Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Hoarse Voice
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Seizure (minor)
- Sore Throat
- Weak/Loss of Voice
UPDATE: I started smelling drugs after the last update about cigarette smoke, looks like it switched over from cigarettes to drugs in E26 (the cigarettes was never verified to be coming from there, however the drugs were; at this point the smell is more verified to be coming from E26 than from E12, however it can still be smelled from E22, so I expect E12 is still doing it). Another update will be posted later if I manage to verify that E12 is doing it today (which I'm certain I will, doesn't seem like they can go one day without doing it inside).
UPDATE: And directly after the last update I started smelling cigarette smoke again. I believe E26 is following these logs, so I expect he's doing something different every time I post an update.
UPDATE: I decided to text Charles again to find out if he was serious about the possible drug bust he talked to me about 2 weeks ago, also stated that I contacted another crime tip hotline last night about the drug use in the building. Depending on what he says when he responds (if he responds), I may or may not post an update regarding that response.
UPDATE: The smell of drugs has been confirmed to be coming from E12 again at about 5 PM; more from E22, but since nobody is currently living there & the people working on it are currently gone, that only leaves the possibility of it coming from E12 (particularly since it's only getting stronger with nobody in there). That smell has significantly subsided in E26, however it can still be smelled from it; right now the worse of it seems to be coming from E12.
Spoke to Charles earlier, seems like his idea of a drug bust is calling the police on them every time I report it to them. Well I'm okay with that provided he actually does it, however I think there's some confusion on his part as to what an actual drug bust is. In any case the smell is pretty bad coming from E12 at the moment, so I'll probably send him another text. One thing I can say it's understandable they may not want to stand in the rain to do their dirty little habits, however the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer because they don't want to go outside in the rain (that that the rain really has anything to do with it since this had been a problem nearly every day for close to 2 years, regardless of what the weather is like).
UPDATE: Indoor drug use is also coming from E26 now. I've been waiting for a while after texting Charles about this in E12 for the police to show up, however they haven't showed yet. I've been attempting to help Charles in figuring out why calling the police on the drug use hasn't helped in getting the problem stopped, it appears the problem may be the police just aren't showing (which means Charles needs to complain to the Murray Chief of Police about them not doing their job again). In the mean time I have been giving Charles updates on the situation via texts, which is where the smell also started coming from E26 while I was waiting for the police. As I watched for the police to come & gave updates to Charles, I noticed that some people were going out to smoke even in the rain. The problem with this is the majority of the people going out to smoke were not people in this building & out of the people that live in this building that were going out to smoke (when I say smoke, I also means least in Building E), it definitely doesn't include the people that are causing the worst of the problem (E12 & E26).
One other thing to mention, I finally figured out why that door closer was broken off of the back door of the building. Appears the guy in E28 broke it off so he could keep the door wide open while he goes out to smoke. At least he's going out & beyond the back stairs to smoke & I won't complain too much about distance from the building while it's raining (as long as it's still outside), but I expect Charles is going to have something to say to him about breaking that off the door. I know why he did it, he wanted to avoid having to come back through the front door, there's more to this however; the father in E28 is perhaps the most hostile individual in the building towards me at this point & the reason for doing it was to avoid having to pass me in the hall (given the obvious attitude with just the way he looked at me when we passed in the hallway is the discrimination I have mentioned from him in the past). Well I already expected it was him that broke it off the door, but now I have the proof of it & I've already relayed that information to Charles.
UPDATE: One thing I forgot to mention earlier, I also started smelling cigarette smoke indoors while I was waiting for the police, however trying to verify the source of it could likely be a problem. I've only ever had luck verifying it coming from E22 & I expect the reason why I can't verify the drug use coming from E12 is because their doing it in their bedroom, however it goes through the floor to E22 where there are no closed door & it comes bellowing out the front door & through the vents. In any case that complaint I made about the drug use in E12 through the crime tip hotline should get some results, however the police might just choose to ignore those through tip hotlines as well. The biggest problem here seems to be the police don't really give a damn about drug use & we have to find some way to force them to do their job rather than ignoring legitimate problems. We have a big enough problem with drug users in Building E of the South 67 Condos, but if the police choose to be lazy & ignore enforcing Utah drug laws, then how are we to ever get this situation resolved? Somewhere I heard "Serve & Protect" was the motto of the police, but the Murray police make a mockery of that motto & quite honestly is the reason while I don't think I can really put any faith in them anymore...
UPDATE: At this point I think I've decided it's time to go back to bed ill again. If the police do show, then perhaps it will get those inconsiderate SoBs to pull their heads out of their asses & consider whether it's worth having the police called all the time to deal with their indoor drug use. Tomorrow is another day & hopefully I won't be so ill from the pollution (and the cold I've had for close to two months now since the pollution isn't allowing me to get over it) that it's going to keep me from going to my parents house for Thanksgiving dinner; just getting out of the building will get me away from the pollution for a while, but that won't likely be happening if I got my head hung over the toilet... Anyways, for those on my friends list who are following this, pray for me...I need all the help I can get so I don't miss another family holiday due to indoor secondhand pollution... >.<
Originally posted on Facebook 11/25/2015
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