
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 21, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use in Building E of the South 67 Condos continues, the unit the pollution is coming from is currently unverified.  I'm expecting I'm going to be getting a call from Charles today given somebody put a poster in the foyer trying to get people to check out the South 67 Condos page; like an indirect way of ratting me out, but in all honesty, I've been wanting people living here to notice these posts so it might deter them from doing it.  In any case, it doesn't matter what Charles says to me, I won't stop posting about this problem until it's resolved.  I have cleaned up probably around 70 posts about Julie & her bastard boyfriend over the last 3 months after she was evicted, however considering the problem is still an issue, the posts are still being made almost daily & will continue until the problem is resolved.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  I haven't smelled smoke in my unit since I woke up around 7 AM this morning, which means either the person that is smoking inside either has left for work or they've seen these posts & have finally gotten it through their heads that while it continues, the information is still going to be put out there even if Charles has put a gag order on me on notices in the building.  The smell of drugs is still in the public hallways however, so the problem is not entirely resolved yet & I quite honestly don't think that it's the last I will be smelling of it in my own unit.  I did get to turn on my fan this morning a bit to blow out some smoke from the fish I cooked, luckily there was no pollution coming through the vents that I could smell.

I realized something today in regards to the accusations that were being made about me when people were moving.  They claimed they were moving because they thought I was "crazy", "a nutcase" or "dangerous" to their family.  I think the truth of the matter is they wanted to continue smoking inside & my fight for my rights was raining on their parade, so they wanted to move somewhere else where they would be able to smoke inside without somebody constantly complaining about it.  In honesty, I'm glad their gone if that's the case, however the fact remains that they decided to twist the facts in order to have a complaints against me.  Unfortunately if people are leaving with a reason, Charles appears to hold those opinions higher than those who are still living here, which is an error in judgment if you ask me, although not entirely since they can pin the blame of a "troublemaker" on you regardless of whether that's the case or not; in all honesty, this wouldn't be the first time this has happened to me & to be quite frank, the last time it happened was also because I was fighting for my rights as a non-smoker (the difference is that smoking was not permitted in that unit, however Gloria Simpson chose not to enforce the rule, so people had to resort to their own measures to get it taken care of & the people fighting for their rights & for her to "do her job" got penalized over it).

UPDATE:  I just thought of something I hadn't previously considered in regards to "if" Charles decides to pull an illegal foreclosure on me to get me out.  I previously thought that sure he'd be getting rid of me if he did it, but not in the form he was thinking; rather than performing an eviction, he would be removing a corpse as I was intending on taking my life should he do it & informing the news as to what led up to it, why it happened & I ended my life to further the rights of non-smokers (whether the news covered the story or not is anybody's guess).  But I got thinking last night that what if I didn't move on; what if I got stuck on earth in the afterlife as a ghost?  In a sense I could use this to my advantage, haunting the unit that was illegally taken from my father so Charles could not sell it, cause problems for those who did purchase it or cause problems in other units that are still continuing to smoke inside even after death.  I don't particularly know what keeps spirits in the world of the living, but my understanding is it's a matter of "unfinished business" & that could very well have me stuck here because the problem around here never stopped up until I was illegally evicted (or at least attempted, if it ever gets that far).  In any case, I would probably stick around & do just as I had stated if it ever came to that & was I given a choice.  This might sound like crazy talk, but after my father has put SO much money into this unit for me to live in, I'm not going to let it slide should Charles try to pull the foreclosure card & he may not get rid of me even after death.

Originally posted to Facebook 10/5/2015

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