
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

February 1, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use once again a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos & once again, it’s coming from E26.  I can’t say for certain when it started since I was still dealing with the foul smell I had from the sausages I cooked yesterday (not sure if they were just too old or freezer burnt, but they didn’t cook well), but Charles was texted about the problem at 3:09 AM.  Considering he is likely asleep, I’ll use my own method to get it to stop until he gets back to me.  I ended up having to use my respirator as I was writing this long & may need to continue doing so even after it is posted if they don't knock it of afterwards.  This run of the indoor pollution problem has been happening every day since 12/6/2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  Looks like there was in increase in the pollution after this log got posted, so it seems to be retaliation to the log being posted at this point.  If they want to play it that way, I can leave that link there all day & keep sending texts to Charles until they either get it through their head or Charles decides to call the police.  It can be smelled in the public hallways at this point, which is usually all Charles needs to attempt to get the police to respond on it, however they probably won’t respond until the complaint I made with Legislator Bruce Cutler gets to the police for not doing their job.

UPDATE:  I’m considering not taking that link down for the entire day, seeing as every time I do take it down, I immediately have to put it back up.  Let’s see if leaving it up for an entire day get it’s through their think skulls they need to knock it off.  If the break in the pollution is significant, then perhaps I’ll remove it again, but I won’t be removing it over a few minutes break if they’re just going to start it back up as soon as I remove the link.

UPDATE:  At the rate were going here, I don’t think I’m even going to bother with removing it anymore; I’ll just make it a permanent link in the logs & apply it to every mention of their unit in past logs.  This is the last chance I’m giving them to knock it off, otherwise I’ll be taking that route if I get one more cumulative hour of the pollution today.  I will not remove the link even if threatened legally & I believe they already know what’s going to happen if they take that route, so they better take this chance while they have it otherwise just deal with it after it’s said & done with & expect what's going to happen if they make a legal matter out of it.

UPDATE:  Seems their actions have made the decision for them; the pollution has only increased, so I won’t be removing the link anymore & will be applying it to past logs as well.  I have this information backed up, so I can repost it if removed from the original site.  I’m going to be expecting a call from Charles since I expect these bitches are going to be complaining to Charles about it.  Charles will not get me to remove it either; if he calls me telling me they’ve told him they’re going to sue me, I will tell him the following:
Good!  Tell them to give me a reason to end this problem in the worst possible way & publicly blame them for it happening.
At this point the only way these logs are going to disappear is if they give me 24 hours of no pollution (which I really don’t think they’ll be capable of).  If they can do that, I’ll set these logs to private until it becomes a problem again.

UPDATE:  Charles got back to me via text at 7:23 AM.  I don’t know whether he called them or not, but I expect he didn’t being around 4 hours later, however technically he could have since it was still happening.  I had to text him again at 8:43 AM, he got back to me rather quickly this time.

UPDATE:  The pollution stopped for maybe 3 minutes after Charles called them after that last text, then it got much stronger, which appears to be retaliation to the last complaint.  Ended up having to text Charles again, pointing out it was likely retaliation to the last call.

UPDATE:  And it appears there is even more retaliation after the last update to these logs, with further escalation of the pollution.  This shows what kind of people these scumbags are; do what they want, then show they don’t give a shit what you say by making the matter worse when you complain about it.  This is only going to make the matter much sweeter when Charles calls them to chew them out over it.  Of course if they’re not answering, all Charles can do is leave a message (which I expect they’re not listening to), but perhaps Charles will be able to get the police out there if they aren’t going to take him seriously.

UPDATE:  Today is turning into another repeat of last Saturday, where the pollution continues pretty well all day regardless of how many times Charles calls him to tell him to knock it off (kind of hard to get this human filth to knock it off when he don't take calls from Building Management & likely isn't listening to his messages either).  I told Charles he needs to get somebody out here to speak to him directly, seeing as calls don't seem to mean a thing to this waste of human life.  I mentioned something about wondering if Bruce Cutler had forwarded the complaint to the police yet, hinting that Charles should attempt to call the police again.  Charles stated "Not sure I'll see if I can get ahold of him".  Not sure if he was talking about Bruce of this fucker next door, but I provided Charles with all the information I could if he wanted to contact him himself.  At this point I'm starting to use my own methods because this bastard just isn't getting it, so it might be noisy around here until he gets it through his head.

UPDATE:  Texted Charles again at 11:02 AM.  This time I specifically said he should attempt to get the police out here.  I'm considering calling them myself, but they probably won't respond to me unless Bruce got to them already.  I might just tell the police that I've already contacted a Utah Legislator to make a complaint about them not doing their job.  Charles kept saying he had the number for the Murray Chief of Police to complain when the police wouldn't respond, I told him that maybe he should tell that person that somebody he knows already filed a complaint against them through Utah Legislation.

