Another continuation of the pollution from
E26 from the previous day in Building E of the South 67 Condos. Currently the pollution is VERY strong in the public hallway, but the level of toxicity is much lower in my unit, so that might just be getting tracked back in on his clothes. It was a continuation from the previous day based on the fact that it continued over the midnight hour. The pollution does appear to be building in my unit since I received a call from my father & got up however, so while I was intending on going to work on the house after I got my package today, the indoor pollution may make me too ill to go. Currently the pollution can not be detected at his front door, despite the fact that it continues to be building in my unit, so it's more than likely what I'm smelling is just getting tracked back in on his clothes. This run of the indoor pollution problem has been happening every day since 12/6/2015.
I looked up what DAMAGE / INTERRUPT COMMUNICATION DEVICE meant early this morning & I'll admit, it wasn't what I thought it was. I still think that using a signal jammer would fall under that category however. What I do know is if I ever get proof that he has been hijacking my wireless signals or jamming my signals, I'll quickly being filing charges against him for doing so.
Health problems from indoor pollution today:
- Blurry Vision
- Chest Pains
- Coughing
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Irritated Eyes
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Ringing Ears
- Seizures
- Sore Throat
- Trouble Breathing
UPDATE: Indoor temperature reached a peak low of 60° F today due to leaving my windows open after the store in hopes that when I got back from working on the house, the pollution wouldn't be bad in my unit. The pollution was pretty much non-existent in my unit when I got back, but that didn't last for very long... I started smelling cigarette smoke shortly after getting back, after the owner of E26 walked past me in the hallway (luckily, he didn't cause any further problems, not that I'm saying the indoor pollution isn't a bad enough problem). When I attempted to verify the source of the smell of cigarettes, the only source of pollution I could verified was the same pollution that usually comes from E26 (not cigarettes), although more coming from E28 (probably the owner of E26 doing that crap in his bedroom & effecting E28; the plus side is unless it gets EXTREMELY strong in his own unit, it doesn't effect my unit too much). The URL to the online statement was put up shortly after the problem started & after a few times of that pollution starting & stopping, all 3 links regarding the background report were published again.

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