
Please sign the petition to help non-smokers find a resolution to this problem

September 3, 2016


I found out today that they are apparently still charging my father (landlord of the unit while I was living there) condo fees, despite no longer being an owner of any unit in those condos anymore.  It seems he told them he needed to cancel them after the sale of the unit was completed, however being as my father was a CPA for most of his career, he pays close attention to what goes in & out of his bank account & had to call them to try & get it corrected.  Eventually they agreed to send him a check for the amount that was taken out of his account that shouldn't have been.

I only know what was stated above because my father comes to use the internet at my home (again, he's the landlord of this one also), where he also made the call from my number (forgetting to bring his cell today).  Aside from that, there was also a problem with something his bank did; he got the bank charge reversed for their error, however he spent another hour going over numbers with my mother over the phone getting numbers corrected in their logs to compensate for the banks error, as well as doing some transfers to get numbers back where they should be.  He was here for over 4 hours today, using the internet & making various calls for bank/bill related situations.

As for the condo fees that were still being taken out from my fathers account, I suppose it's acceptable that it might have been an error, they just hadn't been canceled yet & I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, however I'm still skeptical based on legal threats from Charles Blackwood (employee of Property Management Systems, hired by the HOA to be Property Manager) I got pretty regularly for my online reviews/comments about the condos whenever he found out about them.  When I was considering filing a Better Business Bureau complaint against the condos, I found that you couldn't even find the condos on the site & even though I requested a listing for them from a BBB representative, they stated I need to file the complaint against the management (which was the only reason I didn't file it, I was trying to keep Charles out of it as he was attempting to help with the pollution for some time, but eventually he gave up & showed the same discrimination as the HOA did towards renters); when I looked up the BBB page for PMS (probably over a year back), they had a wide range of complaints about billing, fines & other similar payment issues against them, which is what makes me skeptical that the fact they're still taking money out of my father's account as an error.  I'm half-expecting they may still be taking fees out because it's likely they already know I have my reviews & logs back up regarding the activity at the condos (and it's management), knowing they can't sue my father (not being an owner at those condos anymore) & knowing they won't get anything from somebody who can't even pay their bills (myself); they're probably still trying to take money out of his account, thinking he won't notice (which is highly unlikely when you consider he's been working with money most of his career).  If they do get the error corrected by next month, I'll determine it was an error & hopefully won't have to write any more logs regarding this issue.  However my father has ties with the IRS & I'm certain can get them audited fairly easily; I told him today that he could have had the charge reversed (which usually includes a fee against the company that took the charge, however I'm not sure how this would work when taken directly out of their account rather than through a credit card) if he had to take that route, but I think an audit would hurt the condos & it's management much worse, so I'll let my father do what's needed to take care of these fraudulent fees (only fraudulent if not in error, however we'll find out which is the case by next month).