The smell of spice/incense coming from E26 in Building E of the South 67 Condos has gotten particularly bad again, ended up having to text Charles about it again. He might be in bed already, but I have another way of getting E26's attention if needed.
A photo will be added later when it's expected to reach the peak low for the night.
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Headaches
- Irritated Eyes
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
- Trouble Breathing
UPDATE: The pollution was particularly bad this morning, smells like what comes from E12. Couldn't stop coughing after walking into my home office (I could literally see ash floating around in my home office), coughing so hard I literally thought I was going to hack up a lung. Had to immediately turn on my air purifier, but it's not really strong enough to deal with this level of pollution, so I'm sitting right in front of it to try & make things better; it does, but I'm still "hacking up a lung" here. It's not just bad in my home office, but also most other rooms (with the exception of the bathrooms & my bedroom).
Attempted to contacted Charles by phone, which was intended to be a call without complaint of indoor pollution to discuss a possible solution to the problem (or temporary solution anyways) when I went to bed last night, but I knew I would have to say something about it if he heard me hacking up a lung over the phone, so I just intended on getting it out there in the beginning of the call.
The possible solution I had to the problem was either an anti-pollution mask (used mainly by bikers) or a respirator facemask (used mainly for construction/paint jobs where drifting debris gets strong during work). The thing I wanted to discuss with Charles about both of these was I expected people in the building were going to freak out if they saw me wearing either of these while in the building. The anti-pollution mask quite honestly would make me look like a mugger & also it reminding me of movies like Friday the 13th & Hannibal. Plus I'm not sure what would be going through their minds if they saw me using a respirator facemask inside (not that I would really care, but they had some seriously fucked up assumptions of me before there was any accuracy to those assumptions, so I wouldn't put it past these morons to let their imaginations take the panic level to the moon & back).
I did get the chemical smell (possible e-cigs/hookah) to stop after putting up my note on Facebook that I could smell it & was logging it via Timeframe logging (although I don't expect anybody in the building actually knows what that is yet since they likely haven't seen that type of log yet, at least not from me), but it switched to indoor cigarettes at that point. Shortly after starting, the cigarette smell stopped; it finally toned down a bit to where I could breath easier. 49 minutes was logged in this episode starting at 11:10 AM, however this is inaccurate since it must have been happening for at least a few hours prior to waking up for it to be that strong as soon as I woke up. Migraines, nausea & trouble breathing were added to the list at this point, not to mention I have a constant pain in my chest after inhaling that much pollution in a short time. I attempted to use my inhaler to see if it would help with the chest pains & trouble breathing: it did, however considering it just opened up my air ways to allow more pollution into my lungs, it also makes my coughing worse. It doesn't look like we're out of the woods yet, seeing as I started smelling the chemical smell again (it's not getting particularly strong yet, however) almost directly after hiding the Facebook note about timeframe logging. My throat is sore enough right now that I wouldn't be surprised if I started coughing up blood, at that point I'll have to head to the hospital.
Photo has been added of the temp in my unit at 11:02 AM, however I missed my window to get a picture of the temp at it's peak low due to being asleep at that time (should have taken the picture before I went to bed around 6 AM); these photos of the thermostat are taken to prove indoor temp in my unit when it gets out of a comfortable rage (normally keep it around 70° F) due to being unable to use my central air in fear of sucking that pollution right through the vents (I haven't even run it for several months & it still gets this bad on a daily basis).
Originally posted on Facebook 12/15/2015
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