
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 21, 2016


Indoor smoking in Building E of the South 67 Condos continues again today; I haven't verified where it's coming from yet, but it's definitely coming from inside the building. On top of the illness I caught from my mother last week, this is going to make getting over that illness much more difficult...

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  I turned my cooler back on in the evening to find there was a rather sickening smell coming through the vents.  At this point I haven't been able to place the smell (not sure if it's my illness messing with my sense of smell or what); it smells more like a strong gas smell, almost chemical in nature.  It's increased the coughing symptoms & since I have laryngitis already from coughing nearly all day for 3 days straight (due to the illness I got last week), it doesn't help with the pain I get from even a slight cough...  At this point the coughing from my illness is for the most part calmed down, but whatever this smell is coming through the vents doesn't help in healing my laryngitis or sore throat (currently have a migraine from extreme coughing).
Speaking of gas, my gas has been turned off for around 3 months already due to the pollution issue, something that I don't intend on turning back on until it's resolved.  Considering it's starting to get cold at night, it will soon be cold enough that I won't need to leave my windows open at night anymore since it's going to be colder inside during the day time than where I normally keep it.  This means I'll need to use the heater, where I won't be able to use central air until I turn the gas back on & I refuse to turn it back on until I've had a week of no pollution effecting my unit.  My father lent me a space heater a few years ago when I was having this same problem with the previous tenant in E22 (before Julie) & was taping the vents shut in an attempt to stop to pollution from coming through them (a futile effort...), I can use that until I decide to turn my gas back on & use central air for heating again.

Originally posted to Facebook 10/15/2015

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