
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 21, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues in Building E of the South 67 Condos; it's not so much coming through the vents at the moment since I STILL have my cooler off, but it can be smelled pretty strong in the public hallways.  Haven't been able to verify who's doing it yet, but I haven't seen the notice from Charles about indoor smoking/drug use yet, so I don't think there's currently anything to deter them from doing it other than these posts on Facebook (and that's only if they know about them).

There is a plus side to today & that's that it's started raining outside (it's light at the moment, but should pick up).  I might end up being able to get my unit cooled off if the rain continues since it should drop the temps outside enough to actually have an effect on my unit; I don't really expect it will be enough to get my unit down to 70° where it should be, but I'll take what I can get since heat stroke is becoming a daily issue around here (at least for the last 2 days).  People can claim that the heat stroke is self-imposed, where I wouldn't say they were incorrect; it's their pollution that deters me from using my cooler however, so I have to choose whether I want to be ill from extreme pollution coming through the vents or mitigate the pollution & have to deal with the heat stroke with somewhat lessoned pollution being sucked into my personal space...

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Nausea
  • Migraines
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  I managed to get the temp in my unit down to about 73° (about a 5° drop before I opened them) just from the air outside before having to close my windows when the sun started coming through them.  I decided to try using my cooler again in an attempt to get it down to where it “should” be, already knowing I would be getting pollution through them when I turned them on (I wasn’t wrong); I’m going to attempt to tolerate it as long as I can before I shut them back off again seeing as I’ve had to deal with illnesses from heat stroke the last two days.

UPDATE:  I left the cooler on for a few hours, shutting it off & opening the windows again when it was overcast enough to hide the sun (it’s still cool out there), unfortunate it got too strong to tolerate around 10:15 AM & ended up having to shut it off again; I’ll continue looking for opportunities to open my windows as the day goes on.  While the pollution wasn’t strong enough to get me coughing too strong, it was strong enough to give me a non-stop migraine; I know shutting off the cooler won’t stop it from happening, but it should at least limit the pollution that comes into my unit through the vents.  At this point we’re going to start getting rising temps again; considering it’s till early, it’s very likely another photo will be added to this post later tonight.

Originally posted to Facebook 10/2/2015

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