There has been a number of legal threats from him when his name was mentioned online (which only poses a problem because he's been stalking logging of problems in these condos since he realized they were being made, using methods that appear to give him instantaneous notifications of changes made to the logs), however given the fact that the only thing he seems to take seriously in this fight for non-smokers rights is when the police get contacted & the use of avoidance tactics when the police come knocking at his door, I think it is very unlikely he would not take a matter to court given he would be face-to-face with local law enforcement & I have to expect possible warrants at this point (the concept of him having warrants is just speculation, not proven). I would expect the reason for the legal threats is he's trying to keep a low profile & doesn't want certain individuals (I would expect especially the police given his apparent fear of them) from finding him. Sooner or later I'm going to start throwing his name out there again if he doesn't start getting it through his head that he needs to knock off this every day indoor health hazard keeping other people in the building ill on a daily basis; I don't particularly care if he smokes, does drugs or has warrants, but as long as he's keeping me ill every day with the indoor pollution, I'm going to keep using what I can find on him in my fight to get it stopped.
This run of indoor pollution has been happening every day since 12/6/2015, that does not include anything before 12/5/2015 within the last 2 years. Building Management (Charles) has been attempting to help me get the problem resolved, with little results... The individual in E26 responsible for the indoor pollution has not been answering his calls when he calls him to get him to knock it off & I expect is probably not listening to the messages he gets when Charles doesn't get a response either. About the only thing that gets his attention when Charles calls him is if he continues calling him repeatedly until he finally knocks it off (whether he answers or not when it stops, that's something I really don't know). Charles has attempted to get the police involved in the past as well, however the Murray Police seems to have a chip on their shoulder believing that if the report of drugs is made in this complex, they're not going to answer it. This goes back to reports of the problem in E22 that according to them were constantly "unfounded"; the truth of the matter was they never could verify it because they were using the same avoidance tactics E26 is using (Julie & Lloyd in E22 were likely the ones that started using it, having lengthy criminal histories & knowing how to manipulate the legal system to avoid the police, which I believe the owner of E26 unfortunately may have learned from stalking the logging here).
I have offered many times in the past through these logs that if the pollution had stopped for 24 hours (midnight to midnight), these logs would disappear; something that those who are causing the problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos (at least those who are still doing it) don't seem to be too concerned with happening, seeing as they think I'm going to take them down by complaining to Building Management about it. Also I have made it a point that were legal actions taken against me or my family, things were going to get a lot worse before my fight for my rights as a non-smoker ended in the worst possible way & the people responsible for that final action getting publicly blamed for the messy, permanent result of their actions.
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Irritated Eyes
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Sore Throat
UPDATE: Charles did eventually get back to me on the texts, supposedly called E26 afterwards. The pollution was low enough for a while, but hasn't stopped & at this point is getting into a level of pollution that causes health problems again. I texted Charles again, told him about this apparent fear of the police he has & that I intended on obtaining an online background report on him if it continues. First thing I'm going to be looking for in that report is any outstanding warrants, with an immediate call to the police if I see any. What I do with the report after that, well let's just say I don't think he wants his public history going public, so he better get it through his head to knock it off. Once I have that report, I will be providing Charles with a copy of it.
UPDATE: Charles has stated that he's no longer going to be helping me with this matter & will be going to the owner of the condo to deal with me. At this point it looks like we're in the last stretch of the problem & I'm expecting a rather hostile call from my father. This means the suicide is coming & the blame being publicly put on those responsible for it, as well as the management of the condos & anybody else involved. I've held off on making public complaints against Public Management Systems on that matter because Charles was helping me with it, I guess there's no point in that now. On the day I kill myself in regards to this matter, I will be taking the following actions:
- All logging regarding this issue will be restored to the South 67 Condos Facebook page.
- A final post will be made to that page, as well as my personal site & the blogspot logging of the problem regarding the suicide (my personal site is paid up until 4/28/2020, so that information will not disappear for over 4 years) putting the blame on those who were responsible for what led up to it.
- Any criminal history found in that background check on the owner of E26 will be publicly published on various sites.
- The comment made before on the Property Systems Management Facebook page that I was forced to remove before will be re-added, with a further post disclosing details regarding the suicide & why it happened.
- A review will be filed on the BBB website against PMS, more directed at the HOA, but legal threats & disability discrimination from Charles will be mentioned.
