
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

September 3, 2016


I found out today that they are apparently still charging my father (landlord of the unit while I was living there) condo fees, despite no longer being an owner of any unit in those condos anymore.  It seems he told them he needed to cancel them after the sale of the unit was completed, however being as my father was a CPA for most of his career, he pays close attention to what goes in & out of his bank account & had to call them to try & get it corrected.  Eventually they agreed to send him a check for the amount that was taken out of his account that shouldn't have been.

I only know what was stated above because my father comes to use the internet at my home (again, he's the landlord of this one also), where he also made the call from my number (forgetting to bring his cell today).  Aside from that, there was also a problem with something his bank did; he got the bank charge reversed for their error, however he spent another hour going over numbers with my mother over the phone getting numbers corrected in their logs to compensate for the banks error, as well as doing some transfers to get numbers back where they should be.  He was here for over 4 hours today, using the internet & making various calls for bank/bill related situations.

As for the condo fees that were still being taken out from my fathers account, I suppose it's acceptable that it might have been an error, they just hadn't been canceled yet & I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, however I'm still skeptical based on legal threats from Charles Blackwood (employee of Property Management Systems, hired by the HOA to be Property Manager) I got pretty regularly for my online reviews/comments about the condos whenever he found out about them.  When I was considering filing a Better Business Bureau complaint against the condos, I found that you couldn't even find the condos on the site & even though I requested a listing for them from a BBB representative, they stated I need to file the complaint against the management (which was the only reason I didn't file it, I was trying to keep Charles out of it as he was attempting to help with the pollution for some time, but eventually he gave up & showed the same discrimination as the HOA did towards renters); when I looked up the BBB page for PMS (probably over a year back), they had a wide range of complaints about billing, fines & other similar payment issues against them, which is what makes me skeptical that the fact they're still taking money out of my father's account as an error.  I'm half-expecting they may still be taking fees out because it's likely they already know I have my reviews & logs back up regarding the activity at the condos (and it's management), knowing they can't sue my father (not being an owner at those condos anymore) & knowing they won't get anything from somebody who can't even pay their bills (myself); they're probably still trying to take money out of his account, thinking he won't notice (which is highly unlikely when you consider he's been working with money most of his career).  If they do get the error corrected by next month, I'll determine it was an error & hopefully won't have to write any more logs regarding this issue.  However my father has ties with the IRS & I'm certain can get them audited fairly easily; I told him today that he could have had the charge reversed (which usually includes a fee against the company that took the charge, however I'm not sure how this would work when taken directly out of their account rather than through a credit card) if he had to take that route, but I think an audit would hurt the condos & it's management much worse, so I'll let my father do what's needed to take care of these fraudulent fees (only fraudulent if not in error, however we'll find out which is the case by next month).

July 19, 2016


Today I ended up finding out that my unit at the South 67 Condos had tested positive for meth (over 3 months ago I moved to a house that was purchased so I could move out of the health hazard); this came from my father checking his email at my house on my guest computer & I had to configure the firewall for him, where I noticed a subject on one of his emails that stated "Lester Ave." & "meth decontamination".  I have to wonder if that was there before I moved in, but if it wasn't, I know it definitely was afterward due to the various drugs that was being smoked in E22 (meth being one of them) by the last renters in that unit before I moved.  I have no proof that it couldn't have been coming from E26 as well, but it wouldn't surprise me, seeing as supposedly it was already cleaned, but the problem still remained afterwards, which means it could still be going through the ventilation system from Danny next door (unless there is somebody else that has moved into E22 that could be doing it).

I didn't smell any drugs (at least nothing strong enough to be a problem) while I was there early in July, when I went there to help my father get samples for what he claimed was asbestos testing, which seems the samples may have really been for meth testing (apparently he's attempting to keep the fact that meth was detected in my old unit from me, I would expect because he still wants me to believe it was in my head).  In any case, I think my father believes me at this point that my claims of drug use in the condo making me ill almost daily for over 2 years was not all in my head as he previously thought, however he's apparently still trying to make me think that's the case by not telling me about it.  The problem with this is this could end up making it so I have to move back there if he can't sell it for that reason (the guy that eventually bought E22 from Randy had to completely strip the unit clean & rebuilding everything from scratch, which I don't think my father is going to be willing to do), so while I hope this isn't the case, that drug use from the neighbors that kept me ill for over 2 years may end up moving me back there (if my father follows through on his threat), only to continue being sick until the day I die from it.

May 18, 2016


Went to the South 67 Condos with my mother today to check & make sure lights or the cooler wasn't being left on in my old unit (still attempting to have it sold), racking up my electricity bill.  It came at no surprise that I could smell the potent smell of drugs as soon as I walked in the front door of the of Building E.  When I got into my unit, it was more humid than anything (due to the cooler not being on), so I wasn't certain whether the smell I was smelling in my old unit was contributed by the indoor drug use from E26 or not, so I'm not going to claim it was when it may not have been, but I still believe there's that possibility.  Due to the fact that I wasn't there long enough to get significant health problems from being exposed to it (and the fact that I no longer live there), I won't be listing health problems caused from it anymore, however that's not to say there wasn't any...

A couple of things we noticed while we were there making things were in order:
  • The sliding glass door for the balcony patio may have been locked with the standard latch, but the deadbolt was not.
  • The window in the bedroom was not latching properly, so I'm not certain where something has been done to it to make sure it can't latch or if something went wrong when my father removed it to clean it.
  • The washer & dryer was still there, which is supposed to go to the new owner of the unit once it is sold; aside from making sure the power isn't being wasted while nobody is living there, making sure these aren't stolen is another reason for going back & checking periodically, as well as making sure somebody hasn't moved in without our knowledge & wracking up my electricity bill (the gas was shut off the beginning of September of 2015, so I don't expect this one should be a concern, however the electricity is still in my name & will be shut off immediately if something is awry).
  • There were a couple of bait traps around the guest parking log, which means Charles is finally doing something about the infestation of rats on the bordering area of that parking lot.  I would expect the people who were talking to my father & I around the final days of coming back to the unit (after moving) to fix it up took my advise & contacted Charles in the coming days to have something done with it.

April 11, 2016


Indoor drug use, once again could be smelled immediately as I walked through the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos to do some more work/cleaning on the unit & move a few more things out.  Today the drug use from E26 was more of a problem, not only due to being a higher toxicity level, but also because my father had to leave the front door of our unit propped open after painting it to allow the paint to dry & not get screwed up when it got closed, so that indoor secondhand pollution came into our unit as well.  Later in the day, it got strong enough that I could smell it in my bedroom stronger than any other room in the unit, which seemed to happen shortly after I started vacuuming.

I found out a few things today that I was having problems trying to determine yesterday, like the moving trucks I saw was somebody moving into the neighboring building into a unit that has been vacant as long as I can remember.  I also found out that it appeared the people living in E23 were moving out, although I wasn't living there anymore, so I have to wonder what their reason for moving at this point was (perhaps something to do with the criminal history I currently have shared online & something in it that made them decide they didn't want to live next to that individual).  The husband in E23 use to show discrimination towards me back when I was being very vocal in the condos in my fight regarding this matter, however has somewhat shown a change in attitude & at least has said hello within perhaps the last few weeks I was living there.  The point in bringing this up is that there are logs regarding the discrimination pointing to an individual in that unit that will be going public again once our unit has been sold, however they won't be relevant anymore if they've already moved since the owner of E23 will have changed likely by the time they go public again.

Today will probably be the last day I'll need to go work on my old unit, so there won't likely be logs after today.  I'm going to keep up what is still visible tomorrow to make sure that is the case before removing them, however even if they disappear for a while, the uncensored information will re-appear on about 4 different sites after the unit sells; worst case scenario, my father won't be able to sell the unit because of the constant pollution from E26 & I'll end up getting forced to move back into the unit, where my father will sell the house I just moved to instead...

