets extremely bad to step in on the problem (usually by calling them directly about it or attempting to get the police involved to take care of it...if they respond to the complaint, that is...). From now on I'm going to keep a public log from the first day it happened until I get 24 hours of no pollution, at which point I'll hide everything in that run of the problem; since this run of the problem has been happening every day since 12/6/2015, that means there will be one log per day visible to the public (which will continue to build) every day it happens until that 24 hours (midnight to midnight) has been reached, at which point everything will be hidden to the public in that run on Facebook (it will still be visible to Facebook friends however) & public logging will start new when the pollution starts up again (I'm pretty certain it won't ever stop completely, which is the main reason I'm trying to find a place so I can move out of here now; the other reasons being the hostility & discrimination I'm getting from most other people living in this building). There are 2 other sites where public logging is still happening, but seeing as currently there are very few people in the building (if any) that currently know where they are located, those will remain public & will only fully go private when the pollution has been resolved for at least a week.
Also made a doctor appointment to get some antibiotics to get over this cold I've had for nearly 3 months, since the indoor pollution isn't really helping it getting over it. I don't really think the antibiotics will be enough to outweigh the pollution keeping me coughing all day, but I need to try something other than wearing a respirator all day just to keep the pollution out of my lungs & stop coughing... Speaking of which, the pollution is currently pretty bad in my home office, so looks like I'm going to have to use the respirator again just to get anything done on the computer/internet (possibly text Charles about the pollution again as well.
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
Originally posted on Facebook 1/4/2016

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