- Every organization I have contacted regarding this matter will be contacted one final time regarding the suicide, because either they chose not to get involved, were not able to aid in getting it resolved or so they can use that information to push for better protection for non-smokers & those with respiratory issues.
- Various news stations will be contacted so they are aware of what has happened & what led up to the loss of life; more than likely at least one will cover that story if not based on the suicide itself, but the method used.
- The method will be a lethal combination of chemicals which I researched online specifically for this reason; this type of situation usually gets aired on the news as building evacuation stories where Hazmat ended up needing to get called. This could effect other people in the building in the end also. Given the pollution from E26 is a daily problem in my unit, I'm going to hope it will go over there & effect them also.
In the end, the following people are going to be blamed for
the suicide of a mentally disabled individual, whether being the people causing
the pollution, the people not willing to do anything about it, those not
willing to respond to the problem & those who chose not to listen to the
- The owner of E26 (by name)
- Any other individuals living here that have discriminated against me or my disabilities.
- The South 67 Condos HOA
- Building Management (Charles)
- The Murray Police for not responding to the situation
- My father for choosing not to get involved
UPDATE: My father
called me after the discussion with Charles, seems he was trying to keep his
tone down knowing I was already at the breaking point & considering
suicide. He tried to threaten me with
being put back in the state hospital, but I will be dead before that happens,
as well as if any legal action is taken against me or my father before I am
removed from the property (they will be removing a body rather than a living
individual, but first they're going to have to have Hazmat clear the
unit). He did start swearing violently
over the phone once, at which point I hung up.
Of course he called back, I quickly told him to speak civilly or I'd
hang up again.
As before he wants me to just sit there & take it, not
speak to anybody about it online or offline as he's been trying to get me to do
before, but I guarantee that I'm not going to be quiet about it & intend on
continuing the logging regardless of what anybody says about it. Further more I will continue contacting
organizations regarding it until I find a resolution to it or have moved out (or have
taken my life).
What I will do to try & make the situation more manageable will be to use my respirator when I can & scented candles when I can't. However if the paramedics are at any time called due to a medical emergency caused by the pollution (not that I expect I will be the one calling them; I'd rather be dead than continue living here), I intend on contacting Charles once more to get the contact information for the owner of E26 to go after him for recovery of hospital bills.
One thing that changed with my father at this point is he's considering other options to possibly get me out faster before we find a house with the specifications he's looking for for me to move to. Moving to an apartment with non-smoking buildings (something the HOA of these condos seem to be too ignorant to comprehend) until we can find a small house might be an option at this point, but he still seems to be against it even through he stated he would support it (I think what he's saying is he'll help me move, but won't be happy about it, because it sounds like he's still trying to talk me out of it).
My father mentioned something about I should be able to get higher disability benefits per month off of his social security, which at this point we have to believe is not happening since I barely make enough to pay $700 for my rent alone (given this place is owned by my father, he's been working with me on the rent so I can still pay my utilities & living expenses until I find a new job, however getting a new job probably won't happen while I can't stop coughing). If that does get increased, I could move to a non-smoking apartment (there's one fairly near to where my parents live) temporarily until we can find the house to move to. Right now I'm on the phone with Social Security, seeing where we can take this & hopefully get me out of this non-stop health-hazard into a healthier environment that will allow me to get over the cold that E26 has not allow me to get over for over 3 months because of the daily pollution, get the rest of my dental work done & hopefully find a new job.
UPDATE: The e-cig/hookah smell from E26 started up again at 1:17 PM. It lasted maybe only 10 seconds, so either it just hasn't had the time to build yet or they started up then remembered what they read in this log & decided they better cut it out for a while. Another update will be posted later if it's a lasting problem, but for now it's not really strong enough to have much to say about it (it does appear it's building, however).
UPDATE: Charles made a decision today, cutting off ties to find any peaceful resolution to this problem & ending any alliance we had in getting the matter resolved. In his words, he's only going to deal with the owners from now on, no longer the renters, so basically he's taken the same attitude the HOA has. So basically he don't need to be contacting me anymore & I've taken steps to make sure that don't happen (he can go through my father if he wants, but he's going to find out that's going to be harder to deal with that it was talking to me directly); I have blocked both the business number for PMS & his cell number & will be blocking all incoming emails from the domain. From what Comcast has told me, adding a number to caller rejection does not block texts, so technically speaking he could still get to me through that, but that doesn't mean I need to respond to them. Essentially this just cuts off any immediate resolution he could have had to a problem by speaking to me directly & he'll have to call my father instead (which I expect he won't be happy getting called while he's busy or sleeping).