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing


Went to the condos again to do some more work & cleaning on the unit, as well as move a few more things out.  I could smell the drug use from E26 as soon as I walked in the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos, however it was low enough that I didn't really have any complaints about it.  When I walked into my old unit, all I could smell was the paint we had been using to paint the unit with.  The pollution could still be smelled when exiting the unit, however it stayed low & luckily I wasn't there for very long today, so health problems were limited.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Coughing
  • Headaches

April 7, 2016


Went to the condos again (which looks like this is going to be an every day thing until my father runs out of things for me to help him with; currently it's just cleaning & sanding/painting the walls) to move out a few more thing, work on repairs & clean up a bit so the unit could be sold in the near future, the smell of pollution was pretty faint when I walked into the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos, so I didn't have too much to complain about in the beginning.  After we started working on the unit, like clockwork, the indoor drug use from E26 picked up & flooded the public hallways again.  Luckily it didn't effect our unit for too long today, but for the time it did effect it, there were still health problems from it.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Trouble Breathing

April 6, 2016


Went to the condo again today with my father to pick up a few more things, get some repairs done & do some cleaning (so my father can sell the unit soon...hopefully).  I couldn't smell the pollution when I walked in the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos, nor could I when I took out the recyclables, however after running the vacuum to clean the rugs, I could smell the pollution ("smell" is an understatement; it was almost gagging me) in the public hallways when I went to take out the first load of trash.  This continued in extended spurts for a while, but didn't really effect our unit.

It wasn't until my father went to hammer one (I repeat, one) nail back into the wall on a neighboring wall with E26 (my bedroom clothes closet) that the pollution increased at least as strong as it has been while I was living there (if not stronger), easily flooding the public hallways & effecting my unit to the point that I couldn't stop coughing right in front of my father.  I have to expect the jackass automatically thought it was me banging on the wall to be malicious (as far as his delusional mind can comprehend) & decide to throw a big "FUCK YOU" my way with extremely high toxicity levels of their drug use.  Within the last hour I was there, I had nearly every health problem I've been dealing with nearly every day for the last year & a half from their pollution before I was finally able to leave that health hazard (at least for the day).

What's interesting about this is that as my father & I was getting in the car, I noticed the guy driving in with a HUGE fucking scowl on his face (maybe because we were in his preferred spot, maybe because we were back after he thought he had seen the last of us or maybe the new woman who is living there calls him with the hammering started & he's got a false assumption based on what she told him (what's new?).  In any case, the fact that he seems to be coming back while the pollution is still at that level of toxicity means that it might not be him causing the problem & this is something I've considered ever since I noticed the new name on public records for residents in that unit, but in either case he still plays a part in that because he's been covering up the matter when Charles gets involved (at least this was when Charles actually bothered to do anything about it, even if unofficially since the HOA wouldn't allow him to do anything official about it).

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing

April 5, 2016


Went to the condos again in the evening to move some of the stuff left out of my previous residence, wasn't surprised that the pollution from E26 in Building E of the South 67 Condos was still happening.  What was interesting about this was that the pollution wasn't very strong, which lead me to believe that he was actually making the indoor pollution strong while I was living there to cause me problems.  After sneezing a few times in my old bedroom (where my sneezing is strong enough that the whole building can probably hear it), I expect that bastard heard me & decided to kick it up a notch knowing that I was back (I don't think he had enough time to get it as strong as he usually did while I was living there, but he didn't get too far off).  I wasn't there long enough to get any health problems from his pollution, but the pollution was still happening, so I'm making sure to log it & will continued to log it as I go.  I estimate probably up to 3 more trips to get the rest of my stuff out & cleaning, with perhaps several more trips after that if my father wants me to help him fix the unit up before he can sell it; the kicker in this is while I've already moved from the condos, I moved to a house that wasn't actually completed yet, so we're still trying to finish this house before we worry too much about fixing up the condo & attempting to sell it.

April 1, 2016


Indoor pollution started picking up again directly after I deleted the “Moved” page & replaced that blog with the original logging of the problem (currently set to private, only viewable by those I give access to via their Gmail account).  Due to the immediate increase in pollution after that URL was replaced, I decided to make one final post to the blog with the online statement regarding the matter & who was responsible, which won’t be removed until later today after I’ve finished moving.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  That asshole in E26 allowed the pollution to get pretty bad after I woke up & started adding health problems caused by his pollution from last night while I was trying to sleep, so I’ve taken one final step in this matter, which would be making the link to the background check more obvious; it won’t be removed until after I’ve finished moving tonight.  The pollution subsided for a little while after I added it, but hasn’t stopped completely, so looks like I’m going to have to put my respirator back on.  My father will be here soon to start packing the truck, so perhaps he’ll say something to the fucker about it if he can smell it while he’s here.

UPDATE:  Indoor drug use from E26 continued to happen for most of the day in Building E of the South 67 Condos, off & on (mostly on) while we attempted to load the truck with my stuff.  What was interesting about this is that the pollution was still happening when we went back for a second trip, but seems he wasn’t actually there seeing as he came back sometime later after we got back to continue loading the truck; what was smelled when we got there was accumulated in his unit, however it did increase again somewhat after he did get back.  There was also a number to times I heard what sounded like his front door slam, I would expect where he attempted to come out, realized we had our front door open & decided to go back in, but the public hallways literally got flooded with that pollution in the few seconds he had the door open.

I may be out of the building, but the move hasn’t been completed yet, seeing as I’m going to have to go back to grab some stuff that was left behind due to lack of space in the moving truck (and we made two trips, although the first trip the truck wasn’t completely full).  Due to the pollution that was happening while I was attempting to get the work done & the fact that it was actually slowing down my ability to quickly move my property into the truck (might have fully finished today if not for that), I won’t be removing secondary blogs until the move is completely finished & possibly not until I finish with the cleaning (and possibly repairs if my father wants me to help), as well.

March 31, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos, again verified to be coming from E26.  Today is supposed to be my last full day here, but now I'm not so certain with the weather...  I'm going to have to get my phone/internet hooked up at the house tomorrow regardless & my father has already signed up for the moving truck tomorrow, it just make take longer to get moved out (hopefully we can still get out in the same day) if he has to help with getting the roof repaired before we can leave.  Regardless, if I don't move, I'll be without phone & internet, but that doesn't mean I'll stop logging the problem if I don't have internet, those logs will just be done locally & be extended publicly after the unit is sold.  Without the internet method to deter the bastard from continuing the problem, that means I'll have to go back to other methods like hitting the wall or "noise pollution".

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Coughing
  • Chest Pains
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears

March 30, 2016


Yet another continuation from the previous day, indoor smoking/drug use continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  A lot of the health problems you are going to see in this initial post will be health problems carried over from the previous day, since the pollution picked back up almost immediately after the stream of health problems caused by that pollution stopped, which is why I tend to make sure I have another YouTube event ready so it can be started directly after the previous one ends (of course, starting & stopping that fast sometimes screws up archiving).

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Seizures
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing

March 29, 2016


Indoor pollution could be smelled in my unit when I woke up about 2 to 2:30 AM; although I wasn't feeling well enough to go down the hallways to find the source, I'm pretty certain it was coming from E26 being the same pollution I'm always smelling from there.  I ended up having to put my respirator back on again, with the blinds open of course.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Seizures
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  When I got home from another long day of working on the house (mast last day of working on the house until I move on the 31st, provided everything goes well), the pollution could be smelled as soon as I walked in the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos.  When I got in my unit, I could also smell it there, but it actually wasn't too strong until shortly after I got home (like it increase because I got home).  What makes the interesting is my father came in with me & I'm sure he could smell it also, not to mention noticing the immediate coughing fits I started having as soon as I walked into my unit (technically speaking, I was coughing outside the front door to my unit, but didn't get really bad until after I walked into my unit).  My father grabbed a few paintings that they gave me when I moved here to take to the new house, then left; directly afterwards, I put the URL to the online notice as to why I'm moving up in my window again & starting typing this update.

