
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

April 11, 2016


Indoor drug use, once again could be smelled immediately as I walked through the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos to do some more work/cleaning on the unit & move a few more things out.  Today the drug use from E26 was more of a problem, not only due to being a higher toxicity level, but also because my father had to leave the front door of our unit propped open after painting it to allow the paint to dry & not get screwed up when it got closed, so that indoor secondhand pollution came into our unit as well.  Later in the day, it got strong enough that I could smell it in my bedroom stronger than any other room in the unit, which seemed to happen shortly after I started vacuuming.

I found out a few things today that I was having problems trying to determine yesterday, like the moving trucks I saw was somebody moving into the neighboring building into a unit that has been vacant as long as I can remember.  I also found out that it appeared the people living in E23 were moving out, although I wasn't living there anymore, so I have to wonder what their reason for moving at this point was (perhaps something to do with the criminal history I currently have shared online & something in it that made them decide they didn't want to live next to that individual).  The husband in E23 use to show discrimination towards me back when I was being very vocal in the condos in my fight regarding this matter, however has somewhat shown a change in attitude & at least has said hello within perhaps the last few weeks I was living there.  The point in bringing this up is that there are logs regarding the discrimination pointing to an individual in that unit that will be going public again once our unit has been sold, however they won't be relevant anymore if they've already moved since the owner of E23 will have changed likely by the time they go public again.

Today will probably be the last day I'll need to go work on my old unit, so there won't likely be logs after today.  I'm going to keep up what is still visible tomorrow to make sure that is the case before removing them, however even if they disappear for a while, the uncensored information will re-appear on about 4 different sites after the unit sells; worst case scenario, my father won't be able to sell the unit because of the constant pollution from E26 & I'll end up getting forced to move back into the unit, where my father will sell the house I just moved to instead...

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing


Went to the condos again to do some more work & cleaning on the unit, as well as move a few more things out.  I could smell the drug use from E26 as soon as I walked in the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos, however it was low enough that I didn't really have any complaints about it.  When I walked into my old unit, all I could smell was the paint we had been using to paint the unit with.  The pollution could still be smelled when exiting the unit, however it stayed low & luckily I wasn't there for very long today, so health problems were limited.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Coughing
  • Headaches

April 7, 2016


Went to the condos again (which looks like this is going to be an every day thing until my father runs out of things for me to help him with; currently it's just cleaning & sanding/painting the walls) to move out a few more thing, work on repairs & clean up a bit so the unit could be sold in the near future, the smell of pollution was pretty faint when I walked into the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos, so I didn't have too much to complain about in the beginning.  After we started working on the unit, like clockwork, the indoor drug use from E26 picked up & flooded the public hallways again.  Luckily it didn't effect our unit for too long today, but for the time it did effect it, there were still health problems from it.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Trouble Breathing

April 6, 2016


Went to the condo again today with my father to pick up a few more things, get some repairs done & do some cleaning (so my father can sell the unit soon...hopefully).  I couldn't smell the pollution when I walked in the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos, nor could I when I took out the recyclables, however after running the vacuum to clean the rugs, I could smell the pollution ("smell" is an understatement; it was almost gagging me) in the public hallways when I went to take out the first load of trash.  This continued in extended spurts for a while, but didn't really effect our unit.

It wasn't until my father went to hammer one (I repeat, one) nail back into the wall on a neighboring wall with E26 (my bedroom clothes closet) that the pollution increased at least as strong as it has been while I was living there (if not stronger), easily flooding the public hallways & effecting my unit to the point that I couldn't stop coughing right in front of my father.  I have to expect the jackass automatically thought it was me banging on the wall to be malicious (as far as his delusional mind can comprehend) & decide to throw a big "FUCK YOU" my way with extremely high toxicity levels of their drug use.  Within the last hour I was there, I had nearly every health problem I've been dealing with nearly every day for the last year & a half from their pollution before I was finally able to leave that health hazard (at least for the day).

What's interesting about this is that as my father & I was getting in the car, I noticed the guy driving in with a HUGE fucking scowl on his face (maybe because we were in his preferred spot, maybe because we were back after he thought he had seen the last of us or maybe the new woman who is living there calls him with the hammering started & he's got a false assumption based on what she told him (what's new?).  In any case, the fact that he seems to be coming back while the pollution is still at that level of toxicity means that it might not be him causing the problem & this is something I've considered ever since I noticed the new name on public records for residents in that unit, but in either case he still plays a part in that because he's been covering up the matter when Charles gets involved (at least this was when Charles actually bothered to do anything about it, even if unofficially since the HOA wouldn't allow him to do anything official about it).

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing

April 5, 2016


Went to the condos again in the evening to move some of the stuff left out of my previous residence, wasn't surprised that the pollution from E26 in Building E of the South 67 Condos was still happening.  What was interesting about this was that the pollution wasn't very strong, which lead me to believe that he was actually making the indoor pollution strong while I was living there to cause me problems.  After sneezing a few times in my old bedroom (where my sneezing is strong enough that the whole building can probably hear it), I expect that bastard heard me & decided to kick it up a notch knowing that I was back (I don't think he had enough time to get it as strong as he usually did while I was living there, but he didn't get too far off).  I wasn't there long enough to get any health problems from his pollution, but the pollution was still happening, so I'm making sure to log it & will continued to log it as I go.  I estimate probably up to 3 more trips to get the rest of my stuff out & cleaning, with perhaps several more trips after that if my father wants me to help him fix the unit up before he can sell it; the kicker in this is while I've already moved from the condos, I moved to a house that wasn't actually completed yet, so we're still trying to finish this house before we worry too much about fixing up the condo & attempting to sell it.

April 1, 2016


Indoor pollution started picking up again directly after I deleted the “Moved” page & replaced that blog with the original logging of the problem (currently set to private, only viewable by those I give access to via their Gmail account).  Due to the immediate increase in pollution after that URL was replaced, I decided to make one final post to the blog with the online statement regarding the matter & who was responsible, which won’t be removed until later today after I’ve finished moving.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  That asshole in E26 allowed the pollution to get pretty bad after I woke up & started adding health problems caused by his pollution from last night while I was trying to sleep, so I’ve taken one final step in this matter, which would be making the link to the background check more obvious; it won’t be removed until after I’ve finished moving tonight.  The pollution subsided for a little while after I added it, but hasn’t stopped completely, so looks like I’m going to have to put my respirator back on.  My father will be here soon to start packing the truck, so perhaps he’ll say something to the fucker about it if he can smell it while he’s here.

UPDATE:  Indoor drug use from E26 continued to happen for most of the day in Building E of the South 67 Condos, off & on (mostly on) while we attempted to load the truck with my stuff.  What was interesting about this is that the pollution was still happening when we went back for a second trip, but seems he wasn’t actually there seeing as he came back sometime later after we got back to continue loading the truck; what was smelled when we got there was accumulated in his unit, however it did increase again somewhat after he did get back.  There was also a number to times I heard what sounded like his front door slam, I would expect where he attempted to come out, realized we had our front door open & decided to go back in, but the public hallways literally got flooded with that pollution in the few seconds he had the door open.

I may be out of the building, but the move hasn’t been completed yet, seeing as I’m going to have to go back to grab some stuff that was left behind due to lack of space in the moving truck (and we made two trips, although the first trip the truck wasn’t completely full).  Due to the pollution that was happening while I was attempting to get the work done & the fact that it was actually slowing down my ability to quickly move my property into the truck (might have fully finished today if not for that), I won’t be removing secondary blogs until the move is completely finished & possibly not until I finish with the cleaning (and possibly repairs if my father wants me to help), as well.