
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 23, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues again today in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  Right now it looks like it's coming from E28; it can be smelled from E18 also, but it's stronger coming from E28, so I think the source of the pollution (I expect drugs) is coming from E28.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ear
  • Seizure (minor)
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  Indoor drug use currently confirmed to be coming from both E26 & E28; it's the same density coming from both front doors & stronger than any other unit on this side of the building.  It does appears that E11 might also be doing something in their unit, however what's being done on that side of the building shouldn't be effecting my unit.

UPDATE:  Got a bit of a break from the indoor pollution after the last update, however it's started back up again.  Confirmed at 5:50 AM to be coming from E26 (again).

UPDATE:  Looks like at the moment (about 8:27 AM) the drugs are currently coming form E18; I smelled it from a few different units, but it was strongest coming from this unit.

I nearly posted a review on Property Management Systems Inc. (management company for the South 67 Condos) on the BBB website this morning, this review was meant to point out the following:
  • The promise we were made when we purchased the unit that was never kept regarding indoor smoking (which was what kept us from backing out of that purchase when given the option after finding out these were not "true" condos).
  • The daily illness we have from that pollution.
  • The inability to use our central air because of what's coming through the vents (the drifting secondhand pollution comes through the vents from other units regardless of whether central air is used or not, it's just much worse when it is used).
  • The fact that in the summer the portable cooler we purchased to try & deal with the heat because we couldn't get an exception for a window-mounted cooler even after explaining the situation isn't even close to deal with those extreme temps; sometimes having to cave in & use central air anyways knowing full well we're going to get the full brunt of the pollution when we do if only to get the temp down so we don't have to deal illness of extreme heat stroke on top of the illness from the pollution.
  • The fact that we've turned off our gas since we can't use our heater (central air) because of the pollution coming through the vents & are currently relying on a space heater for heat in the winter.  Hot water is provided through the central boiler, so there's really no reason in continuing to pay for gas if the only purpose for it is the heater.
  • The discrimination not only from the people living here, but also from Charles 2 days ago.
  • The fact that Charles is extremely hard to get a hold of & even with leaving a voice mail or email, you rare get a response back (half of the time not knowing whether they were even listened to or read).
  • The games I'm currently having to deal with when I do actually get Charles on the phone, like telling me what I want to hear only to get me of the phone as soon as possible, then doing absolutely nothing afterwards even if he stated he was going to look into it or deal with it during the call (it's already happened a number of times where he stated one thing, then I found out it was a lie later).
Really this should have been a review on the South 67 Condos, but currently the condos themselves are not listed on the BBB, so perhaps I should request the BBB to add it so I can write the review on the correct company (wouldn't be the first time I've taken this route, I did this with the management for the first apartments I rented also) since it's really the HOA at fault for not allowing anything to be done about these problems.  The thing that made me decide to wait on posting it was that the BBB agreement stated that the review would be sent to the company for verification, which since I'm technically not the owner of the unit, they probably would be able to talk the BBB out of letting it get on their site.  Well whether it gets on the BBB isn't really the problem, but it would have a bigger impact than if I were to post it on my personal site instead, so really it will get on the web regardless (there's already one on Facebook anyways, but not with as much details as the one I just wrote).  I've saved the review to a file for the time being, I'm going to see if things go south again or if Charles continues to play games with me with phone calls/emails before I decide to post it to the BBB, leaving my personal site as a backup plan (at least with my personal site, I don't need to request a company to be added to write the review, I just add the page myself).  Right now it's just a review, but I expect in the near future I'm going to go with a full BBB complaint if things don't start improving soon.

UPDATE:  Okay, I'm done fucking with this situation!  The pollution is only increasing again & I'm tired of playing games with these bastards who think they have the upper hand to continue causing the pollution every fucking day even when they know there's people constantly sick from it; these inconsiderate bastards can rot in fucking hell for all I care!!!  The BBB review that I nearly posted this morning has been uploaded to my personal site with some slight alterations (it's near identical to what I had this morning).  Any more games from these fucktards who think they can keep me quiet in my fight for my rights, I'm submitting that review to the BBB as well.  The review on my personal site can be found at , soon to be added to the BBB as well.