UPDATE:  Indoor pollution started getting particularly bad around 11:19 PM, ended up having to turn on the stream of health problems caused by it again.  At this point I've decided that I won't be removing the information the day before the move; instead I'll be removing it probably only an hour before we start loading the moving truck from my laptop since I should still have access to that if not my main computer (that's provided Comcast doesn't jump the gun & shut off my service early again, in which case it will be removed afterwards instead).  As strong as the pollution is now, I expect I may have to put my respirator on again.  Another possibility is I get taken to the hospital from the pollution, which means the move could be postponed indefinately...

Indoor Pollution Log

March 28, 2016


The indoor drug use could be smelled when I walked through the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos at about 12:30 AM (didn't get back from working on the house yesterday until after midnight).  Whether there was indoor pollution during the day of the 27th, I can't say for certain since I was asleep or gone for most of the day, so I guess the person causing the problem got a freebie yesterday & that resets the counter dating back to 12/6/2015 of every day indoor pollution.  There were still health problems however, so I expect there was indoor pollution, I just couldn't detect it as such or verify a source...

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  Indoor smoking/drug use started becoming a problem again around 10:45 PM, verified to be coming from E26 again.  The pollution started picking up again shortly after adding an estimated move date to the online statement of why I'm moving in the first place, which makes me think retaliation from the fucker that noticed the change.  The pollution continued to escalate fast enough after it was noticed that I had to put my respirator back on (with the blinds open, of course).  I'm going to be adding a list of delays on the move that have happened so far, along with reasons for each delay.


The temperature in my unit was still at 65° F by 2 AM, only increasing 2 degrees in the few hours after I closed the windows after getting home from working on the house; by 5:30 AM the indoor temp in my unit had dropped to 64° F.  Sometime after midnight & attempting to go to bed, I noticed it sounded like somebody hit my front door also; when I went to look at my front door, I noticed there was a scuff mark on it, but no permanent damage.  In any case I didn't really get any sleep, so I don't know that I'll be going to work on the house today & will probably have to push back the move another day, that will be determined when my father calls me in the morning...

Health problems from indoor pollution today:

Blurry Vision
Chest Pains
Irritated Eyes
Ringing Ears
Sore Throat
Trouble Breathing

UPDATE:  Indoor temp reached a peak low of 63° F today due to having my gas shut off since September of 2015 due to the constant indoor pollution for over 2 years in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  From what I could tell, there was no pollution today, however I was either sleeping or gone most of the day, so the bugger who usually causes the problem got a freebie today that allowed him to drop the pollution running streak since 12/6/2015.

March 26, 2016


While I can't say I'm surprised, the indoor smoking/drug use picked up again directly after I turned of my stream of the health problems cause by that pollution at midnight in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  That pollution may not have been very strong in the living room when I first smelled it, but it was strong enough in my home office that I had to put my respirator back on (with the blinds open, of course; there's a good chance I'll have to open windows again to get some clean air in here, also).  This pollution has been confirmed to be coming from E26 tonight & I expect this pollution is going to keep me coughing on it all night, not allowing me to be rested to work on the house tomorrow, meaning even further pushback of the move.  This run of the indoor pollution has been happening every day since 12/06/2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  Indoor pollution started up again at 10:18 AM, prompting me to quickly put my respirator back on & open some windows to get some fresh air into my unit again.  This likely comes in retaliation to a number of health problems that were added to the list above after I got up & took a shower from the previous night before I fell asleep.  I'll have to take off the respirator when I try to eat, drink or use the phone, but looks like I'll have to leave it on until I head out the house, otherwise I might end up being to ill to even go & the move getting push back beyond the 29th...

UPDATE:  Ended up realizing the pollution was pretty bad in my bedroom when I went in there to get ready to go work on the house, had to quickly open a window to try & get some fresh air in there.  I don't think the fucker in E26 ever stops the pollution, I think it's just the windows being open that is helping with it.  Likely I'm going to have to leave them open the entire time I'm gone again, which means it's probably going to get extremely cold in my unit again (particularly if it starts raining/snowing again).

Before I posted this update, my father called me & said he needed to do something at the office before he could pick me up, so I'll be here a little while longer before I leave (hopefully it doesn't take him most of the day like it did last time, otherwise we'll be pushing back the move another day).

UPDATE:  Peek low temperatures in my unit reached 63° F today due to leaving the windows open in my unit while I went to work on the house to get some clean air in my unit after the pollution started picking up at 10:18 AM, this is what my unit was at when I got home & closed the windows.  Without proper heating because of the constant pollution problem, all I could do was throw a jacket on...

March 25, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use started becoming noticeable again around 8:20 PM in the South 67 Condos, after closing my windows.  I attempted to find out where the pollution was coming from earlier, but wasn’t able to pin down a source…  This run of the indoor pollution has been happening every day since 12/06/2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Ringing Ears
  • Shivering
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing

Video Pollution Log

March 24, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use was EXTREMELY strong as soon as I walked into the front door of Building E of the South 67 Condos after I got home from another day of working on the house (came home a little early today).  The pollution again started subsiding by the time I got to my door, but it was even stronger in my unit that it was at the front door & had to put my respirator on almost immediately after walking in (luckily I keep it on a hook near the front door of my unit specifically for this reason), opened every window in my unit & put the URL to the online notice as to why I'm moving again.  I was intending on taking a shower as soon as I walked in the front door, but once again I felt I had to get another log up before I took the shower hoping that it would catch the bastard's attention that is causing the problem (seeing as he pretty well stalks my online profiles & blogs, at least the ones he knows about) & perhaps get him to knock it off, otherwise it won't be down in toxicity level by the time I get out of the shower or even taking it.

Found out today that we are going to have to push back the move date a bit, but so far it's only by 2 or 3 days; we're looking at the 30th now.  Hopefully we'll be done with the house by then & be able to move out of this hellhole I'm living in now.  I won't be going to the house tomorrow since I'll have to get some washing done (and perhaps some more cleaning/packing if I have time for it), so that URL will be in my window all day until the following morning.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Seizures
  • Sore Throat


I woke up to 63° F temps in my unit due to not being able to use my heater via central air because of the constant pollution in Building E of the South 67 Condos, had to put a coat on.  This is the same reason why I had my gas shut off in September of 2015, knowing that I wouldn't be able to use central air while the constant indoor pollution continued to happen & didn't want to have to continue paying for a utility I wasn't using.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  When I got home, the pollution wasn't that bad either in the public hallways or my unit, so I didn't have much to complain about.  The health problems you see above were for the most part what bled over from pollution from the previous day.

March 22, 2016


When I woke up this morning, it was 65° F in my unit.  I originally opened the windows yesterday before I went to the house to work on getting it fixed up so I could move because of the heat due to not being able to use my cooler via central air because of the constant pollution from E26 in Building E of the South 67 Condos, left them open the entire night because of the pollution, then had to put a jacket on inside of my unit when I woke up because of the extreme cold due to not being able to use my heater via central air for the same reason.  This indoor pollution is also the same reason why I had my gas shut off in September of 2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  When I got back from another long day of working on the house, I could smell the pollution as soon as I walked in the front door of the building.  I started to die down by the time I made it to my front door, so I didn't really have anything to complain about.  About an hour after I got back & sat down on my couch in my front room, I started smelling that pollution again & decided I needed to start taking steps against it again.

UPDATE:  Indoor temperature in my unit reached a peak low of 64° F today due to being unable to use my heater via central air due to the constant indoor pollution problem.  This is also the same reason why I had my gas shut of in September of 2015, know that I wouldn't be able to use central air while the indoor pollution problem persisted & I didn't want to have to continued paying fees to keep on a utility I wasn't using.