UPDATE:  Not sure what Charles is up to at this point, he hasn't responded to my last 4 texts.  Well if E26 is going to ignore him calling them, then that means his method of getting it to stop isn't working & I'll start going back to my own methods.  Sooner or later they're going to start listening to Charles even if they don't want to hear it, since Charles telling them to knock it off is going to be easier on them than dealing with my methods to get it to stop.

UPDATE:  Calls from Building Management does not deter E26 from doing drugs inside & my own methods only work for maybe 5-10 minutes.  I've decided I need to find another way to deal with this.  Currently I am looking for a contact to report environmental health hazards so they can see just how bad it is & force some kind of action.  I doubt they'll respond to this kind of issue, but it would be amusing if they did & the residents of E26 start flipping out because they didn't heed any of the other warnings.  We'll see if it's still happening when I get back from the store, then I'll continue my search for that contact if it still is.

UPDATE:  After the last updated where I stated that I was heading to the store & was going to look for a contact to report his unit as an environmental health hazard, the smell of drugs from his unit increased 10-fold & could easily be smelled in the public hallways exiting from E22.  When I got back around 3 PM, the smell had increased probably close to 3 times from when I left.  I knew I was going to continue trying to find a contact to report his unit as a health hazard, but I took it a step further today.  I texted Charles first to see if he would respond, once again didn't get anything until my text after that.

The next step was I called the police on E26, using his persistent barking dog as the basis for a noise complaint, knowing that the police wouldn't respond to a possible drug use complaint (although I did mention the possible drugs when I called them.  I texted Charles once again letting him know I called the police because I couldn't see that anything was being done; he contacted me back pretty quickly saying he was in meetings.  I told Charles to wait for a bit, because I wanted the police to smell the smell when they came.  Not surprisingly, the police did not show, which is exactly why I've been attempting to file a complaint against them for not doing their jobs through Utah Legislation members.

The odd part in this is that the smell of spice started to subside sometime after I called the police, so I have to wonder if they are using a scanner on my phone, able to see what I'm doing on my computer or Charles called them before I told him to wait a bit.  I've noticed a lot of the time the level of pollution can change before I even get a log posted, although I don't know how they could have gotten anything on my computer to do that.  There are my security cameras, but those should be encrypted signals, so there's a serious design flaw if he's able to pick up those signals.  In any case, he somehow got word that I had called the police, since the pollution started to subside after I called them & informed Charles about it (which one was the key is really the question).

In any case, it seems the pollution problem has finally taken a dive, at least for now after a few hours straight of it (luckily I wasn't around for most of it, but it definitely had an effect on my health when I walked back in my unit, as it always does when I've been gone for a few hours).  I told Charles I would be texting him later if the problem persists, as I'm sure it will...  I'm going to continue looking for that contact & have it ready should the pollution get extremely bad again.  As I was typing this update, I ended up having to use my respirator until the pollution had subsided quite a bit.

UPDATE:  Looks like after I posted the last update, that pollution finally started clearing out of my home office.  Because I'm certain they are following these logs, I expect they took this as I meant business.  In any case this is a good thing if it's finally being put the rest, not that I expect it's going to last.

EDIT:  I thought I started smelling the pollution again before I could post this, went to check if that was actually the case.  Rather than verifying the smell, I instead noticed an Animal Control notice stuck between their front door & doorjamb.  So it looks like the police did come & they got a notice on the barking dog.  It appears that the last update may not have been the reason for the pollution dissipating; it might have been the police knocking on their door.  Giving that notice is on their front door, it means they didn't answer the door & I expect this is pretty much a copycat of what the last residents in E22 did before they were evicted (unfortunately they may have gotten the idea from my logging).  In any case this points out they were hiding something if they didn't answer the door for the police; either they wanted the police to believe they weren't there & couldn't control the dog while not at home or they just didn't want to be caught red-handed doing the drugs.  Well I think they got the picture anyways; I mean business here & I'll do what I need to get it stopped.  Calling the police is a lesser step to reporting their unit as an environmental health hazard (not that I know I'm going to be able to do that on a residential unit), but I will go there if I need to.

EDIT:  And again before I could post this, the pollution has started picking up again.  At this rate I'm going to be wearing my respirator the majority of the day since some human filth have no consideration for those around them.  I texted Charles again, let him know the pollution was picking up again.  I probably won't get the police out here again this quickly, but I expect I can take this another route.

