
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 21, 2016


Indoor pollution continues in the Building E of the South 67 Condos, however at this point it appears to be old pollution as opposed to new pollution.  What that means is that it's lingering from what has happened in the past as to what is being done right now & I verified this when I walked into the public hallways, smelled the same smell & verified it coming from E22.

The question now is why is it still coming from that unit if nobody is there & why is it stronger on some days over others?  Well it smells pretty bad in there right now; depending on the day, it's apparently easier for it to "escape" the unit & find its way into other units or the public hallways.  I originally considered that Randy was going in there to smoke to continue causing me problems, but I would be smelling new pollution if that was the case, so I can't really say I believe that anymore.

I think the key factor in this is perhaps the heat.  I don't think Randy has turned off the cooler in that unit yet, so I expect when the cooler kicks on, this pushes the pollution to areas other than the unit itself.  This problem could be resolved (at least what is coming from that unit) if Randy were to shut off the cooler in there; I've also offered to use my own air sanitizer to try & clean up the pollution, but never heard back on that offer (either Charles never called Randy about it, Charles could never get a hold of him or Randy refused the offer; given Charles never sent that notice out he was going to last week, I'm more inclined to believe he never tried to contact Randy about the offer).  Likely the only relief we're going to get from the pollution in E22 is when it gets cold enough that coolers will no longer be needed; however Randy might choose to turn on the heater, then we won't get that relief from it...

In any case, I do not expect that we've had the last of new pollution in the unit from other units, but right now it looks like it's subsided for the time being (possibly they're at church, so they're not around to cause the problem until later).  Weekends were always the worst while Julie was living, so I expect later on it will pick up since I can't entirely say that I believe Julie was the only person causing it at this point.  The pollution coming through the vents (cooler is currently on) wasn't that bad in the beginning, but I expect I'm going to have to turn my cooler off soon, where I'll have to deal with the heat again in response to trying to avoid the pollution (not that turning off my cooler is going to do much good if the cooler is running in E22).

Right now I think I've had enough pollution going through my lungs that I need to head back to bed ill again, so now that I've finished with my washing for the time being, I think it's time to get some shut eye (or at least try to) & sleep off the migraine I've gotten from the pollution.  Chest pains started again a little while ago while I was watching some Crime TV on 13.3 (in Utah), so hopefully a good nap (if I can actually get to sleep) will help with that also (not that I expect it will if I'm continuing to breathe the pollution even while asleep).

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE: As I was about to lay down due to illness from the pollution about 11:30 AM, I nearly turned the cooler off to prevent further pollution from coming through the vents.  Decided that I'd try to cover/clean it up with my air purifier/scented candles rather than fully shutting it back off so I didn't have to deal with the heat.

UPDATE: Decided at 11:37 AM that trying to cover/clean up the pollution that was still coming through the vents was not sufficient since what I have is not strong enough to make that level of pollution coming through the vents tolerable, ended up turning off the cooler anyways & attempted to rely on my backup cooler (a Sunpentown SF-609) to try & stay cool.

UPDATE: Decided to try & use the cooler again around 3:20 PM after I woke up, right now the pollution isn't that bad, so hopefully I'll be able to continue using it until tonight when I can open the windows (provided it cools down enough last night, wasn't very cool last night).

Originally posted to Facebook 10/11/2015

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