Something I wanted to explain to Charles before this all went spinning out of control, but never got a chance to, was about how the concept of suicide came up. Basically I've been considering it for about a year now (give or take), feeling it would be the only way I'd be able to get out of this situation of indoor pollution keeping me ill nearly every day of my life. So why didn't I just do it? I decided to wait it out, continue pushing for better protection for non-smokers & those with breathing disabilities while I was still alive; I figured that pollution was going to kill me anyways & I wouldn't be condemned to purgatory if I didn't die by my own hand. This was one of the reasons why I asked my mother to go after those responsible for my death on murder charges if an autopsy did find that was the reason. In any case, I held onto the option as a wildcard, just in case legal action was taken & I can put the blame on those who took the legal action. While I'm alive, I will continue to fight for non-smokers rights by contacting what organizations I can find to get the laws changed, make people aware of what establishments to avoid (like these condos) & try to make people living here aware of what they can do to deal with it (something Charles forbid me to do locally, however I continued to do online hoping people living here who were also having a problem with it would still see those articles & perhaps put them to use). In death, I'm intending on using my suicide to make an example of the people responsible & the condos for not doing anything about it to push for more protection for non-smokers & also to make an example out of the police for not responding to the problem. While nearly everybody who has had any involvement here is going to say I was a lunatic who just wanted to complain about everything & I've stated myself that I was fighting for my rights as a non-smoker, on a larger scale I am fighting for the rights of all non-smokers in the US. The death is meant to be an example to push non-smoker rights further. Yes, I may be crazy at this point & I blame those causing the problem for pushing me to that point, however only those who have caused me grief are going to get any hostility from me (and it wouldn't be physical, unless it turned into a self-defense issue, where I would defend myself as needed). Whether in life or death, I am pushing for better non-smoker rights, something that I hope won't be in vain when I take my final breath (whether it be murder by pollution or suicide to escape it).
UPDATE: I've sent a follow-up email to Bruce Cutler (seeing as I haven't heard from him since the 30th), checking to see where we're at on the matter of getting the laws changed to make the Utah Clean Air Act applicable to condos. Seems the sheer amount of information sent to him on steps I have taken & organizations I have contacted on this matter already is taking time for him to "digest" as he put it. I jokingly apologized for sending him a "book", stating it was a bit of a habit I have when trying to make a point (Charles would know what I'm talking about on this one, given some of the emails I've sent him).
The pollution started picking up again around maybe 3:20 PM (e-cig/hookah smell). It's still not lasting, but the increase seems to be getting stronger & longer each time, so I'm expecting it's going to be a lasting problem by night time again, if not sooner (it's already getting strong enough to cause coughing fits).
One thing I realized after blocking the numbers that Charles is known to call from, I'm normally the first person to call maintenance to get the security panel & boiler reset after a power outage... Well they don't really need to call me if I'm just reporting the resets are needed & Charles gave me a direct number for Russ (Building Maintenance) on January 2nd (when I was about to turn my gas back on, but ended up canceling the service call because of severe pollution coming from E26 that night) via text. Of course I have to wonder if they're not going to accept my calls being a renter (based on what Charles stated to me today) & I'll have to go through my father to make those reports or just wait until an owner reports it; going through my father would mean the reset wouldn't happen until morning if the power went off at night & by then other people will have probably reported having no hot water or the security panel not working.
UPDATE: I ended up heading to bed ill again at 4 PM from the pollution; even if it's happening in short burst, it can still cause health problems if strong enough. The last couple of days I've had a lack of energy also; not sure if it's related to the pollution, the symptoms from the pollution (particularly heavy coughing on it) or just stress overload from the entire situation (I expect I probably have ulcers at this point; I won't go into detail why I think that, let's just say I'm seeing blood where I probably shouldn't be).
Peek low temperature in my unit reached 61° F today due to being unable to use my heater via central air because of the pollution coming from E26. This is also the reason why I've had my gas shut off since September of 2015.

