Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Hoarse Voice
- Irritated Eyes
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Seizures (mild)
- Sore Throat
- Trouble Breathing
I was woken up by a coughing fit where I couldn't stop coughing for about 15 minutes straight about 8 AM. While I couldn't smell the pollution in my bedroom (with one air purifier running & a scented candle burning) I could smell it in my home office when I walked in there. At that point I set to updating this log & adding additional health problems caused by this episode. If the pollution continues at a level that causes health problems after this update is posted, I'll start up the stream again. Within 45 minutes of being awake, I had a splitting migraine again & had to take painkillers for it again.
I have to wonder if the people below me have ever contacted the person responsible to ask them to stop it, since I'm certain they can hear me coughing up here (they called me once to ask if I was okay shortly after they moved in & I gave them my phone number after introducing themselves as new residents in the building) at all hours & it probably keeps them awake (this was back when the second tenant in E22 moved in after I had moved in, first tenant to be a problem in the matter, who later got evicted not only for complaints made against her on indoor smoking, but also since her dogs kept attacking other dogs in the building). This continued to be a problem with the third tenant in E22 (with lengthy criminal history, pending warrants, indoor smoking & drug use & unfortunately knowing how to avoid the police when they came knocking on their door; they also got evicted, however I'm not entirely sure as to the reason), however I think the spice smell that was being pinned on them at the time was actually coming from E26. I don't believe the people below me would have known that E26 was the person that is currently causing the problem until early this year however, seeing as I don't remember saying anything about who was causing it until the late Christmas party I threw around the end of January. The other friendly unit in the building, I pretty sure I mentioned it to him probably around Halloween of 2015, however the only thing that ever posed a problem with them was the smoke detector that was constantly getting set off, until I was pretty well forced to throw it out after a statement from Building Management, where I currently don't have one since the Building Manager never gave me the replacement he stated he had purchased for me (which is why it was thrown out & I've been without one since mid-2015). Aside from the other residents causing problems in the building, the Building Management can also be a bully & the HOA I would say is negligent in doing what needs to be done (this includes Building Management).
UPDATE: I ended up getting sent back to bed again at about 2:30 PM from another splitting migraine caused by not being able to stop coughing on the pollution coming from E26. I was half-expecting the pollution to escalate to the point that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep & sleep off the migraine that he caused me with his pollution. While the pollution did escalate, it didn't get strong enough (or at least last long enough) that I felt I needed to leave that page of links up while slept, but it I did continue coughing for a while until I did fall asleep.
I was woke up by a call from Friends of MS at 3:38 PM (they keep calling me because I've donated in the past, which I don't mind since they aren't asking for monetary donations, but haven't had anything for them for a while), the conversation of that phone call went as follows:
Me: Hello.Something didn't add up when I thought about this call; why would Friends of MS call me to see if I was okay if they didn't live in the building & couldn't hear the hacking on the pollution? Could she have told something was wrong simply from my tone of voice when I said hello? In any case it didn't matter much since I had already talked to another lady about not having anything currently, but probably would when I moved out, at which point I would give them my new address so they can properly assess whether a truck was going to be in my area or not, I just found it odd that I got a call where one of their reprehensive was asking me if I was okay where they probably weren't aware of the problem to begin with.
Them: You okay?
Me: Indoor pollution from the neighboring unit, this is why I'm moving.
Them: Oh dear... I'll call you back in 6 weeks.
My parents ended up inviting me out to go eat with them, trying to the new prime rib & salmon at Golden Corral on Fridays & Saturdays (for a limited time). Seems like my mother was also was thinking of letting me come over to their house to watch a movie on on demand, but my father wasn't having it when I ended up continuing to cough while we were out. Basically when I woke up, the pollution was undetectable in my unit, but after waking up, it started picking back up. I have to wonder if this demon of a neighbor is able to pick up the signal from my wireless security system & use it against me to cause pollution while I'm awake... My parents stated that if they knew I was coughing like that, they wouldn't have even taken me to eat. After waking up, I literally started getting another migraine in a matter of maybe 20 minutes, simply because I couldn't stop coughing on the pollution. The coughing at Golden Corral was simply trying to get that crap out of my lungs. In any case this is another example of how that pollution once again prevented me from doing something, as it has over the last couple years regardless of who is causing it.
When I got back home, I ended up getting hit in the face with that pollution again, which is normally the case when I come back home. I decided to open a window to try & get some air in here, as well as turning on the air purifier in my home office. I think it goes without saying that when I get done trying to clean the sink with some harsh cleaner that my mother lent me, I'm going to have to start the stream up again. In any case if it continues, I will be throwing that collection of links up again & leaving it up until I'm done cleaning & am no longer smelling it.
UPDATE: For the majority of the night, that asshole in E26, pushed the matter as far as he could with the pollution, causing me to have to put on the respirator & open windows for fresh air multiple times. At this point it don’t seem he really cares about the collection of links linking to various sites with information about him or that unit, so I don’t see much of a reason in taking it down anymore. Perhaps it’s time to see if I can find some more information on him or perhaps finally get that background check done so I know exactly what kind of person I’m dealing with here.
Temperature in my unit reached a peek low of 64° F due to not being able to use my heater via central air because of the constant pollution from E26. This is also the reason why I had my gas shut off in September of 2015 knowing that I wouldn’t be able to use central air while that pollution was happening & I didn’t want to continue paying fees to keep on a utility I wasn’t using. This run of the pollution problem has been happening every day since 12/6/2015.
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