March 21, 2016


Another continuation from the previous day, indoor pollution continues in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  This continued pretty well the entire night since I got home from working on the house shortly after 8 PM last night & was likely happening the entire time I was gone (which isn't surprising for a Sunday, seeing as the pollution is always the worst day of the week around here).  This run of the indoor smoking/drug use has continued every day since 12/6/2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Seizures
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
  • Vomiting
UPDATE:  When I walked in the front door of the building, the pollution couldn’t be smelled very strong in the public hallways; it could be smelled, but very faint.  It became stronger as I got to my front door, almost like it was coming through my front door.  When I walked into my unit, the pollution couldn’t really be smelled, until I walked into my bedroom; that pollution was much stronger in my quarter bathroom (toilet only).

We got our cancellation on the carpet installation, looks like they’re installing it on Thursday, so the move date may not be pushed back 2 weeks as we were expecting, but it’s definitely been pushed back one week, meaning I could be out next Monday.  We’re pushing it here attempting to get all painting down in all rooms in the house so I can move out by Monday, but I honestly don’t think we’re going to make it…  This is why it is imperative that I’m not taking days off due to illness or lack of sleep because of pollution from E26, because that will probably push back the move date beyond the 28th.  While I can keep my fingers crossed, I don’t think there will be any such luck in him keeping his crap outside so it doesn’t effect my ability to finish the house & not have any more delays in moving, so I’m pretty well expecting we’ll still be looking at the 4th (or at least later in the week next week rather than at the beginning.

When I sat down on my couch to try & relax a bit, the pollution got strong enough that I ended up turning the stream on again.  Shortly afterwards, one of the more severe symptoms of the pollution (vomiting) happened right in the stream (at least audibly, if not visibly; I haven’t gone over it yet to find out if it was caught visibly).  After that, I started writing this update to the log.  When I got home, because of the pollution I was dealing with, I immediately put the URL to the online statement as to why I was moving back in my window.  I assume the only reason why the pollution was not as bad as it usually is is because I left my windows open due to it getting a bit too hot in my unit before leaving.

Video Pollution Log

March 20, 2016


Got home from another long day of working on the house so I could move out; being a Sunday, I'm not the least bit surprised that I walked through the front door of the building to a very strong smell of drug use.  I was hoping it would be only a problem in the public hallways, but as I walked through my front door to my unit, I could smell it almost immediately.  I quickly opened all my windows hoping to get some clean air into my unit, put my respirator on, put the URL to the online notice as to why I'm moving, then started writing this log even before I took the time to jump in the shower to clean myself off after working on the house.

This run of the indoor pollution has been happening every day since 12/6/2015 & honestly I don't expect to see any stop in it before I move.  What I've decided since the links to his background check are already up & given his stubborn attitude about every day indoor drug use, I don't intend on removing them, I'm going to start gauging his indoor pollution as to whether search engines can find the logging of this problem or not.  Currently the logging that states the name of these condos are hidden & won't be going public again until this unit is sold after I move out (considering this fucker obviously doesn't have any intentions in stopping before I move), but I have somewhat censored logs (removing certain personal information such as names & addresses), that I can change settings on so they can be indexed by search engines (this is actually default, however I disabled it given those logs probably won't be their permanently unless I get other editors that want to contribute their stories to the cause) when the pollution is particularly bad.  That will be the first step, steps after that will include spreading links to his background check around the web, even if they are somewhat hidden.  What he needs to realize is that once those links get indexed by search engines, they will probably follow the link to where I have the background report shared online; I won't be able to request a de-index from search engines once they are indexed & I don't intend on EVER removing the shared background check (with possibly another one being added before I leave), so he needs to do what he can to make sure they don't get set to where they can be indexed, because that information will not likely disappear from them once it does.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Eyes
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
  • Vomiting
UPDATE:  Indoor temperature in my unit was at a peak low of 65° F today due to being unable to use my heater via central air due to the constant indoor pollution from E26.  This is also the reason why I had my gas shut off in September of 2015, not wanting to have to continue paying fees to keep on a utility I wasn't using.

Video Pollution Log

March 19, 2016


Indoor pollution continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos again today; more a continuation of the problem yesterday, however that's nothing new...  This constant problem at this point I think is an attempt to force me to move, however he's actually going beyond that point since we're already in the process of moving (getting a house fixed up so I can move), yet he's pushing it beyond that point & my beyond, I mean too far, seeing as the more he makes me ill enough that I'm not going to work on the house because of it, the more likely my father is going to say "fuck that" & cancel the move altogether.  The move date has already been pushed back two weeks because of the pollution not allowing me to work on the house for several days, which made us fall behind in getting painting done to get the carpet installed; the appointment we had to have the carpet installed on the 18th, which got canceled since we weren't ready & the guy doing the installed said he wouldn't have an opening for another 2 weeks (my father hasn't even made a new appointment yet; he's attempting to hold out for a cancellation, so it might even be longer than that).  This run of the indoor pollution has been happening every day since 12/6/2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  Indoor temperature was at a peak low of 64° F today when I woke up, which would be a result of not being able to use my heater via central air due to the indoor pollution from E26.  This is also the same reason why I had my gas shut off in September of 2015, knowing that I wouldn't be able to use central air while the constant indoor pollution continued to be a problem & I didn't want to continue paying fees to keep on a utility I wasn't using.

Video Pollution Logs

March 18, 2016


Indoor pollution continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos, which was first noticed when I sat on my couch in my living room.  While I may have taken down the URL to the online statement regarding why I'm moving, I left up the links to the background check on that bastard causing the problem.  We'll see if the problem continues when I get home, then see if I can take them down if it's stopped (unlikely since it's still happening this morning).  This run of the indoor pollution has been running every day since 12/6/2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
  • Watering Eyes
UPDATE:  Indoor pollution was still a problem when I got back from another long day of working on the house.  It could be smelled as soon as I walked in the front door of the building & also when I walked into my unit.  As a result, I quickly opened my windows in an attempt to get some clean air into my unit (and it's pretty cold out there, so it's likely going to freeze my ass off over it) & put the URL to the online statement back in my window.  Considering the pollution obviously did not stop today, it looks like the links to that bastard's background check are going to stay up probably for another 24 hours.  I'm considering doing another one on another site, just to make sure the one I have isn't a partial one, seeing as his criminal history appears to cut off in 2004.

UPDATE:  Doesn’t look like that fucker in E26 really cares that his criminal history is in the open seeing as he’s continuing the indoor pollution, so let’s do this this way:  The links won’t be removed until I move & seeing as he’s already extended my move date an additional 2 weeks with his indoor pollution, that’s going to extend the time that that information is publicly linked to on top of the additional logging of the problem.  Furthermore I’ll be doing another background check on another site & sharing that information publicly as well once I have the full report.

UPDATE:  Indoor temperature in my unit reached a peak low of 64° F today due to being unable to use my heater via central air due to the constant indoor pollution coming from E26.  This is also the same reason why I had my gas turned off in September of 2015, knowing that I wouldn't be able to use central air while this constant problem continued to happen & I didn't want to have to keep paying upkeep fees for a utility I wasn't using.

March 17, 2016


Indoor pollution continues again today in Building E of the South 67 Condos, starting sometime last night around 10 PM.  This pollution kept me awake until sometime after 3 AM, where I honestly thought it was going to be unable to go work on the house again today (and currently it's critical that I go work on the house, since if we can't get the painting done in the rooms that need the carpet installed, I could be here another 2 weeks or more; the move date has already been pushed back one week); I may be behind on sleep, but I did manage to at least wake up, so perhaps I can still get out there today...

