
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 23, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues in Building E of the South 67 Condos, looks like it's coming from E26 again based on the smell (spice/incense smell).  I was going to see if he was going to get it through his head before speaking to my father today about the lawsuit against him, however seems it's still not registering, so I'll be having that discussion today.  Furthermore, that pollution is increasing in density & the estimated time of accumulated secondhand pollution from E26 last night/early this morning has reached almost 1.75 hours by 6 AM (he stopped for a while last night after I made numerous updates on the last log about this issue, but no big surprise it didn't last).

On another note, I finally figured out why the pollution was always strongest in my hallways, directly in front of my thermostat.  Turns out the pollution is coming strongest from my return vents when I don't have central air running.  At this point I'm attempting to seal them shut with some printing paper & tape, hopefully that will keep the majority of that pollution from coming through the walls to my unit.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ear
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  The secondhand pollution from E26 has gotten SO BAD this morning that I've literally had to leave the respirator on nearly entirely since 6 AM when I was attempting to seal up the return vents (however it doesn't look like that's the only place it's coming from, seems to be hitting my living room right at entryway also, although I haven't determined where that could be coming from yet since I already sealed up the vent directly above it).  It don't look like it's the pollution is going to stop before morning, so I'm expecting accumulated secondhand pollution to reach about 5 hours by morning, then he'll have to deal with 5 hours of noise pollution "payback" again.

UPDATE:  Pollution confirmed to be coming  from E26 again at about 2:45 PM.  I was in the process of giving him back 3 hours of noise pollution from accumulated secondhand pollution last night, but seeing as he's currently only adding on top of it, I've stopped the timer that was tracking the "payback" countdown until he stops the current pollution.  Also sent Charles another text regarding the pollution currently happening, going to see if I can get him to call the fucker, pull his head out of his ass & take his shit outside.

UPDATE: Looks like this jackass in E26 isn't getting the picture with the noise pollution being in response to his secondhand pollution, so at this point I'm no longer keeping track of time regarding it since the time will never fully expire in the time given in a day since he's just stacking time on top of what's already there; I'm just going to have the noise pollution payback continue going the entire time I'm awake between 10 AM & 9 PM on any day that there was pollution between 9 PM & 9 PM the previous day &. The only way he's going to get the noise pollution to fully stop is along the same lines as what it will take to get these logs to stop as well as going back to using my headphones at night; he needs to suck it up & stop causing that pollution IN the building. The pollution is getting bad enough now that I'm going to have to start using my respirator again...

UPDATE:  Temps in my unit reached a peak low of 61° (see first comment below) today due to being unable to use my heater via central air because of the pollution coming from other units (E26 appears to be the main culprit effecting my unit at this point, at least on this side of the building).  This is also the reason why my gas has been shut off since September & also why I've had to seal off a number of my vents in my unit to try & prevent that pollution from entering my unit from others.

Originally posted on Facebook 1/12/2016

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