UPDATE:  The indoor drug use continued to be a problem the entire day, however I had other things on my mind to take care of the situation & an iron will (despite the lack of sleep) to complete what I was doing before I let it get in the way of what I was attempting to finish before I finally went to bed.  I spent several hours today researching a resolution to the indoor smoking/drug problem, the online search for information originally being a search to make a discrimination complaint against the management of these condos (really the HOA needs to be the one to file the complaint against, but since I don't currently have a contact for them, the complaint will go to Charles & he'll have to provide them with a contact for HOA board members) for ignoring this issue for over 2 years.  I found the details I needed, but I think I may have found information that would allow Charles to take care of this matter himself.

I spent most of the day today trying to re-locate those references so I could send them to him in an email to see if he still has any drive to stop the indoor smoking like he originally did when he told me to keep him posted on any laws that would allow him to do so.  I didn't expect he did because he has stated he no longer is dealing with the indoor smoking problem & figured his statement that EVERYBODY wants me out would have deterred any new information regarding the problem being accepted & would have automatically been tossed aside...  However the information I sent, he did thank me for & said he would run it past his lawyers, stating it was a "creative" way to take care of the problem.  I suppose I felt a little good that he thought it was my "creativity" that put this together, but I can't take credit for it; my knowledge on the situation is based on what I've read online about it, I just had to piece together how it has been done in the past (if there is any creativity on my part about it, it's deductive reasoning piecing together what laws were used to make an impact) & try to word it so Charles could understand it.  I think I may have succeeded in explaining how it's going to work, where I have failed in the past; it will be different than it has in the past because I intend on following through on this since I no longer have any patience on this matter & will be filing a housing discrimination complaint if I haven't heard back from him by the end of Monday.  The details of that email were as follows:

I requested him not to contact me until tomorrow or late tonight so I could try to sleep of the apparent mental breakdown I had on this issue so there wasn't a chance I would go off on him on the phone; to no big surprise he couldn't wait, he contacted me back & proceeded to give me a lecture on he can't control people in units they own & once again made the accusation of threats being fired his way (which I already expected was going to happen; that's the case with nearly every email I send him regardless of whether there's any implied hostility or not).  He did not yell at me over the phone, but he did speak fast & when he started I had decided I was going to send the complaint directly after I had gotten some sleep to get over what felt like a month's worth of mental anguish gained in a short time.  I will at least wait a few days to see if he's going to go over this with his lawyer's & get back to me (he stated he would & was going to drop off the smoke detector tomorrow, we'll see if that really happens), but the housing discrimination complaint will be filed on Monday if I haven't heard anything by the end of business hours & he won't be getting any notification about it after that until he is contacted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development about the complaint.

One other thing I stated was that what I claimed was spice, might not have been spice; it might have been a cover-up to hide the fact that people were smoking inside.  Well that's beside the point, things are going to start changing here, regardless of whether management/HOA are taking care of the problem on their own or whether they are forced into getting it done by a hellstorm of complaints coming at them through various organizations.  I will wait until Monday, after that, all gloves are off...

One thing I have not disclosed to anybody yet, however it's now going to come out; I did call the housing discrimination complaint center today to make a general inquiry whether I could file housing discrimination under the conditions I have been under for the last 2 years, I got transferred to somebody that supposedly "could" answer the question, but what I got was an answering machine.  I hung up, decided I would just make the complaint online & see what they determined once they got it.  The complaint has not been filed yet, but Monday is the deadline to see if the building management here does anything about it before I start sending complaints to various organizations.  This will include the review to the BBB, as well as a number of other contacts to other organizations, however the actual complaint to the BBB while be held off until some of the other complaints have had time to process and likely beefed up with a list of complaints that have been filed against them if I don't start to see some progress on this situation by the time it's filed.

Originally posted on Facebook 11/12/2015

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