As I stated before, that pollution kept me awake last night coughing on it until after 3 AM.  I had the URL to the online statement as to why I'm moving (or attempting to move anyways; the move date has been pushed back once already, a second time seems imminent, possibly the plans of getting dropped altogether) sometime last night when I realized there was pollution causing me health problems again.  Around 3:10 AM, I got fed up with the secondhand filth keeping me awake & threw up the first of 2 hyperlinks linking to that bastard's background check in one go.  Around 3:15 AM, I threw up the 3rd link.  Around 3:20 AM, I attempted to light a scented candle to help with the pollution on top of the air purifier I keep right next to my bed while I sleep (which was blowing that pollution right into my face even after the purifier had attempted to filter it; turning it off didn't really help either).  At 3:28 AM, I decided I needed to open some windows in my unit in an attempt to air out the pollution so I could get to sleep, even if it did freeze my ass off...  At this point, I was able to get enough clean air to be able to get to sleep, but only got about 6 hours of sleep (honestly, I didn't think I was going to be able to work on the house at all, but looks like I might be able to provided the pollution stays stopped before I leave), which is more than I usually get, but I don't know if it will be enough to work without slowing down today.  It was 64° F in my unit this morning when I woke up.  This morning when I was checking my front door, I noticed somebody sitting in their car (I believe this is the owner of E26, who positions his car in the guest parking lot so he can see right down the hallways on the lower & upper levels from his car), which I assume he was only out there since he noticed the links to a PDF printout of his background report were published.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Seizures (minor)
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  Cigarette smoke started up again around 12:14 PM, so the first of those links have been republished.  I'm supposed to be leaving here soon, but don't think I have enough sleep to go help on the house, so I'll probably won't be going, which means I could be here another 2 weeks if that painting doesn't get finished (luckily my mother is supposed to be going to help today, so with any luck, perhaps my father will still finish).

UPDATE:  So because of the pollution keeping me awake last night, I wasn't able to go & now the installation of the carpet is being pushed back another 2 weeks (unless we get a cancellation that they can fill us in to get it installed).  So I likely will be here another 2 weeks or longer thanks to that bastard in E26.  I kept saying that this could push back my move day if he kept making me too ill (or tired from coughing on that crap all night) to work on the house, he chose to ignore it, so now we're going to have more logging because that fucker couldn't take his shit outside.  My father hasn't dropped the move entirely yet, but I expect that is coming if this keeps happening...

UPDATE:  The pollution is currently pretty bad in my bedroom, noticed it when I went to reset my security cameras (had to recycle the power, it was running way to slow to do through the menu; I expect a wireless jammer).  Probably going to be another long night where the pollution from E26 doesn't allow me to get any sleep, meaning I probably won't be going to the house again tomorrow either.  At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if my father just decided to drop the idea of moving altogether, we've already gotten pushed back two weeks as it is because the work didn't get done fast enough to be ready for the carpet installation (I blame the owner of E26 for that, the constant pollution in one way or another making it so I can't go work on the house, so we fell behind on getting what needed to be done).  If we're waiting for 2 weeks to get the carpet installed, I don't believe my father is really going to need my help at this point, but it wouldn't surprise me him telling me I'm not moving if I'm not going to help anymore, regardless of whether the reason is the pollution keeping me up coughing on it all night or some other reason.  As I've stated before, the fucker in E26 has nearly gotten what he's looking for as we're already in the process of getting ready to move, but if he keeps pushing it, that push date is going to keep getting pushed back (which has already happened because of it) or possibly not moving at all, so he's pushing it too far at this point & is going to completely reverse what he's already attempted to accomplish with causing problem with the indoor pollution.  At this point all links to the background check on that fucker are published & considering the pollution only increased after I posted the last one (I would expect retaliation to it), I don't expect I'll be taking them down tonight either.

Currently I'm looking into whether this is such a thing as a signal jammer detector.  If I can get one of those, I can determine whether somebody in the building is purposely blocking wireless communication.  There may also be a way to do it with the wireless devices I already have, however I'll have to do some research to see if it's possible.  If I can get the proof that somebody in the building is using a signal jammer (I already have an idea who), then I can get the police involved once I have it.

March 16, 2016


Continuation of the indoor pollution once again in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  Cigarette smoke (as well as some other drug smells) started to be smelled sometime after 10 PM yesterday, then it continued as I was running the pollution logging stream on YouTube, embedded into the broadcast page on the current public logging of the problem. It picked up again right at midnight as I was about to turn off my stream, so I started putting up links to that bastard’s background check again.  This run of the indoor pollution problem has been happening every day since 12/6/2016.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Seizures
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  Today I found out I was going to have to push back the move to the 27/28th when my father told me to reschedule my move of service with Comcast.  It’s possible we might be looking at another week after that if we haven’t finished getting the painting done in the 3 rooms that we are supposed to get carpet installed in on the 18th (unless a cancellation opens up hopefully next week).  We’re attempting to rush job the painting so hopefully we won’t have to cancel the installation of the carpet & wait possibly another two week for another appointment…

When I got back, I really couldn’t see that indoor pollution was a problem (wasn’t strong enough to be a problem anyways), so I didn’t write an update when I first got home.  I decided to write an update when I needed to add seizures to the list of health problems from it.  There is definitely something in my unit that is causing coughing fits, however I haven’t been able to determine the source of it yet…

UPDATE:  Indoor temperature in my unit reached a peak low of 64° F today due to being unable to use my heater via central air due to the constant indoor pollution from E26.  This is also the reason why I had my gas shut off in September of 2015, knowing that I wouldn't be able to use my central air because of the constant pollution & I didn't want to have to continue playing upkeep fees to keep on utilities that I wasn't using.

March 15, 2016


Another continuation of indoor pollution from the previous day in Building E of the South 67 Condos, although the source is still questionable...  It's smelled like cigarettes in my unit for probably the past few hours starting late yesterday & still hasn't really stopped.  The same pollution as usual is still coming from E26, however they aren't exactly known for smoking cigarettes (unless the pollution that usually comes from their unit is a cover-up for it).  In any case, pollution is still a problem, notices to online statements are still up & links to personal information are still up.  This run of the pollution has been happening every day since 12/6/2015.

Before this new log was posted, the pollution finally started to die down after probably 3 hours of it already.  It's a start, we'll see if it's actually a stop, then I'll remove the links to that information if it's an actual stop.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
  • Watering Eyes
UPDATE:  Not long after I took down the links, he started up again.  One of those links has already been republished, with more to come if he wants to continue pushing it.

UPDATE:  Indoor pollution started getting strong enough to be noticed again some time after 10 PM.  The indoor pollution continued off & on after that point while the stream was going , so I stared calling off times in the stream to point out while the pollution was happening.

Peak temperature in my unit reached a low of 64° F today due to being unable to use my heater via central because of the constant pollution coming from E26.  This is also the reason why I had my gas shut off in September of 2015, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to use central air while this constant pollution problem continued & I didn’t want to have to continue paying for a utility I wasn’t using.

Video Pollution Logs

March 14, 2016


Another continuation of the pollution from E26 from the previous day in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  Currently the pollution is VERY strong in the public hallway, but the level of toxicity is much lower in my unit, so that might just be getting tracked back in on his clothes.  It was a continuation from the previous day based on the fact that it continued over the midnight hour.  The pollution does appear to be building in my unit since I received a call from my father & got up however, so while I was intending on going to work on the house after I got my package today, the indoor pollution may make me too ill to go.  Currently the pollution can not be detected at his front door, despite the fact that it continues to be building in my unit, so it's more than likely what I'm smelling is just getting tracked back in on his clothes.  This run of the indoor pollution problem has been happening every day since 12/6/2015.