UPDATE:  This appears to be some kind of game for that bastard in E26.  At this point we know who's doing it, because it started to die down when he stepped out of his unit.  Unfortunately that only lasted less than a minute.  I've given the details I learned tonight to Charles already.  Seems he's going to do the same thing Julie did when she was doing drugs inside to avoid the police; not answer the door when they come to deal with complaints made against them, that was pretty obvious when the Animal Control notice was left on their door today.  Considering he doesn't answer calls from Building Management either, I told Charles we have two options to getting this resolved; either get a search warrant so the police can search his unit for drugs or continue calling him until he answers.  The latter of the two really is a temporary solution, since any break we have gotten only lasts for so long & most times it doesn't last for more than 10 minutes (if that).  Really if we want it to stop, he either needs to get hit with an official notice, a fine or possibly the police doing an actual drug bust on his unit.  Getting a search warrant might be a problem, but I expect Charles could do it if he had probably cause.  The spice is still assumed & not proven, but the fact that E26 did not answer the door when the police came by only gives me further reason to believe it is drugs.  We'll see how this plays out.  If he takes that crap outside (even if it's just his porch, so long as he's closing his glass door so it don't go inside), I won't say anything about it; if he keeps doing it inside where it keeps coming to my unit & keeping me ill every day, then I'm going to keep fighting this matter until it's resolved.

UPDATE:  I ended up getting forced to bed ill about 6:45 PM.  My last text to Charles was as this time, where I specifically stated this.  I also mentioned that we need to find a way to deal with this that is going to get through to the person causing the problem, rather than making it a game for him.  The text I got back from Charles peeked my interest; seems he knows how bad it is today as many texts as he got & how often, looks like he's going to try & find another way to deal with it.  I quite honestly lost track of how many times I texted him about this problem, but going over my online logs, it looks he was texted 30 times (2 times for another matter, but I'm not including these in the problem against E26) by the time I was forced to bed ill again.  I think it's time I start keeping backup logs of these texts I'm sending Charles every day, seeing as I usually clear them from my online logs at the end of the day.

That last text from Charles really got the gears in my head turning.  First thing I realized was that today was actually a repeat of last Monday (as was this Sunday to the last Sunday, which less pollution that has been the case for the past 2 years; I believe Saturday may have been the same as last Saturday also, but my memory as to what happened that day is a little foggy).

Also the person responsible for this every day problem originally was taking his crap outside & smoking it there, however somewhere in early 2014, he started doing it inside.  The reason for this is undetermined, but I would expect it was in response to the complaints I was making about indoor smoking, which was actually verified to be coming from his unit by a female with long dark hair around Thanksgiving of 2013; this was back when Charles & I was just trying to figure out who was doing it for accurate complaints.  At this point it don't appear to be cigarettes, but it is possible what is expected to be drugs might be a cover-up to indoor smoking.

For some time I have been considering that he's doing it just to cause problems & knowingly make me ill every day as retaliation to the complaints I've been filing about this problem nearly every day (although before Julie in E22 was evicted, only once was that complaint every made against that unit & that was over 2 years ago).  Last night I determined that he might not be attempting to keep me ill every day, but actually trying to kill me with the pollution.  This is one of the reason I spoke with my mother early in 2014, requesting that should I be found dead, I want an autopsy done on my body & murder charges pressed against the people responsible for my death should it be found the pollution was the cause of it.

Other things that came to mind after I was in bed ill from that pollution was the effects that spice can have on you.  Spice can cause seizures & even death in the case of an overdose.  If that really is spice, he's probably causing himself seizures every day.  However to be completely honest, with it happening all day, every day, I would quite honestly thing he would have killed himself by now with it.  This means that what I'm smelling every day probably isn't spice.  As for what it actually is, that's really undetermined.  I seriously doubt it's incense since when he does go out with his dirty habit (which hasn't happened for a while) he comes back in smelling like spice/incense & it would be pointless to do incense outside, so I can only believe it would be spice.  However I know from experience that that smell can attach itself to your clothes, hair & even your body, which is one of the reasons why I've been attempting to take a shower every day to get it off of me.  If it's giving me this problem in my unit, I can only imagine how potent it might be coming off of him being directly at the source.

It is pretty clear that at this point if I want to be able to breath easy & prevent the escalated health problems cause by people who have no consideration for others, is to use my respirator daily & only take it off while eating, drinking, sleeping or other activities where it can not be worn while doing them.  Also it's also going either hot or cold in my unit since I won't have a proper cooler/heater while this problem continues & that adds the problem of heat stroke in the Summer, seeing as my portable cooler is not powerful enough to cool it down with the extreme heat that Summer brings in Utah.

Peak low temperature in my unit reached 65° today due to being unable to use my heater via central air because of the ALL DAY pollution coming from E26.  This is also the reason why I had my gas shut off in September of 2015, knowing that I would be unable to use my heater because of this pollution.

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