I'm considering finding a means to report this issue to a
higher authority, stating that building management seems to be protecting
illegal activities in this complex since they won't do anything about it, some
way to get a forced inspection by the state of every unit here & people
arrested over those activities. Drug use isn't the only problem here, I've also
heard that prostitution was happening in another building.
The problem with getting any sort of court ordered
inspection on this to go over building management's heads is that the problems
with Julie (previously evicted from E22) where she manipulated the legal system
has gained me a reputation for making false reports, unfortunately causing the
police to ignore most of my reports.
The police can't follow through with complaints if she never answers the
door unless there was a search warrant; she knew that if she didn't answer the
door, they couldn't do anything about it.
This reputation I got with the police for making false reports was the
result of this, which only happened because the police could never verify the
complaints since she would never answer the door when they came by, causing
them to immediately disregard any of my calls in the future. If I'm to get anything done here, I might
have to go through the HOA of Utah (not that I had much luck with it last time
I tried) or possibly contact my senator.
I would expect Charles to completely flip his lid once he's
contacted with a legal stand-down to allow forced inspections of every unit on
the property & go through with the illegal foreclosure on my unit, however
stories of whistleblowers getting penalized are pretty common in the news, so I
expect this would be a pretty easy story to get in the media if I decided not
to take my life after the illegal foreclosure.
Health problems caused by indoor pollution today:
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Sore Throat
- Trouble Breathing
UPDATE: The indoor
smoking has been at an all time high today ever since early this morning
(around 3 AM). This is actual cigarette
smoke, not just the drugs I've been smelling most of the time, so I expect this
is retaliation to realizing I'm making the problem public every day. Making the matter worse isn't going to deter
me from talking about it online, it's only going to mean I push the matter
further & start contacting other organizations or Charles directly again
(not that I expect speaking to Charles really does any good anymore, but it's
probably the most direct way to get something done about it...when he actually
does do something about it).
UPDATE: Currently
the pollution in Building E is SO BAD, that I think I'm going to avoid using
the cooler AT ALL today. This means
there will most likely be a picture of my thermostat being posted later tonight
showing heat stroke temps. I think I'm
going to call Charles & see what happened with that notice
"claimed" he was going to send out, although I'm expecting I'm going
to get the brush-off again...
UPDATE: Confirmed
the pollution to be coming E26, I think it's time to give Charles another
call. If he decides to do another
"shove-off" on me just to get me off of the phone, I think I'm going
to try sending a complaint about the illegal activities on the property to the
HOA of Utah.
UPDATE: Shortly
after I posted the last update, the pollution coming from E26 died down for
several hours, it started back up late evening when I was about to go to
bed. The fact that it started to die in
my own unit shortly after I made that update means that they are likely
following these posts & decided to can it when I mentioned I was calling
Charles. Obviously it hasn't completely
stopped yet, but I'm going to leave my options open to get this matter
I never did get a hold of Charles yesterday; Charles was out
while Daniel was "unavailable" according to the receptionist. She was going to put me through to his
voicemail, but I know better than to try & deal with that since I know he
does not answer my calls when I leave one & I've heard similar complaints
from almost everybody I've talked to at these condos. I simply told her I would try back later, then I got sidetracked
& never did attempt to call again...
I didn't use my cooler the entire day yesterday due to how
strong the pollution was early in the morning clear until about 11 AM. I got lucky however since I let my unit get
down below 65° last night (clear to the point I needed to put on a jacket), so
it didn't get too hot in my unit during the daytime (hotter than I would have
liked it, but not in heat stroke ranges), so I'm not going to be adding a photo
of those temps today
Originally posted to Facebook 10/7/2015
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