I looked up what DAMAGE / INTERRUPT COMMUNICATION DEVICE meant early this morning & I'll admit, it wasn't what I thought it was.  I still think that using a signal jammer would fall under that category however.  What I do know is if I ever get proof that he has been hijacking my wireless signals or jamming my signals, I'll quickly being filing charges against him for doing so.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Seizures
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  Indoor temperature reached a peak low of 60° F today due to leaving my windows open after the store in hopes that when I got back from working on the house, the pollution wouldn't be bad in my unit.  The pollution was pretty much non-existent in my unit when I got back, but that didn't last for very long...  I started smelling cigarette smoke shortly after getting back, after the owner of E26 walked past me in the hallway (luckily, he didn't cause any further problems, not that I'm saying the indoor pollution isn't a bad enough problem).  When I attempted to verify the source of the smell of cigarettes, the only source of pollution I could verified was the same pollution that usually comes from E26 (not cigarettes), although more coming from E28 (probably the owner of E26 doing that crap in his bedroom & effecting E28; the plus side is unless it gets EXTREMELY strong in his own unit, it doesn't effect my unit too much).  The URL to the online statement was put up shortly after the problem started & after a few times of that pollution starting & stopping, all 3 links regarding the background report were published again.

March 13, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use from E26 continues again in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  The pollution could be smelled when I came in the front door of the building after another long day working on the house to get it fixed up so I could move into it, but I honestly couldn’t smell the pollution in my unit until later.   It got particularly strong after I got a call from my father, where it seems that my moving out might be postponed a bit based on getting the carpet ordered/installed & make finishing the house go beyond the expected move date of the 21st.  In any case, the immediate increase after that call was enough that it become obvious I needed to put the URL to the online statement as to why I’m moving in my window again (it was taken down around 11 AM, as I was getting ready to head out to the house to work on it).  I put on my respirator to tolerate the pollution while I write this new log, but looks like it broke shortly after I put it on, so seeing as I won’t be able to use a respirator to deal with the pollution until I get a replacement, I put up one of the links to that bugger’s background report & will likely will be throwing up more as the night goes on if it continues.

For a Sunday, I found it surprising that there would be no pollution (in my unit anyways; I assumed what I was smelling was what he was tracking back in from outside), but what’s even more surprising is directly after the call from my father, where at the end of the call it looked like I might have to push back the move date a bit, the indoor pollution increased as strong as it did in a very short time, so I’m pretty certain this fucker is using a scanner & who knows what else to hack into my computer & pick up my wireless connections from my security cameras & phone (he has a charge on his report, that while I don’t completely understand what it’s stating, would imply that what I’m assuming is very possible).  This means he probably already has personal information about me, so if I see any odd credit changes on my record, I’m going to know exactly who to go after.

Before this log even got posted, the pollution picked up again, so I’ve thrown up the second link to his background report also.  Once again it picked up, so all 3 links got thrown up in under a half-hour (including the obvious one).  If he gets it through his head, I'll remove them, but he's going to need to prove he's going to knock it off again before that happens.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing

March 12, 2016


Another continuation from the previous day, pollution continues from E26 in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  The pollution started getting strong again about 15 minutes before midnight, then continued from that point on until I went to bed (I'm half-expecting that pollution to keep me awake tonight).  Plus side is I won’t have to deal with this scumbag for much longer, since I’ll be out of here probably on the 21st.  Of course my father sounded pretty pissed off last night when I called him, so he might end up saying I'm not going to be moving if I take any more days off for what he considers as unneeded (I took yesterday off to get some packing & cleaning done, looks like I'll need to take today off also; going to hope I don't have to take additional days off, but that's possible if the pollution continues from E26 & keeps me up coughing all night not being able to get any sleep to get my stuff done during the day time).  This run of the indoor pollution has been running every day since 12/6/2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Heat Flashes
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat

March 11, 2016


Indoor pollution continues to be a problem in Building E of the South 67 Condos, again verified to be coming from E26.  I believe he's starting to realize that his actions are going to leave permanent print on the internet, seeing as I expect that was him slamming doors & yelling through my window last night.  I ended up opening my windows a little while ago to attempt to get some clean air into my unit.  This indoor pollution problem has been happening every day since 12/6/2015.

Today I spent a few hours trying to get things cleared up with Comcast for my move (still have a number of others calls I need to report a change of address to make sure my mail is going to the right address after the move), now I'm attempting to get as much packing done as I can so I'll be ready to move out.  The cleaning will likely have to come tomorrow, seeing as I haven't gotten to it yet today & still have a TON of packing to do...

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Heat Flashes
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  The pollution started getting strong again around 11:45 PM.  As a result, I put up the second link that links to individual’s background report that is causing the problem.

March 10, 2016


I surprisingly had no problems with the pollution this morning when I woke up in my unit in Building E of the South 67 Condos, so I took down the URL to the online notice in the window & the links to the background report on the person that is causing the daily problem.  I expect that because I left links to that information up all night (even if they were fairly hidden, didn't make it to throwing the 3rd/obvious link on the web last night) is probably the reason why the pollution wasn't a problem this morning.

When I got back from another long day of working on the house, it was no surprise that the pollution was happening when I walked in the front door, but it was at least low.  I could smell that pollution in my unit when I walked in also, but again it was low, lower than it was in the public hallways.  The pollution increased EXTREMELY quickly as my father was walking out, so quickly that I would expect the increase was targeted at my getting back rather than my company leaving (personally I would expect he'd try to put a lid on it while I have company so I'm not able to get a written witness statement of it as I have in the past; of course I don't believe Charles would accept the statement at this point & I don't believe he ever did in the past, so I'd put that statement online in the logs of the problem instead).  I quickly opened some windows in hopes of getting some clean air in my unit & put the URL to the online statement about why I'm moving in my window again.

As I was heading to the house with my father today, he stated that he thinks I can move in 10 days.  I think that's highly unlikely, but it got me worried that if that's the case, I might not get all my cleaning & packing done before I have to move (I'm already out of the time frame that Comcast said I needed to give them 2-3 weeks notice before I move so I'll have minimal interruption in my service; my father doesn't seem to care if I'm without a phone for a few days after the move, but I don't think he's going to like the alternative if I have to use the phone, which means asking a neighbor if I can use theirs since mine hasn't been hooked up yet).  I'll be taking a day off from working on the house tomorrow (and possibly a couple days afterwards) so I can get everything cleaned & packed up that I'm not going to be using immediately before I move.  For the sake of my neighbors who live below me, I won't be doing any packing in the bedroom between 9 PM & 9 AM.

Finally got some air purifier filter replacements, seeing as I haven't been able to use my new (since December, this was a Christmas gift to myself since the smaller one wasn't strong enough to deal with the pollution) tower model (this one really isn't either) for a few days due to filthy air filters (I had one replacement, but the tower requires two, so I put the one I had in the air purifier in my home office).  Unfortunately with the constant pollution from E26 & how high the level of pollution gets at times, I'm going through two sets of filters in 3 months, which should be the period of time it takes to replace them once...

I'm going to hope that the pollution doesn't get strong enough it keeps me from getting the packing done, because that will likely keep me from moving for a few days (however many days that pollution keeps me ill in bed, which is where I'm almost at tonight).  Fingers crossed that this individual that is causing the problems sees that I'm going to be out of his hair possibly by the 22nd & will give me some peace from the pollution to get done what I need to get done before I can move.  The day before I move, I intend on removing everything from the web regarding this matter that does not have specific information as to the location where it's happening & moving the original logs back to where I had them on the originally URL, however they will remain private (meaning nobody can see them unless I give them access to them).  When the unit is sold, all that information will get made public again, then I'm going to attempt to put this problem behind me, but the information will remain on the web for a very long time.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  The opening statement for this log was originally posted at 9:51 PM Mountain Time.  Around 10:10 PM, I started hearing slamming of doors, then shortly afterwards, yelling outside (which I'm pretty certain was directed at me through my open windows, but I chose to ignore it & continue packing).  by 10:20 PM, I heard a very loud slam of a door, which I'm guessing was probably the front door to E26 in response to the opening statement in this log based on the direction it was coming from down the public hallways.  By 10:30 PM, I started smelling the pollution in my unit again.  What I was smelling in my unit was more like cigarette smoke or hookah, but there's a strong smell of what smells like spice in the public hallways, so likely one smell to cover up the other...