I expect in response to my actions of fighting for my rights as a non-smokers, the HOA has likely shut off my key fob for the pool. One thing I have wanted to do while I was living here was to use the hot tub to soak off some stress & muscle tension, something I never really got the chance to do because I was too busy with work the first 2 years of living here, but could of after April when I was terminated from my online contractor position in April (downsized is more accurate; my department got terminated); unfortunately this happened the same day that I had a cousin die from a stomach virus, so it was one thing stacked on top of another. At this point I was more concerned about finding a new job than spending time in the hot tub, but that search was cut short around Fall of 2015 when I caught a cold & still have not been able to get rid of the symptoms of it (over 3 months now; extreme coughing, ear ringing, etc.) because of the indoor pollution, which also prevents me from getting the rest of my dental work done. If I do find out that the key fob has been disabled by the time Summer comes around (if I'm still here), I'm going to be telling my father to stop paying the fee for the pool since the HOA is denying a service that is being paid for; I can go through the BBB if needed since this is a consumer issue, but seeing as there is no listing for the HOA of these condos on the BBB website, it will have to be directed at PMS being the manager (I requested a listing be created for the HOA of the South 67 Condos on the BBB website when I contacted them about it; they stated that the complain needed to be filed on PMS being the manager of the condos & already being listed on the site, which is something I attempted not to do while Charles was an ally in attempting to get the problem resolved, but I have no reason to hold back that option now that that is no longer the case).
My father mentioned something about I should be able to get higher disability benefits per month off of his social security, which at this point we have to believe is not happening since I barely make enough to pay $700 for my rent alone (given this place is owned by my father, he's been working with me on the rent so I can still pay my utilities & living expenses until I find a new job, however getting a new job probably won't happen while I can't stop coughing). If that does get increased, I could move to a non-smoking apartment (there's one fairly near to where my parents live) temporarily until we can find the house to move to. Right now I'm on the phone with Social Security, seeing where we can take this & hopefully get me out of this non-stop health-hazard into a healthier environment that will allow me to get over the cold that E26 has not allow me to get over for over 3 months because of the daily pollution, get the rest of my dental work done & hopefully find a new job.
UPDATE: The e-cig/hookah smell from E26 started up again at 1:17 PM. It lasted maybe only 10 seconds, so either it just hasn't had the time to build yet or they started up then remembered what they read in this log & decided they better cut it out for a while. Another update will be posted later if it's a lasting problem, but for now it's not really strong enough to have much to say about it (it does appear it's building, however).
UPDATE: Charles made a decision today, cutting off ties to find any peaceful resolution to this problem & ending any alliance we had in getting the matter resolved. In his words, he's only going to deal with the owners from now on, no longer the renters, so basically he's taken the same attitude the HOA has. So basically he don't need to be contacting me anymore & I've taken steps to make sure that don't happen (he can go through my father if he wants, but he's going to find out that's going to be harder to deal with that it was talking to me directly); I have blocked both the business number for PMS & his cell number & will be blocking all incoming emails from the domain. From what Comcast has told me, adding a number to caller rejection does not block texts, so technically speaking he could still get to me through that, but that doesn't mean I need to respond to them. Essentially this just cuts off any immediate resolution he could have had to a problem by speaking to me directly & he'll have to call my father instead (which I expect he won't be happy getting called while he's busy or sleeping).
Something I wanted to explain to Charles before this all went spinning out of control, but never got a chance to, was about how the concept of suicide came up. Basically I've been considering it for about a year now (give or take), feeling it would be the only way I'd be able to get out of this situation of indoor pollution keeping me ill nearly every day of my life. So why didn't I just do it? I decided to wait it out, continue pushing for better protection for non-smokers & those with breathing disabilities while I was still alive; I figured that pollution was going to kill me anyways & I wouldn't be condemned to purgatory if I didn't die by my own hand. This was one of the reasons why I asked my mother to go after those responsible for my death on murder charges if an autopsy did find that was the reason. In any case, I held onto the option as a wildcard, just in case legal action was taken & I can put the blame on those who took the legal action. While I'm alive, I will continue to fight for non-smokers rights by contacting what organizations I can find to get the laws changed, make people aware of what establishments to avoid (like these condos) & try to make people living here aware of what they can do to deal with it (something Charles forbid me to do locally, however I continued to do online hoping people living here who were also having a problem with it would still see those articles & perhaps put them to use). In death, I'm intending on using my suicide to make an example of the people responsible & the condos for not doing anything about it to push for more protection for non-smokers & also to make an example out of the police for not responding to the problem. While nearly everybody who has had any involvement here is going to say I was a lunatic who just wanted to complain about everything & I've stated myself that I was fighting for my rights as a non-smoker, on a larger scale I am fighting for the rights of all non-smokers in the US. The death is meant to be an example to push non-smoker rights further. Yes, I may be crazy at this point & I blame those causing the problem for pushing me to that point, however only those who have caused me grief are going to get any hostility from me (and it wouldn't be physical, unless it turned into a self-defense issue, where I would defend myself as needed). Whether in life or death, I am pushing for better non-smoker rights, something that I hope won't be in vain when I take my final breath (whether it be murder by pollution or suicide to escape it).
