Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Irritated Eyes
- Loss of Voice
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ears
- Seizures (minor)
- Sore Throat
- Vomiting
When I woke up about 8 AM, my throat literally hurt like hell. I was afraid to even attempt to talk, since it would begin hurting before I could even start making sound from my mouth. Because of this pain, I didn't even want to get out of bed. I knew my mother would be calling me today to see if I wanted to go to a movie because of my previous discussion yesterday & I probably wouldn't be able to even speak to her over the phone, so I got up, found my Halls cough drops & started sucking on them in attempt to numb the pain in my throat so I could at least answer her when she called, but I think it's more likely I'll be going to the hospital than the movie at this point... Regardless of the situation & sucking on the cough drops, the pollution could be smelled as soon as I entered my hallways after exiting my bedroom, which caused additional coughing, so while I did take down the page for a few minutes after I got to my computer, I decided that I'm going to leave that page up until midnight since it's obvious this guy isn't going to give up. To take it a step further, when I put it back up, the pollution quickly started escalating at a rapid rate in retaliation to it being put back up (probably should have just left it up rather than taking it down for a couple minutes). Given I'm going to have to keep popping cough drops, I'm not really going to have the option of using the respirator, but perhaps the "vapor action" of the cough drops will help neutralize the smell so I can minimize coughing (I don't expect it will do anything about the toxins, but perhaps they'll help with the coughing regardless; they are cough drops after all). If I do end up going to the hospital, I intend on going after the bastard that caused this in one way or another; how is still undecided. Obviously I'm not going to assault him, but I would defend myself from him if I had to. Either it's going to be through legal action or hitting the wall if he doesn't get the point. I'm going to get out a pad of paper, since if the cops get called, I expect that's going to be my only means of communication with them (other than perhaps the computer, which would be quicker, but they're not going to understand that at the doorway).
UPDATE: While I can't say I'm surprised, the human filth in E26 made it a point that he's not going to stop, despite already turning me into a mute victim of his pollution (at least for the day; will probably be longer at the rate it's going). At this point I don't even see a point in taking it down at the end of the day, I'll probably be leaving it up until I move & attempting to find more information online I can link in that page. At this point I have written up that statement of loss of voice & taped it right next to my front door should somebody end up coming by (I might end up contacting the police myself through a webform). If he ever does get it through his head to knock it off for at least an hour (while I'm awake, so I notice it's stopped, but I'll probably be in bed most of the time while it continues), then perhaps I'll remove it, but his past attitude regarding the matter would state that is highly unlikely...
UPDATE: I ended up texting my father, telling him to let my mother know I wouldn't be going to the movie with her today. I also stated the reason, being that I couldn't even speak after that pollution assault last night & the guy causing it still isn't giving up. With any luck, my father will call the asshole with the information I've given him & get him to knock it off. My father to this point has chosen not to get involved in this issue, but this might be the breaking point where he decides to. It is possible he might call Charles also, seeing as I've already given him his cell phone number back when they were replacing keys with key fobs for the pool area (which I expect mine has probably been disabled at this point).
UPDATE: The jerk in E26 is still at it, looks like I may have to use the respirator regardless, even if I have to keep taking it off to pop a cough drop into my mouth. At this point he's not only canceled my plans to go out today with the illness he's inflicted on me with his indoor pollution, but also is preventing me from using my phone or any microphones (anything I speak into). As a result, anybody who calls me is just going to have to leave a message on the answering machine, seeing as I won't have a voice to speak to them. Eventually people might start getting worried & coming to see if I'm okay if I haven't gotten my voice back to call them back before that happens (which is unlikely with the way the pollution from E26 has been), then they'll get the full story through a written statement or by talking to them over the computer. Some of my friends (not so much family) have me on messengers, so that's an option of conversation rather than over the phone, microphone or in person. As has been the case for probably a month now, when I use the respirator, I leave the blinds open so people can start questioning why I'm using that thing while not doing something that it was actually designed for.
The guy still hasn't stopped, so as far as I'm concerned, he's telling me he doesn't really care that it's up. I'll have to see if I can find some more links to add to it; I might be able to find some that aren't indexed in search engines. I'm considering moving that page elsewhere on the web where it will get indexed by search engines.
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