Screenshot of BBB review
NOTE: Paragraph formatting was removed from the review when submitted, however the original review can be found here.
Back to the matter at hand, it seems my father had no intentions in telling me anything about this contact & for the most part still hasn't told me anything about it (so I can't really say what was said in that contact), but approximately 18 hours after my father stated something about "not wanting to hear about my site ever again" (something that slipped out during a discussion on rent for another property), I started looking into it & found that the PMS BBB page did in fact have the review I submitted to the BBB.
While I can't say what exactly was discussed during the contact, I expect they were stating that they were going to sue him as a result of the review. Why go after my father rather than myself? Well my father was the owner of the unit & they used the blood relationship to their advantage by going after my father rather than an individual that doesn't even make enough in disability benefits to pay their own living expenses (rent, utilities, food, phone/internet, clothes, etc). My father on the other hand has the money, so they chose to go after the person they could gain an advantage on, even though he is not the person they could legally go after & was not the person they were retaliating against, but they were going to use the blood relationship to their advantage regardless. In the beginning (before moving out) it was threats of a lawsuit, threats to have a lien placed on the condos or flat out taking the condo from him if the information online was not removed & I didn't cease attempting to publish the truth about the condos so others were aware of just how corrupt the HOA was. They had no legal standing to go after my father after he had sold the unit, however (while unproven & will be unless my father gives me information on the contact made regarding the BBB review submitted on 12/19/2017) they chose to go after my father regardless & didn't even bother to contact me about it (which is unsurprising, as all retaliation thus far has been put into that review on the BBB & appended to the original review on my personal site, with follow-up reviews being published later on, later deciding if they were going to continue cyber attacks against my site to have those reviews de-indexed by search engines, I had to get the review published to a site where it would actually be seen). This was probably smart on their side, as they knew I would publish it (this was specifically stated in one of the follow-up reviews published mid-December), but either way I got wind of it & I'm still going to publish what new information I have on it, possibly with even more follow-up reviews in the future. Should I found they are suing my father as a result of the review being published to the PMS BBB page (where they no longer have legal right to do so), I am expecting to write a secondary review to their BBB page (not that I expect the BBB will allow a secondary review, however it is stated in that review that it was expected there would be legal action should they find the review & it appears the BBB contacts the company when a review is published to their page, so I'm certain they were notified by the BBB about the review & they may allow a secondary review to be published on those grounds) regarding the lawsuit against an uninvolved individual (at least uninvolved at this point) they are using as leverage for retaliation to negative factual publicity.
One other thing to point out is it seems the PMS Facebook page appears to have been shut down (I would expect directly after the publication of the BBB review, despite still being listed at the bottom of the PMS website), however there is the possibility that my account could have just been blocked from accessing it (however this would be a fairly extensive block, as I created a secondary account in an attempt to test whether the page was still there, where I got the same results even with the test account. Another step to avoid negative publicity, although what is interesting about this is they haven't attempted to claim the South 67 Condos Facebook page yet, because nobody in the condos would have originally known about the reviews if not for being originally mentioned there & the management getting notified about the reviews when those that found them decided to inform the management about them (while only a few people agreed with my fight for clean air, most of the condo did not & were hostile against it, which makes it unsurprising they were choosing to snitch on the facts of those condos being published publicly).
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