
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

February 24, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues again in Building E of the South 67 Condos, once again coming from E26.  It appears that posting his picture online as the cause of that pollution gets his attention to stop it temporarily, but obviously doesn't make enough of an impact to make sure it doesn't happen again, so I expect that picture will be visible on the page it's showing on 24/7 until I move sooner or later.  Currently I'm also embedded it into the streams when it gets particularly strong, with the picture on the stream page when it's not running, however before I could even get this log started, it seems he'd rather retaliate to the picture going up with increased pollution rather than knocking it off, so it looks like it's a permanent additional to the stream page at this point (unless he gets it through his head to knock it off).  In any case, I'm going to bed here soon, so it will be up all night if he doesn't get it through his head to knock it off before I hit the sack; if I get another night of retaliation to the photo being up, where I have no voice when I wake up, I won't remove it until the day I move.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  Ended up getting woken up by a call from my father today, where he wants me to go help him work on the house.  I need to get some cleaning done in my unit so he can start showing it to be sold, however I'm going to welcome the chance to get out of this health hazard for a while, perhaps avoiding some health problems caused by that bastard next door.  Since I've woken up however, I've noticed that spice smell is actually strong enough in every room in my unit that I'm likely going to be too ill to even help him by the time I get out to the house.  I decided to put my respirator on until my father calls to let me know he's on his way.  I've considered throwing that picture up to get him to knock it off until I can leave, but I think we're too far along with the health problems I'm already getting that I don't think it's really going to matter at this point...

UPDATE:  I was out most of the day helping my father with the house that I'm supposed to be moving into when we've finished repairs.  When I got back, I wasn't at all surprised that the pollution from E26 was EXTREMELY bad (not only in my unit, but could also be smelled in the public hallways clear to the front door of the building), causing a coughing fit almost immediately right in front of my father seeing as he needed to use my computer/internet to do a few things before he left.  As soon as my father left, I threw up the picture of that bastard that is causing this constant problem & it's going to stay up until that filth clears out of my unit.

One thing I was discussing with my father was what he intended on doing if he's not able to sell this unit after I move out; seems he's against the idea of suing the fucker that is causing the problem that is likely going to prevent the unit from being sold, my father thinks it would be a better idea to move me back in here & sell the house instead.  I nearly told him he should just sell the house now if that's his opinion on it, I'm not going to continue working on a house that I'm not going to be moving into.  I expect my father is going to attempt to find a buyer for this unit before I move out & if we can't get a buyer because of that pollution (or any other reason), I won't be moving out at all & he will sell the house he just got instead.  So what that moron in E26 is doing to try & force me to move out might instead end up preventing me from moving & result in these condos becoming a public display of suicide as a result of the actions of the owner of E26.  If my father does end up selling the house over the condo, I'm going to be certain to throw this in the face of the Building Manager so he knows why I won't be moving, then he's going to need to make a decision on how to get it to stop before the condos are made an example of just how big of a problem this matter is & the person causing it specifically named as the cause of it when it's all said & done with.

UPDATE:  Despite what was said earlier in the last update, the pollution is still continuing.  Sure it stopped (or at least stayed low) for a couple hours after it was posted, but didn't completely stop & started getting strong again around 10 PM.  Of all the people that has it out for me the most in the building, you would think he'd be the one person that would also want me out the most, but what he's going to do is end up keeping me here instead if my father can't sell the unit & the pollution coming from his unit is going to be the prime factor in that.  One thing I forgot to mention in the last update, is that if my father is no longer trying to sell this unit, meaning I'm stuck here & unable to move, all information that was previously hidden will be republished at that time, then he can deal with trying to sell the unit with that information public after I'm already dead.

UPDATE:  The pollution from E26 ended up becoming strong again around 11:40 PM.  Even after putting up the photo of the scumbag that is causing the problem, he still isn't stopping.  What makes this matter even worse is the fact that he may want me out more than anybody in the building, yet this dirty habit of his is going to prevent me from moving if this unit can't be sold.  I don't think it matters how many times I say it, he's going to keep doing it even if it prevents me from being able to move, so I really can't say he's looking forward to me moving as much as he has previously let on.  What it's going to come down to is he's going to find out the full extent of what he's done when I post an update that I won't be moving because my father decided he couldn't sell the unit, then all hell is going to break loose when everything regarding this problem gets republished & I refuse to take it down again.  It's going to get republished regardless since it's obviously the bastard in E26 won't stop that pollution, but considering that pollution is likely going to prevent my father from selling this unit, this also means that I won't likely be moving either & only the owner of E26 will be to blame for it at that time.

UPDATE:  So after I post the last update, he starts up again after he realized the photo is gone...  More retaliation it seems...  I guess I can leave that photo up all night if I have to or until I move if he's particularly persistent.  Of course if the pollution is particularly bad, it's very likely I won't be moving seeing as my father won't be able to sell the unit & won't allow me to move.  This ignorant asshole in E26 is just digging his own grave; or perhaps more accurately, my grave, but it will be his reputation on the line when it's all said & done with.

UPDATE:  Peek low temp in my unit reached 63° F due to being unable to use my heater via central air due to the constant pollution coming from E26.  This is also the reason why I had my gas shut off on September of 2015, knowing that I wouldn't be able to use central air without making the problem 20 times worse & didn't want to continue paying a fee to keep on a utility I wasn't using.  This run of the indoor pollution problem has been happening every day since 12/6/2016.

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