When I woke up around sometime between 11 AM & 12 PM, the smell of hookah was strong enough to cause a non-stop coughing fit. This continued until some time after I started the stream, but the last part of the coughing fit got picked up in the stream. As the day continues, because of the episode this morning when I woke up, the slightest amount of pollution causes yet another coughing fit.
At this point I am looking into getting health inspectors involved in the matter to see if a notice to the HOA/Building Management would force some official steps against the problem, where they have been unwilling to do in the past (the Building Manager has taken unofficial steps in the past, but seeing as that doesn't include fines or anything, the owner of E26 hasn't taken them seriously), but that is no longer the case as he has cut off any help he was giving me previously on the matter. In the past I have not been successful about this, however I attempted to make a complaint with the Bureau of Sanitation and Safety; the complaint type when I used the option on their automated system transferred me to the Utah Tobacco Prevention & Control program, which I have contacted before on this matter & they have attempted to help with it, however didn't get anywhere since the Building Manager simply shoved them off to their lawyers. I need to get an actual health inspector involved, so I'll have to keep calling them until I find one that will follow up on this matter, then perhaps they'll forward the matter to the correct authorities to get something done about it.
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Irritated Eyes
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ear
- Trouble Breathing
UPDATE: As expected, the pollution started up again after I shut off the stream. As to when it started again, that's to be determined... With the Febreze clips, it was hard to smell the pollution & I guess that was the point of it, however they're a bit too strong for an enclosed (indoor) environment. While they definitely make dealing with the pollution more tolerable, they are a lot stronger than what should be used indoors. The pollution could be noticed when it got particularly strong, as I probably wouldn't have noticed it in any room where I had one of those clips otherwise. It could also be noticed when I entered a room that didn't have one in it, so going from one room to another would always mean you got hit in the face with it. As a result of this, I was pretty well coughing all day & night & didn't get much sleep because of it (maybe 2 hours tops). I have some important things I need to take care of today, so I won't be able to go back to bed until I complete those tasks.
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