UPDATE:  When I attempted to go to bed about 11:35 PM, the pollution from E26 was strong enough to be noticeable in my bedroom, which is usually the one room in my unit that is resistant to it.  The pollution may not keep me from working on the house tomorrow since I won't be going to the house, but it might prevent me from getting done why I'm staying back from the house to get done & prevent me from going to the house additional days to work on it if I can't get that stuff done that I'm taking days off to get done.

March 9, 2016


Indoor pollution started again somewhere around 1:40 AM in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  The pollution was strong enough even with my home office window wide open that I couldn't stop coughing, nearly start vomiting & starting having back-to-back seizures (at least 2 in a row, the exact amount I couldn't be certain).  I ended up having to put my respirator on again after I could get enough of the pollution out of my lungs so I wasn't coughing into the respirator while I was wearing it.  After that, I put the statement as to why I was moving in my window again (or rather, the URL to the online statement).  I considered throwing up a link to that bastard's background check as well, but decided to see if this new log (started because of his pollution, which really has been the case for over a year now) would get him to stop (he's been this stubborn with it for this long, I doubt it would) first.

The organization that I contacted regarding that one thing on his record contacted me back, thanked me for the tip & said they were going to send it to local law enforcement.  Of course the Murray Police don't seem to give a damn about my reports, so I doubt they'll do anything about it unless that organization removed the contact information (I tried to report this to the police last week, didn't even finish the call because my phone cut out, then the officer never called me back).

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Seizures
  • Sore Throat
UPDATE:  Indoor pollution started getting strong again around 8:30 PM, ended up starting the stream of health problems caused by it again.  There has been one background check link published for pretty well the entire day starting around 1:40 AM when the bugger causing the problem got me suffering from chain-seizures due to heavy coughing on that pollution; the first two links to get posted are fairly hidden, but the 3rd one when posted is pretty obvious.

Video Pollution Logs

March 8, 2016


Indoor smoking/drugs continues again today in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  This is more of a continuation from yesterday since it continued over the midnight hour.  It appears that E26 may have finally gotten the picture after I made the final update to the log for yesterday & stopped the pollution (or at least subsided it enough to not be a problem), not that I expect that's going to last.  We'll see if it stays stopped until after I've had my last meal before going to sleep, I'll remove it before going to bed if so, but it won't stay down if the pollution gets bad again & keeps me awake, meaning I also won't be able to help on the house, meaning longer to move out & the possibility that I don't move at all.  This run of the indoor pollution problem has been happening every day since 12/6/2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Headaches
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  Before I could even post this new log, the pollution started picking back up again.  It's still low enough that it's not a huge issue, but it's still causing some health problems (probably due to how long it's been happening without rest).  We'll see where it's at when I finish eating, then we'll see if it's worth taking down the links or not, because I'm willing to bet it's going to continue regardless of whether the links are taken down or not.

UPDATE:  Ended up getting back from working on the house about 8:20 PM, was no surprise that I could smell the pollution when I walked in the front door of the building & while I could smell it in my unit also, it was at least lower than it was in the public hallways (which means he might be taking it outside, but it tracking it back in on his clothes...although I think that's highly unlikely).  Seems the smell quickly subsided shortly after I got home, however it still started & stopped several times as I was writing this update.

After talking to my father about how long he thought it would take until the house would be ready to move out, he thinks well be done within a month from now (he said "before", but I'm not going to get my hopes too high here).  Provided everything goes well, I should be out at least by the beginning of April.  However I still need to give Comcast at least 2 or 3 weeks notice, otherwise I'll be without phone & internet until they have the time to do it, so I won't be able to move until I know Comcast is going to be there to install my line the next day; whether this holds me back from moving is going to be dependant on whether my father gives me enough notice to call them & get the move of service scheduled in time.

Of course regardless of whether I move or not, whether I stay moved or end up moving back to the condos is going to be dependant on whether my father can sell the unit or not & I think the biggest obstacle in that will be the pollution coming from E26.  I definitely don't want to move back to this hostile health hazard & I expect the majority of the people who have known me (or rather, think they know me; with the exception of a few people who really did get to know me & were actually friendly while I lived here) don't want me to move back either, nor do I expect Charles or the HOA want me to move back, so hopefully the owner of E26 will cut it out so the unit can be sold.

UPDATE:  It's no surprise that directly after I made the last update, the pollution became easily noticeable, which as far as I'm concerned is childish retaliation given it wasn't really a problem beforehand.  I made the update based on what I noticed when I got back, not what was currently happened, so the delayed update caused a full-force tantrum from the fucker next door.  Well given there's less than a month until I move out (possibly longer if he keeps making me too ill to go work on the house), I think his chance of proving he can knock it off long enough so I didn't have a reason not to repost everything that was previously hidden about problems dating back to February of 2015 are now gone; they will be republished directly after the unit is sold.  As my father stated, if the unit can't be sold, he'll be moving me back here & selling the house instead, then people can blame the owner of E26 for me moving back since it will be him & his pollution that caused it.  And should that happen, I guarantee I'm going to make his life a living hell, because I have had this problem for over 2 years already & once I'm out, I don't want to be dealing with this human scum ever again!

UPDATE:  Indoor temperature reached a peek low of 64° F today due to leaving my windows open to try & get some clean air in my unit.  Due to not being able to use my central air because of the pollution from E26, I don't have a proper means to heat up my unit either (I have a space heater my father lent me over 2 years ago when this problems started, but it causes it's own indoor pollution, so I tend to not use it very often).  This constant indoor pollution problem is also the reason why I had my gas shut off in September of 2015.

March 7, 2016


Indoor smoking/drug use continues to be a problem again today in Building E of the South 67 Condos, again verified to be coming from E26.  It wasn't too bad in my unit until around 11 AM, where the accumulation of that pollution had me opening my windows again in an attempt to get some clean air.  This run of the pollution problem has been happening every day since 12/6/2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Loss of Voice/Hoarse Voice
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Seizures (minor)
  • Shivering
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  Indoor pollution has been continuing to increase, so it’s shouldn’t be surprising that I’ve started taking steps against it again.  I took the URL to the statement out of my window this morning, but have since put it back up after a number of steps taken before that happened.  I was intending on going to work on the house a little later today, but had to get a few things done before I could go; unfortunately it looks like my father had to get some things done & seems he isn’t going either.  So my staying back from working on the house at this point wasn’t my doing or the bugger next door's fault, it was my father’s doing because he had something to take care of that prevented him from working on the house (wish I knew this earlier so I could have started working on some other things in the house earlier).  Despite having my windows open, the pollution continues to build & at this point I now have the respirator on as well.  I’m intending on turning the stream back on since it’s only getting worse, not better, so that will probably be up within 10 minutes.

UPDATE:  Indoor pollution continued pretty well all day today, not really dying down until I stated that I was adding a link to his background report that was going to be obvious (as opposed to the other 2 that were pretty well hidden) around midnight.  At that point the pollution did die down for a little bit, but increased again before even a half hour had passed, so I guess I don't have any reason in removing them yet & will likely be up all night.  Given the level of pollution, it's probably going to keep me from getting to sleep due to being unable to stop coughing on the crap, so it's very likely I'll have to tell my father I won't be going to work on the house again tomorrow, which means longer to move out & another mark against me moving out at all; something tells me this bastard really doesn't want me to move & he just wants to continue causing me problems, so he'd rather I stay so he can keep making my life (or what's left of it) hell (he'll probably have a different opinion about that after it kills me).  At this point I have my respirator on due to high pollution levels from E26 so I can finish these logs, then attempt to get to sleep (hopefully enough to be able to work on the house tomorrow so I can move out sooner).

