
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

January 21, 2016


Even though Julie is out now, the fact that remains that spice is still a problem in the building. I've verified the smell coming from two other units, E11 & E26. The smell from E11 really isn't a problem in my case unless it travels through the public hallways since he's down on the lower level (I'm on the upper level) & one door away on the other side of the hall. It's more of a problem with E26 since this guy is right next door to me (other side of where Julie was) & I'm not entirely surprised this is the case considering I caught his wife going between their patio & somewhere in their unit with a lit cigarette). I've considered shutting off my cooler again to try & avoid getting the pollution coming through the vents, just haven't decided to do it yet.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE: I spoke with my parents today to see if they would lend me the money to have my ducts cleaned. My mother told me I needed to get an estimate, which I did, but got a rude awakening when I called back with the estimated. My mother cut me off as I was giving the details, handed me over to my father. He stated that duct cleaning is a scam & it was obvious I wasn't going to get their help in getting this done. I pretty well hung up on him with a quick "goodbye" since I knew I wasn't going to change his mind without some proof... I started searching for some information about it online & it appears that the only part about duct cleaning that is a scam is how big of a deal it's made out to be. For the most part it appears to be unneeded in most cases, however in some cases it can be needed to rectify problems such as illnesses. This was the site I found on it:
I sent an email to my father hoping I could change his mind, but I have little to no hope that it will change his mind because he can be extremely hard headed & doesn't usually change his mind once he has his mind set... Rather than re-explaining the entire situation, I'm just going to include a photo of the email I sent my father (see comments below).

Originally posted to Facebook 9/25/2015

Email sent to father about duct cleaning (see above):

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