I’ve decided to take a break from the timeframe logging seeing as it seems Charles seems to have no interest in it (this would be the same reason why I stopped it last time, where like last time, it was being done to point out to him how bad the situation was). Logging will continue to be done on Facebook (public for the day it's happening, set to friends-only at the end of the day) & the two other sites it’s being done on, Charles will continue to be texted when the problem gets extremely bad, I will continue pointing out when the pollution has forced me to bed ill, when I’ve had to contact Charles about the pollution & when I have to use my respirator to filter out the pollution for some chance of clean air to breath in my unit.
Furthermore speakers will be used rather than headphones at night every night the pollution was a problem within a 24 hour period (midnight to midnight) seeing as I see no point in trying to be considerate to people that are inconsiderate to others with their indoor pollution (consideration of my noise level was my first concern when I first moved here, that changed when the pollution became a daily problem); furthermore that volume goes up when I need to use my air purifiers to attempt to clean the air & fans, portable cooler & space heater to mitigate extreme temperatures (due to not using central air because of the pollution), I will go back to using the headphones at night (9 PM to 9 AM) on days that the pollution was not a problem & if we ever get a week of it not happening (unlikely since we rarely even get a DAY of it not happening), I intend on turning my gas back on so I can use my heater via central air again (won't be until next Winter however if I don't get that week before it starts heating back up).
Of course the use of my headphones & turning my gas back on at this point is all hypothetically speaking considering I am currently trying to find a place to move to so I can move out of this hellhole where nobody seems to give a damn about anybody else. I'm not only receiving indoor pollution on a daily basis, I'm also receiving hostility & discrimination from others living here pretty regularly (got some from the father in E28 a few days ago as he was coming in from walking his dog, ever get a glare where you know they think the worst of you?).
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Earaches
- Headaches
- Irritated Eyes
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
UPDATE: Had to put my respirator on when I got back from spending time at my parents for dinner & a movie; whether this was an increase in pollution while I was gone or the same pollution when I left only being more noticeable after being in some clean air (or cleaner air than what's in my unit anyways), I can't be certain... Regardless it has taken it's toll & looks like I'm going to be heading to bed ill again; I guess I'll once again be out cold when the new year hits... I know there was an increase in pollution somewhere around 1 PM, where I nearly sent a text to Charles over it; the only thing that stopped it from being sent was it significantly subsided before I hit send. So what hit me in the face when I walked back in could very well be an increase in pollution, however I can't say for certain that is the case or not because it's different when you're sitting in it & breathing it all day than when you're out in cleaner air & walk back into a toxic environment...
UPDATE: Temps reached a peak low of 63° F today (see first comment below) due to not using my central air to avoid sucking that filth through the vents from other units; this is also why my gas is currently turned off seeing as I would rather not have to continue paying an upkeep fee to keep it on when I'm not using it (hot water is provided by a central boiler, so I don't need gas for hot water).
Originally posted on Facebook 12/31/2015

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