UPDATE: I've sent a follow-up email to Bruce Cutler (seeing as I haven't heard from him since the 30th), checking to see where we're at on the matter of getting the laws changed to make the Utah Clean Air Act applicable to condos. Seems the sheer amount of information sent to him on steps I have taken & organizations I have contacted on this matter already is taking time for him to "digest" as he put it. I jokingly apologized for sending him a "book", stating it was a bit of a habit I have when trying to make a point (Charles would know what I'm talking about on this one, given some of the emails I've sent him).
The pollution started picking up again around maybe 3:20 PM (e-cig/hookah smell). It's still not lasting, but the increase seems to be getting stronger & longer each time, so I'm expecting it's going to be a lasting problem by night time again, if not sooner (it's already getting strong enough to cause coughing fits).
One thing I realized after blocking the numbers that Charles is known to call from, I'm normally the first person to call maintenance to get the security panel & boiler reset after a power outage... Well they don't really need to call me if I'm just reporting the resets are needed & Charles gave me a direct number for Russ (Building Maintenance) on January 2nd (when I was about to turn my gas back on, but ended up canceling the service call because of severe pollution coming from E26 that night) via text. Of course I have to wonder if they're not going to accept my calls being a renter (based on what Charles stated to me today) & I'll have to go through my father to make those reports or just wait until an owner reports it; going through my father would mean the reset wouldn't happen until morning if the power went off at night & by then other people will have probably reported having no hot water or the security panel not working.
UPDATE: I ended up heading to bed ill again at 4 PM from the pollution; even if it's happening in short burst, it can still cause health problems if strong enough. The last couple of days I've had a lack of energy also; not sure if it's related to the pollution, the symptoms from the pollution (particularly heavy coughing on it) or just stress overload from the entire situation (I expect I probably have ulcers at this point; I won't go into detail why I think that, let's just say I'm seeing blood where I probably shouldn't be).
Peek low temperature in my unit reached 61° F today due to being unable to use my heater via central air because of the pollution coming from E26. This is also the reason why I've had my gas shut off since September of 2015.
I expect in response to my actions of fighting for my rights as a non-smokers, the HOA has likely shut off my key fob for the pool. One thing I have wanted to do while I was living here was to use the hot tub to soak off some stress & muscle tension, something I never really got the chance to do because I was too busy with work the first 2 years of living here, but could of after April when I was terminated from my online contractor position in April (downsized is more accurate; my department got terminated); unfortunately this happened the same day that I had a cousin die from a stomach virus, so it was one thing stacked on top of another. At this point I was more concerned about finding a new job than spending time in the hot tub, but that search was cut short around Fall of 2015 when I caught a cold & still have not been able to get rid of the symptoms of it (over 3 months now; extreme coughing, ear ringing, etc.) because of the indoor pollution, which also prevents me from getting the rest of my dental work done. If I do find out that the key fob has been disabled by the time Summer comes around (if I'm still here), I'm going to be telling my father to stop paying the fee for the pool since the HOA is denying a service that is being paid for; I can go through the BBB if needed since this is a consumer issue, but seeing as there is no listing for the HOA of these condos on the BBB website, it will have to be directed at PMS being the manager (I requested a listing be created for the HOA of the South 67 Condos on the BBB website when I contacted them about it; they stated that the complain needed to be filed on PMS being the manager of the condos & already being listed on the site, which is something I attempted not to do while Charles was an ally in attempting to get the problem resolved, but I have no reason to hold back that option now that that is no longer the case).
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