
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 21, 2016


I attempted to turn the cooler back on about 12:51 AM since it was only getting hotter inside even with the windows opened; in doing, I allowed myself to be exposed to the indoor smoking/drug use that was coming through the vents from other units & the health problem caused by it.  I managed to get my temp down 3° before having to shut it back off.  Given the fact that I really didn't get my unit cooled off before having to shut off my cooler again, it's almost certain there will be another photo today if I'm unable to get my unit cooled off using the air outside.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  The temp was still at 73° when I woke up this morning.  I attempted to turn the cooler on again after I closed the windows, had it back off again within a few minutes.  Going to hope that notice that Charles sends out has some kind of effect on the issue, otherwise I'll have to continue filing complaints & other people are going to start getting problems/fines out of it...

UPDATE:  Looks like somebody is in E22 smoking cigarettes again.  At this point I don't know who is doing it, but I know Randy (the landlord of that unit) has been known to causing this same problems, so if Julie isn't around anymore, I wouldn't put it past him to be doing it himself.  A text was sent to Charles about it after waiting a while for an operator to pick up on the management number for these condos.

UPDATE:  Charles was apparently here speaking to Randy outside, seems the smell I was smelling might have been what has saturated that unit over the time Julie lived there & I expect the cooler kicking on was pushing it through the vents (although to be completely honest, I would be surprised if it could even run when it looks like this; see first comment below).  Even if E22 is now vacant, that smell is still a problem & will continue to be until it gets cleaned out thoroughly...  >.<

UPDATE:  I think I've given up on Charles giving me a new smoke detector at this point considering he was just here, stated that it was in his car & still didn't drop it off before he left (I doubt he's still here after 3 hours).  I've been without a smoke detector for at least 2 months already since he's been stating that he was going to give me a new one to replace the one that was going off on the neighbors indoor smoking, so the only problem I can see with this is the fact that somebody in the building threatened me with calling the police on me for not having a working one...

The temp in my unit is already over 75°, so there WILL be another photo being added to this post later one of my thermostat proving the high temps.  It's been about 3 days since I've been able to use it normally; at this point I can't say whether it's the pollution coming from E22 even after that bitch Julie was thrown out or if it's coming from other units in the building.

UPDATE:  Decided it was time to go back to bed ill about 2:15 PM because the pollution has me coughing so hard I've ended up having borderline seizures (not the first time this has happened.  The heat in my unit has already climbed to 77° in my unit, so I don't expect I'll get any actual sleep due to the heat, but might at least be able to get some rest.  If it gets any hotter in here, I'm going to have to resort to cold showers & popsicles to try & get my body temp down; heat stroke is already taking it's toll...

UPDATE:  There is currently a smell coming from outside that smell like some sort of pollution.  I decided to close my windows & see if the pollution coming through the vents was worse than that was coming from outside.  I had the cooler on for less than 30 seconds before shutting it back off, deciding the pollution from outside was definitely more tolerable than that of what was coming through the vents...

My unit reached a peak temp of 78° today due to not being able to use the cooler ALL DAY.  This means I ended up dealing with heat stroke health problems nearly all day on top of the health problems caused by the pollution from the indoor smoking/drug use.  I'll be gone for part of the day tomorrow, so I won't have to deal with it for very long unless I get home & am unable to use my cooler to cool down my unit; unless Charles has gotten that notice out by tomorrow morning, I'm expecting another day of heat stroke/drifting second-hand smoke related illnesses...

Originally posted to Facebook 9/30/2015

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