Indoor temperature reached a peek low of 63° F today due to leaving the windows open nearly all day in an attempt to get some clean air in my unit, until I couldn't tolerate the cold anymore & shut the windows; unfortunately it wasn't enough to filter out the level of filth that E26 was causing, so I was left coughing on the pollution for most of the day & the archived stream (started around 2 PM) will show that.

Video Pollution Log

March 6, 2016


Yet another continuation of the pollution from yesterday, indoor smoking/drug use continues from E26 in Building E of the South 67 Condos.  I think it's very likely that his pollution will keep me up tonight (even with my windows being open for 3 days straight) not being able to get enough (or possibly any) rest to work on the house today, so let's cut this short, place our bets & see if his actions slow down my ability to move out even further or possibly prevent me from moving at all.  This run of the pollution problem has been happening every day sine 12/6/2015.

Health problems from indoor pollution today:
  • Blurry Vision
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Heat Flashes
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Nausea
  • Ringing Ears
  • Sore Throat
  • Trouble Breathing
UPDATE:  As expected from the level of pollution when I went to bed, it looks like another day I won't be going to work on the house since I couldn't stop coughing on it for most of the night (or possibly all night; I haven't gotten any sleep yet, but the night isn't over yet).  I'll be telling my father tomorrow that I won't be helping him because the pollution kept me up hacking on it all night & he's already going to know who I'm talking about; sooner or later he's either going to call Charles to complain about it, hit the culprit with a Cease & Desist order or on the flip side, decide I won't be moving because I didn't help enough with getting the house fixed up.

UPDATE:  As I stated earlier, I ended up letting my father know I wouldn't be helping him with the house today due to the pollution keeping me awake most of the night.  I also let him know that it appeared I needed to wash my bedding again today, seeing as I woke up smelling like that crap again (this isn't uncommon).  There was another detail, but it's a personal matter with the house, so I don't really need to go over that in this log.  I started hearing some slamming shortly after I got out of the shower (had to take another one because of the smell, I took one last night around 8 PM when I got back from the house) after I texted my father, so I'm wondering if my father called him with the phone number I gave him a few weeks ago (either that or he's able to see me writing this update for the logging).

As I stated before, I'm going to have to wash my bedding today & I don't really have enough time to use the Sanitary setting today, so I'll have to use a shorter setting on my washer so I can finish it before the end of the day.  Given I only got a few hours of sleep last night due to being unable to stop coughing on the pollution, I'll have to get some sleep on the couch between load changes (this is pretty normal given washing the bedding normally takes around 18 hours, however I'm using a shorter setting this time so I can finish before night time, so shouldn't take as long this time).  I've also sprayed down my mattress with some Febreze hoping it would help with the smell if it managed to get into my mattress.

My windows are still wide open, this makes the 4th day straight.  This is probably the only thing that is making the daily pollution somewhat tolerable.  Occasionally I'll use the respirator when I have to, but I try to avoid doing that whenever possible since I can't eat, drink, sleep or use communication devices while I'm using it.

One thing that worries me about the possibility of him being able to see what I'm doing on my main computer is that he likely has my credit card number if he does, which is one reason I'm trying to monitor my account activity in case my card does get used illegally.  I know recently both my Gamespot & Wells Fargo accounts got compromised; never did get back my Gamespot account (didn't bother to make a new one either), but the Wells Fargo account got automatically locked when it noticed the IP change & I had to change the username & password to regain access.  If he has been able to see what I'm doing on my computer, then you can only imagine what information he might have access to as far as logins, passwords & personal information goes, which is one reason why I started locking my computer over night...

One thing I noticed in his criminal history "DAMAGE / INTERRUPT COMMUNICATION DEVICE".  I'm not entirely sure what this means, but I would expect this might explain the wireless interference I've been getting with my wireless devices (like somebody could be using a signal jammer).  This is hardly the worst of my worries about this scumbag, but one problem with it is such methods doesn't only effect me, it's going to effect everybody in the building (and possibly beyond, within range of whatever he's using).

UPDATE:  Currently there is a strong smell in my bedroom & that smell has been verified to be coming from E26.  One thing I forgot about was that this is a Sunday, so it's not uncommon for the pollution to get EXTREMELY bad over the weekends...particularly on Sundays.  That same pollution is what kept me from going to work on the house today that we're attempting to fix up so I can move & I expect will be a repeat again tonight.  With at least 7 arrests on "under the influence"-related charges between 2000 & 2004 (4 in 2000 & 3 in 2004; this is only what I can see online), the proof makes it pretty obvious that it may be drugs being done in his unit & as long as it's been happening & as many complaints have been filed on it, it's obvious he don't give a shit what anybody thinks.

The URL to the statement is still in my window & has been since probably around 9 PM yesterday.  Considering the pollution hasn't stopped since yesterday & his pollution kept me from working on the house today (due to not being able to stop coughing on it long enough to fall asleep last night), I haven't had a reason to take it down yet.

I realized this morning that considering I attempted to contact the police about that one arrest he had (nothing to do with drugs), that Charles would likely already know about what I attempted to report to them (seeing as management for locations where situations are reported are always notified when the police are called) & the fact that I've done a background check on him.  All Charles would know about this matter would be the one arrest I attempted to report to the police however (seeing as he's not listed in that list & probably should be if he's still within the statute of limitation; I gained an understanding of how statute of limitation works for this list from a roommate years ago that was convicted for a similar reason, although I don't entirely know the full details on that arrest), not the rest of the information from that report.  Of course I could probably prove my case if I were to show that report to him, not that I expect he would do anything about it considering he's already cut me off on this matter.  Sooner or later Charles is going to attempt to contact me, perhaps I should remove the blocks on his phone numbers again (reinstated after it became obvious he wasn't going to respond to my text about the fact that this bastard next door is going to prevent me from moving if he doesn't knock off that habit of his indoors) so I can point out what was on the report when he calls me to bitch about what's in my window; maybe he'll get a court-ordered inspection of the unit afterwards once he has enough proof to point out that that's likely the case.  I still have that complaint I haven't sent to his company complaint department yet, so I can always send that if he won't listen to reason when I present him with the facts of the background report.

UPDATE:  The pollution has been happening pretty well all day, which isn't surprising for a Sunday, because that's usually the case.  I ended up having to close my windows when the temperature in my unit dropped to 65° F due to getting so cold outside after the storm.  The pollution from E26 quickly built to a very high level in a matter of minutes.  It looks like I may need to open the windows again despite the blistering cold outside...or trying to find a way to get him to stop it.  The last option is pretty much to wait until I need to call the paramedics, which at this level of increase I'm sure will happen before the end of the night (if not before the end of the hour).

So this is what it comes down to at this point:  When the pollution is high enough to be a problem, I'll be throwing links in various places on the web to the background report on the owner of E26.  When the pollution stops for a given time, I'll remove the links (not the report, nobody can find it without the links anyways & they aren't exactly obvious where I put them).  One link has been up for probably around 24 hours already, with a new one recently added to the web.  Currently the pollution is high enough that I've had to put my respirator back on & I expect another day that I won't be going to help on the house because this dumbfuck finds doing his drugs indoors is more important than me moving (and that could be permanent if the fucker don't pull his head out of his ass & take his shit outside; for somebody who wants me gone so bad, he sure is doing the opposite of what it's going to take to get me out sooner...or at all).  Should this continue another night, I intend on disclosing the one detail in his record on these blogs that is going to get EVERYBODY here on edge (if they know about it, I only know about it because I paid the fee to do the background check, but this report seems to be incomplete, so I'm considering doing another one through another service to see if I get more details).