
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 23, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos & once again it's verified to be coming from E26. Earlier I also smelled something very strong (possibly drugs or a cover-up to indoor smoking) coming from E27 (these are new people in the building), however I don't really think that the pollution from that unit is going to be going through the vents on this side of the building, so it shouldn't be a problem in my unit unless it gets strong enough to go half-way down the hall & through my front door (with really isn't the strong point of pollution in my unit at the moment). I think I'm going to text Charles about possible drug use again, see if I can get him to call the cops on E26; although he's probably asleep at the moment, so he probably won't see it until morning. I've been ignoring it for a few hours already, but it's getting too strong to ignore at this point, which is why the log is now going up.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ear
  • Seizures
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  Just as I was typing up a text to send to Charles, I started smelling cigarette smoke again.  Well it's time to take this to the next level.  The document has been put back up again, but I've added a little insurance in case it gets taken down again; whoever takes it down this time is going to get a shock factor that will either deter them from ever doing it again or its going to cause an uproar in the building.  I'm pretty sure I'll be hearing from the person who's been taking it down when they figure out what the shock factor is, so at that point there won't be any guessing who it is anymore.

UPDATE:  Woke up about 8:15 AM & once again that document was taken down.  I'm certain they got the full effect of the shock value for that document since it wasn't enough to stop them from taking it down completely.  The question is now, would it be enough that they went through it once to stop them from taking it down again?  Or hopefully it was enough to get them to knock off the indoor pollution entirely so it doesn't get put back up.  In any case it doesn't seem like those Tobacco-Related Mortality statistics really phases E26 (they got their own personal copy), so perhaps it's time to find something else to put up...

Out of all the units in this building that were a problem with indoor pollution on this side of the building, the only one that appears to still be continuing to fight the reality of what they're were/are causing is E26.  However I do smell it from E11 occasionally & the new people in E27 appear to be a problem with it as well, but at least I should be able to get away from pollution coming from that side of the building by retreating to my unit (of course that doesn't get me away from the toxic fumes coming from E26).  ...which is exactly why I need to get out of here; too many people who are not concerned on how their dirty habits effect the people around them, too many hostile individuals & a management that doesn't really care to even attempt to get a serious problem resolved (with the exception of Charles since he has attempted, but not succeeded; unfortunately the HOA of these condos prevents him from doing what is really needed to get the problem resolved).

UPDATE:  I knew I smelled something when I started typing the last update, but as I was proofreading it, I once again started smelling cigarette smoke, so obviously the shock value has not deterred them from continuing to do it inside...  I think what I really need to start doing it getting other organizations involved that will push the management (HOA mainly) into doing something about it rather than ignoring it, seeing as E26 is obviously not going to back down in my lifetime.  In all honesty, I think they are going to end to my life with their indoor pollution, but I still don't think a death caused by their actions would be enough to get them to stop even if it ended up on the news (which is something I intend on making sure happens before I pass away, even if it gets aired afterwards).

So let's start making this matter personal since they're are by far the most stubborn of the bunch in this building & see if they decide they want to try & reason with me to get me to stop giving details about them online.  They have the last of Galegos & live in Unit E26 in Building E of the South 67 Condos located at 34 W. Lester Ave.  There is a man & a woman living in that unit & I believe they have a dog.  Now it's just a matter of what else I can find out about them to post it online unless they decide to knock it off until I'm able to move out.  Once I have further information about them, I will be making a character review on them on my personal site as I have done with Julie & Lloyd when they were causing SERIOUS problems in E22.

UPDATE:  Might as well get this out while I'm at it...  This was the note I gave to E23 a few days ago (when I thought they were starting to be civil) that took probably around 7 hours to type up, which I don't think they even read, so let's get it out in the open so the time it took to write wasn't a complete waste.  I'll attempt to finish proofreading it later, but right now it's a direct copy of what they got:

UPDATE:  This log was cut short after receiving a legal threat from E26 through Charles; see next post for more details.

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